Unofficial frequently asked questions

do you need to take any action with the long range seduction module?

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Will the same module act differently depending on which custom its in?

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Are the 49th and 50th law in PCC?

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Will set and forget ever return?

Is limitless executive just a combination of blu and executive?

Rebirth ultima vs regeneration

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Why do some people mistakenly believe pre Q is better?

Is inner circle in PCC?

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Do different people react to subs differently?

How many cores can you have in an ultima?

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Will DR help with porn issues?


Is DRU just DR st4 turned into an ultima?

Good stacks for a marriage

Why saint doesnt recommend emperor

Is it wrong to spend more money while on wealth subs?

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How to overcome stonewalling?


Does PMO affect libertine?


Will BLU boost other programs?

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Slow and steady is better for healing subs


Why is sex mastery 72 pages when sex and seduction contains sex mastery and is 65?

How does the growth through pain module work?

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