Find People And Handle People

When I read this title, I thought you were actually wanting to “Find People And FIX People”. Then I saw that you did not mention "Unveiling the wrong people in my life " and “Ensuring that I’m able to fix them.”

Any title suggestions, now that you have seen what the “handle” set of modules are actually about? I should try to make the title clearer for outside readers.

I would have thought Inner Circle would be good enough, unless you want to add Transcendental Connection too.

Definitely going to have both these modules in. I want to make the “finding” part of this custom very powerful.

@SubliminalUser I mean healing. Limiting people remover, I don’t consider healing. It is great to have though. Attachment destroyer, I don’t see it as healing per se. I see it as destroying, lol.

  • Thinking of switching out Yggdrasil for Dominion as way to tailor the manifestation ability more towards social factors (since Dominion includes an element of status). My first custom has Yggdrasil and I’m likely to still be using the sub by then.
  • Really wonder if Dynasty helps family members respect one’s life choices.
  • I am curious as to how Temptation is not an aura.
  • Nobody has really talked about Long Range Seduction. Hmm…
  • I see DEUS as an essential to all subs. Who doesn’t want the sub to become more powerful over time?
  • Omnidimensional almost seems essential, but if there was a really convincing argument for something else more socially effective…
Inner Circle Q Core
PCC Q Core
Khan Q ST4 Core
Attachment Destroyer
Limiting People Remover
Gratitude Embodiment
Love Without Attachment
Current Invoker
Transcendental Connection
Iron Frame
Sexual Manifestation
Long Range Seduction
Direct Influencing Aura

Bored so I am updating this list.

  • Dominion instead of Yggdrasil since it is a social manifestation booster.
  • Approachability Aura is removed. I’d like to not have too many aura modules.
  • Negativity Shifter is removed. I’m not so sure about it. Basically keeping my options open.

I have Negativity Shifter in 2 of my customs.
They work like a charm specially with Khan ST4,when.the questioning phase is kicking in.

@Leandros what exactly do you experience? Does it live up to its description?

Jup it does.
One of many examples is this : when I play sports and somebody is on my team I expect that they play cleverly, when I detect some unserios ambitions I get really angry and start blaming them for theyr stupidity , I never say it to the person direct but I feel it and exude this strait to the other person.
Last time I played billiards with a partner and he did not lisen to me 3 times (we lost 3 games because he did some stupid moves at the end and ignoring my advice and then blame me for the loss, despite the fact that on my turn I exile between 4-6 balls)
Instead of this negativ state I had, I realize that not everyone is clever and I can let go of that shitty state and replace it with ambition and understanding.
Pretty Powerfull

I always did that with people but now it’s replaced with something positive

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I find you right on all accounts with these, be wondering if ill see some with limiting people remover you solid, like to post up some ideas on modules that might help but later down if anything

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I’m not sure what you’re saying here…

Sorry feeling abit sleepy was saying:
That i didnt think i would see someone with limiting people remover module in there custom, you sub looks solid, if i have some ideas on you custom I’ll like to post them but if anything when later module parks come out

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@NinjaFox module pack 4 is here!

And with that, I’d like to present the current state of my custom plan. It factors in a few things regarding my personal development.

  • By the time I run this custom, I will have completed DR ST4 (meaning running it for at least 2 months) and have DRU available for general use.
  • Power levels will likely be at Q+/Ultima+. Some of the subs are definitely going to be redone with major tech improvements. (We already know about the hypothetical Khan V2 as well as an Inner Circle with the latest manifestation technology)
  • My general manifestation power continues to develop and get stronger. What this means is that I don’t need as many general manifestation modules to make things work.
  • I’m looking for more skills.

Therefore, here’s the current idea. I’ve grouped the modules by Core + Support. So the modules that follow each core that isn’t a core itself are modules that I think relate to that core the most.

Khan Q ST4 Core
Direct Influencing Aura
Dragon Tongue
Long Range Seduction
Furious Ascent
Inner Circle Q Core
Sexual Manifestation
Current Invoker
Transcendental Connection
PCC Q Core
Love Without Attachment
Iron Frame
Limiting People Remover

Following these are two “uncertain” picks:

  • Dominion
  • Temptation


  • Is Eagle Eye redundant if PCC is here?
  • Is Temptation built into Khan?
  • How is Lifeblood Fable different from Gloryseeker?

@Fire @RVConsultant


I would think they would complement each other.

@Fire or @SaintSovereign

@Fire or @SaintSovereign

Hey @SubliminalUser I certainly understand wanting to be efficient, wise, maybe even thrifty in producing a custom. I’ve certainly done so, I think. However, I also believe that if I see a module and want that result, I just grab it. I have Natural Winner AND Overdrive. I don’t know what the difference is, but I just figure I want all the winning I can pack in.

Regarding thrift, I’m going to max out the module count. No challenges there. The bigger question is what’s the best SET to max out the count with.

Pretty glad I have not built this custom at all, because DR has been keeping me busy for months. Not only that, I see now that my module list is going to look a bit different due to not only the module packs but also what I feel I need socially. Let this be a lesson to readers who may want to build a custom!


It’s going to be a while before I do this. Still, I have considered switching up my base three to be this:

  • Khan ST4
  • Heartsong

What do you guys think? (Esp. @Ice who is looking to do something similar). But I still want IC and PCC programming. So I wonder what is better for my long-term development:

  • Custom that has Khan ST4 + IC + PCC, stacking with WANTED and Heartsong mains.
  • Custom that has Khan ST4 + WANTED + Heartsong, stacking with IC and PCC mains.

I suppose it depends on your goals/priorities right now. If you’re more focused on seduction and finding the right partner(s), I’d use Khan/WANTED/Heartsong. That’s my focus and that’s why I’m going with that custom.

If you’re more focused on overall personal development or business / wealth development it seems Khan/IC/PCC will be better for you.

After a while on my Khan Wanted Heartsong custom I plan to stack some PCC main so I’ll definitely keep you posted how that goes.

In today’s entry, I’m going to enumerate my current module choice for the custom, which is still focused on Khan ST4 + IC + PCC.

As much as WANTED & Heartsong are intriguing, they are probably better served as part of a stack with my custom. I want to make sure my base is Khan, and also not create too dense of a custom since WANTED & Heartsong are both fairly intensive.

  1. Khan ST4 Core
  2. Direct Influencing Aura
  3. DEUS
  4. Dragon Tongue
  5. Long Range Seduction
  6. Dynasty
  7. Furious Ascent
  8. Inner Circle Core
  9. Sexual Manifestation
  10. Current Invoker
  11. Transcendental Connection
  12. Power Can Corrupt Core
  13. Love Without Attachment
  14. Iron Frame
  15. Limiting People Remover
  16. Gloryseeker
  17. The Spotlight
  18. SPS: Fat Burn
  19. Temptation
  20. Eagle Eye

Interesting modules that don’t make the list due to capacity. Wonder if it’s better to put these in.

  • Fearsome (get fearful respect + also instill fear in those who wish to manipulate me)
  • Charisma & Flirting Automatic Mentor/Improver (I wonder if this would be better to put in than Furious Ascent or something else in the list of 20).

I’ve thought about why each of the modules appear to me. In fact, in my private notes I typically write a few sentences about why a certain module looks good.