Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn Multistage + Ultima

I feel subs immediately, sometimes glimpses of what’s to come in full,
sometimes with recon, but the ‘state’ effect of the sub hits very quickly.

DR is actually subtler in many ways than other subs
but the changes in thinking and energy that unfold afterword, and especially my communication
are very obvious.

I probably have very good communication between my subcon and con mind.
Since my custom with pragyaa and merger of the worlds even more so.


Hmm. So perhaps it’s better to run it earlier in the day than near the end.

@Azriel, thank you for pointing this out, I missed your response initially. Which Stage of Dragon Reborn are you referring to here? I’m assuming Dragon Flame.

From what it seems Dragon Reborn also enhances any program you run alongside it, a significant trait for a subliminal if you ask me.

And yes, Pisceans live in-between the worlds, I believe this might be reason you pick-up on subliminal effects rather quickly. I can only imagine Khan Stage 4 in conjunction with Dragon Flame – the two of those are the most outstanding programs in regards to personal growth.


Yes it was Dragon Flame.

Yes it profoundly enhances the stacked subs.
I’d gone dull(er) on some of my longer term programs
and its like there seeping in effortlessly now, feel stronger, and the effects are stronger.

:slight_smile: you get me

not being effected/influenced by my environment will be HUGE for this piscean weak point as well

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Guys I just want to say

these programs have very different goals

EF is not outdated. EF has physical healing for issues and with a goal that is making you a superior athlete.

DR has healing that includes physical healing as I’ve mentioned, with the knowledge and understanding that a lot of physical issues are actually manifestations of something non-physical.

EF is not outdated by any means far as I can see. You just gotta pick the one that fits your goals. And if you just want to fix up some injury probably DR is like taking out a cockroach using a javelin missile :smiley:
Might be better to run EF and maybe regeneration for that.

But DR is extremely powerful and yes I’ve noticed it’s healing included physical stuff. Again, physical issues are usually manifestations of something in the other levels of our existence.


Yes, it can, especially if the underlying issue is emotional. Unfortunately, porn abuse hijacks your brains reward system and throws off your neurotransmitters. Subs can help with that, but will power and abstinence from watching porn is your best bet.


There are 3 modules that might help as well: Stop Porn and Masturbation, Eye of the Storm, and Stronger.

I’d also encourage you to consider DR, as per @SaintSovereign 's comments


Yes I believe this is a challenge. After the emotional aspect it seems that fighting biology is a pain.

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Yes, I just saw @Simon 's post. This is brilliant


My daily stack is:

1x Rebirth
3x EQ
3x PS
1x Sanguine
1x Regeneration + Elixir

What should I drop from this stack if I’m going to use DR for let’s say… 6 months? All your insights and opinions would be much appreciated.


I’d probably say anything that has healing in it isn’t necessary if you’re doing DR but I think they hit different parts, I’m not sure.


All these:

1x Rebirth
1x Sanguine
1x Regeneration + Elixir



Alright. Thank you brothers, I’m going in. Let’s do this!


All of it.
Try Dragon Reborn solo then after 2 weeks include whatever you want, if you think you can handle it.
Give your brain/consciousness/subconscious time to process DR then Include, if you don’t want to drop your stack


DR helps me take my inner child into my arms and embrace its pain and loneliness…

It’s breaking into me and creating a breach for the healing which awaits me in Stage2, I guess.


Are you guys aiming for 200 hours per stage of dragon reborn ?


I’m not sure. I can probably do that. I think I’m going to stick around ST1 for a while, maybe even run it side by side with ST1 Khan in January.

Is that number based on pre-Q subliminals? Or no?

It seems like it might be.

Nope just 1 month

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1 month also.

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