Emperor Q w/ stack or Stark Q w/ stack?

That’s the part that gave me pause about Stark. I didn’t wish be to be too people pleasing, I’m like this right now. I am constantly worried about being rude or hurting someone’s feelings and sometimes at the cost of my own wellbeing.

I want to be calm and centered, yet genuinely enjoy and focus in a conversation; not being in my head second guessing what I should say next or if I caused offense or was boring etc. Unnecessary mind chatter I am hoping Emperor Q would straighten out.

I find myself avoiding talking to people because maybe I’m concerned I’ll be judge harshly etc. Not sure exactly what’s going on, because it doesn’t make sense and yet the feelings are very real.

I like how you described Stark; I want a balance between the two. Friendly, good with conversations, attractive, smart, not too serious and yet fine being alone.

I figured choosing the right foundation and stack would help stir me in that direction.

Curious about your opinion but what do you think of Stark Q paired with Godlike Masculinity?


Yes I guess that could work. I’m still getting Stark, just not sure when I’d use it but it will be there.

I’m sure I’m not going to be in that level until next year but 10:1. That sounds like a lot. Have you tried something like that?

Right now, according to my plans for the ratio 10:1 would be for non essential subs, which I decided were inner circle, limitless and survival instinct, and the ultimas BLU Commander and executive. So per week I would run one of these only 6 times, out of three days of seven.

No, but I found that once a sub has fully “Executed” something big, the aftereffects can last for weeks, So I am moving to this lighter schedule, and rationing out non essential subs.

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@Apollo - I can relate. Am the same way. In this case, Emperor would be just the right choice for us.

I had tried Godlike Masculinity with Stark but not significantly long enough to give an opinion on that combination. But, I have used Godlike Masculinity extensively with various other titles and it does give you a masculine mindset. It’s one of my favorites.


We’ll get there brother, I’m sure of it. I’m just a little bit tense about the possible reconcilliation or challenges that Emperor might manifest, based on a few post I’ve read here, not sure if the challenges that are coming up with EQ was by design, ala no pain no gain, and trial under fire kind of training. I don’t know if this is what they mean’t when they say this particular module can be harsh.

I’m honestly hoping it’s not, because I’ve had enough challenges in my life without the rewards, and mostly the damage, which I am still trying to repair at my age right now.

I don’t really speak like this out in public, I’m usually aloof, keep my feelings in check and try to act stoic and with whatever pride I could muster, even though there’s so much turmoil inside; but I know have to be honest with how I feel here so that I could receive valuable insights and helpful opinions to get myself together.

I’m hoping for a more smooth sailing alpha, and masculinity, perhaps to help me get the proper foundation to tackle more intricate issues of my personality. The more I read about Emperor, the more I am daunted. What do you think?

I have half a mind to get Khan, just not sure if it’s me, or again Stark for that matter.


No offense but that is not the attitude to have when running subs, life is all about facing challenges and over coming them. No matter what sub you run there will be challenges but not every sub will manifest the same “challenges”. The big 3 alpha ones will manifest “challenges” in their own ways, and you will have to over come something at some point. But they will be rewarding all of them.

Think about it like this running a subliminal is basically reprograming your mind, your subconscious mind at that. No matter how old you are you have accumulated tons of negative beliefs and limits in there everyone has, and to reprogram it all those negative beliefs and limits have to be eliminated which will take time. That will manifest plenty of opportunities but not all of them are gonna be easy plenty will be tough and could be hard to over come.

If you don’t want tough challenges to face don’t run emperor, stark, or khan. They will challenge you and the goals and script in place will challenge your mind and have profound crazy changes in your life but it wont be smooth and easy all the time.

@SaintSovereign @DarkPhilosopher
Correct me if i am wrong or even just delete this


Honestly if i was you i would run regeneration or Total breakdown to help get rid of those beliefs. Total breakdown will be more effective short term but will be tough , it’s basically like brute forcing your subconscious to breakdown the negative beliefs and limits that you have. Run that with rebirth ultima and maybe sanguine to curb the reconciliation a bit or limit destroyer ultima to with the limit destroying for a month and see how it goes if need be to start add another month or 2 also.


