Long-range seduction module

A question about long-range seduction module. Do you have to take some action for it to work, like thinking in a special way or maybe do something. Or does it just happen?


Technically, you shouldn’t have to do anything – in fact, doing so could disrupt the way it works. That being said, using positive image streaming could help. By that, I mean spending a few minutes to envision the outcome you want, then not thinking about it for the rest of the day.


Does the person have to know you even exist, like let say you saw them once, or you only talk to them once?
Any recommendations on 5 module to strengthen long range seductions power?

I’m putting this module in my sex ultima when I make it. I think shapera magneta (I think it’s called that) temptation, aura of craving, should help. Maybe merger of worlds if you’re envisioning her.

thank i have some ideas on some customs for relationship, but its on a back burner for now, hope you enjoy your custom

@NinjaFox I’m on the same page as you. Relationship-based custom is not happening until the end of the pandemic. Current goal: heal as much as possible.

Yeap that good the healjng will only make the eventual running of the custom much better, little to no blockages you going to be a force to reckon with

@NinjaFox exactly. And because of this healing phase my custom is not going to have as many healing modules in it as I thought it would have. In fact, it’s possible it could have only 1 or 2 that’s very relevant and then I’d stack it with DR Ultima (probably name-embedded AND Ultima+ by then)

Was going to say this but yeah

Also for me am have a bit of a time choosing some good module for 2 good ultima thinking ill build the around true social and libertine let see
I’ll be doing only relationship customs in 2022 so am just chill on the choosing of modules for now but i got like 90% of it done

Likewise. I already know my main cores but the supporting modules are likely to change, especially with tech developments, healing phase and module packs.

Yeap cant wait to see what all the module park in 2021 will have in them, wont be making a new custom until the end of that year fully focused on relationship so whatever module that can help woth that is welcome.

Did you post aboug you module for you custom anyway?

@NinjaFox it is linked in my previous post.

Yeah am late on this, wait what about for your next custom build?

Yes, this is what I am referring to when I wrote “Likewise” above. Here it is again:

Thanks for your reply @SaintSovereign, then I will think a little bit about my desired outcome and then just wait for it to happen. :slightly_smiling_face:

When are you intending to get this Custom?

Just got it.

Hey @Lek, this question was pointed at @SubliminalUser about

Nonetheless, what have you purchased, mind sharing your Custom with us? @Lek