Stark does not make you “people pleasing.” Sometimes, I wonder where you guys get these misconceptions, lol. You’re overthinking this. There’s a character in a popular series of movies who just happens to be named “Tony Stark.” That character is most DEFINITELY not a people pleaser. In his own words, he’s a “genius, billionaire, playboy.” That’s what StarkQ tries to achieve. Try it alone before stacking it with a bunch of other titles. It’s a very popular title for a reason.


The “Growth Through Pain” scripting is misunderstood. It doesn’t quite “manifest” random situations to test you. It makes you aware of when you’re running from a situation that you need to handle, urge you to resolve the issue, then helps you discover helpful lessons from these painful situations.


This…is straight facts, it’s hard to back down from a trying situation once emperor scripting starts digging deep


Emperor will have you realize that to seek comfort creates discomfort and to move into discomfort creates comfort. The stronger you are the easier things are and the more comfortable everything is. Emperor turns you into this kind of person. The only thing that could remotely be likened to smooth sailing alpha masculinity is the strength, solidity, and sense of self you will get on Emperor, but even without reconciliation, the challenges will be situations to step into that will feel enlivening not cause suffering but they will require you to ‘step up’ which Emperor will motivate you for anyway.

If your looking to grow your career/purpose/ business alone or grow your technical skills with diligence and discipline towards mastery, and have the capacity to still enjoy socializing and romance when you choose, get Emperor.

If your someone who already plans things, (which I’m guessing you do), is structured get Emperor first. Build on your strengths and foundation for faster results

if your looking to grow your career/purpose/business in concert with others, networking, public visibility online or in person, become renowned in specialized field, or looking to create, innovate new connections in your field, and wants a stronger focus on dating, actively putting energy and time into this, get Stark.

If your someone who already wings things let Stark take it to the next level use Stark. Build on your foundation first (IMO)

If your looking to enhance Alpha and sense of personal strength and discipline -Emperor. It has plenty of charisma, respect, sexuality, and charm.

If your looking to enhance your exposure/ visibility in any way- use Stark.


None taken, friend. I appreciate your insight. It’s not about not having any challenges, but my hesitation is picking a sub that challenges one to grow by manifesting challenges by design. I wanted clarification about the terms “harsh” “heavy” and why some subs are easier to drive; I did not know what those mean exactly. I hope I am making sense, my add is probably all over the place.

In any case, I still haven’t lost hope, I’m still alive and I’m still in the game. I know I need to crack the code, like many of you here has successfuly done, thanks to picking the right tool for the job.

I agree, I truly need to fix my inner game. I have Rebirth on my list, and I am curious about Regeneration. Hopefully Rebirth should do it, so I can focus on one major alpha sub.

Anyway I realize I made a long and rambling post and I felt the need to edit, my apologies for the confusion.


Love it. Thank you @Azriel, I know I am drawn to Emperor for a reason. I enjoy reading your posts, congratulations with your results, I sometimes find myself running out of likes to give!

I know my main problem right now is overthinking, overcomplicating, overworrying and under appreciating my own self.

So much could be accomplished if one can just really change his mind. Like really, deeply and most assuredly change his mind, his very core, that he deserves the good things in life, is competent, is lucky, is loved, is respected, admired, abundant and all the things that makes life worth living.


@Apollo - run Rebirth by itself for a month. That will be dig out all the worries you have regarding Emperor. Personally, running Elixir Ultima and RegenerationQ together has helped me achieve the same.

At this point you will feel that challenges are daunting. I can understand that. After running Rebirth though, am sure you will be more ready to tackle Emperor.

Trust me in this. Don’t be in a hurry to run Emperor if you need healing. At least run Rebirth for one month.


@Apollo - allow me to state a few more points to back my case on why you should run a healing sub before a main title (healing subs like Rebirth Ultima OR Elixir Ultima + RegenerationQ OR Khan ST1 Total Breakdown incase you purchase Khan).

-First is your point regarding challenges. Now this is a valid point and something I didn’t consider before in my own journey. I was planning to run Elixir Ultima + RegenerationQ (EU+RQ) for a month purely for physical healing benefits. What I found out was that this combination removed all the emotional crap from within me which made me more emotionally mature and hence able to face my current health situation AND any other challenges health related or otherwise.

-Secondly, one month of healing (for your case Rebirth Ultima) is little compared to the rest of your life. I can also understand your desire to get to success as quick as possible but since you stated your concern regarding challenges, this is a good time to contemplate on your ability to handle yourself (which Rebirth Ultima OR EU+RQ OR Khan ST1 helps with) before your ability to handle success and its challenges (which EmperorQ OR StarkQ OR Khan OR other main titles helps with).

-Third. At the same time, we don’t need to spend our whole life in just emotional healing else we will not get anywhere since emotional healing is a life long journey anyways.

-Finally, I would say, give yourself one month of healing to get your emotional bearing. I promise you that concentrating your subconscious mind on one thing at a time will reap quicker rewards. Do Rebirth (or EU+RQ) in the first month. And start True Social Ultima + EmperorQ from the second month onwards. Purchase only these titles which you are using immediately and save on your money. Not only will you save money, but your focus on these few titles will help you get to your goals sooner.


Thanks @Lion, I actually edited my post right before I saw a notification of your response. I felt I was rambling and not making too much sense and was slightly embarrassed.

Thank you also for trying to understand what I was saying, I appreciate it.

I will get the healing subs brother. I’ll make a journal here of my progress. I eagerly await to see your good results too. Perhaps this is a turning point. Fingers crossed.

Stay safe out there


@Apollo - all the best, my friend. Looking forward to your healing and success :+1:

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beautifully said, I believe we are responsible for our own experience, not necessarily what happens or even our results always, but certainly the quality of how we experience life. Many modalities and growth practices will support this and subs are a great tool for it. As @Hermit says there like spells for certain qualities and effects. I see it more like what colors, textures,and image we want in the painting of our inner and outer life. While we may have our inclinations and propensities, were always painting the canvas with our environment, conditioning, repeating thoughts patterns why not make something we actually want, and that’s why I find subs so powerful.

I agree with @Lion…if you have a lot of insistent self doubt, judgement, negativity, anxiety, stuff of that nature, it would be of value to run rebirth or another healing specific sub alongside or preemptively, a major title like Emperor/Stark. Those will help with healing as well but to target it first could be of benefit.


Your example is very inspiring and I think it makes perfect sense to heal yourself and get rid of inner crap first, then build strong foundations and finally run a sub which will lead you to a specified field of your life improvement.

I’ve got two question since you’re walking this path. Any indicators we need emotional healing? Any indicators on how long we should keep healing ourselves to achieve the level we’re ready for other subs?


Thank you, @Sub.Zero. My guess is that emotional healing does make it easier for us to be “more ourselves” and less controlled by our emotions. This helps us to focus on success better since the rational part of our mind is less hindered by negative feelings. We will still have emotions but they are more manageable. Like the way meditation help us be more stoic, emotional healing does the same.

But on the topic of how long we need emotional healing before we chase success, I don’t know a clear answer to this one. One reason is that, there will always be inner trauma to get rid of and one can spend a lifetime just concentrating on healing and not start on their goals at all. Well, that could work too since emotional mastery could by itself lead to success. But I think that we can give ourselves a month or two of Rebirth Ultima (or EU+RQ or Khan ST1) to get a large part of ourselves ready and then use a title like EmperorQ to get ahead.

Since most titles like EmperorQ also has some level of healing inbuilt in them (for example, EmperorQ does have Rebirth in it), we can focus on our success goals while such “smaller healing modules” continue to raise our emotional health.

Either that or we could also run our healing stack once in a while if we ever feel the need to do so (maybe run it one day a week OR stack it with EmperorQ say OR there is the possibility of making customs too with Emperor + Regeneration/Rebirth).

The possibilities are endless with SubClub. Hope this helps.