Qv2 experiences, comments, insights and questions

I also run two loops of each of my Qv2 titles and I find it effective:


So QV2 has definitely show to be stronger in effect and smoother to run while listening for me.

It is harder to stack so far with other QV2 and with Q . I am more consistently fatigued when using and/or stacking QV2 despite the format technically just being a different core and not a stronger build.

This could require adjustment, it could be the strength of DR QV2 stage 2 in particular. But I noticed something similar with RM and Emperor QV2 -fatigue sets on 6 or so hours after the loop.


Dragon Reborn:

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More about the mechanics of Qv2:

That’s exactly what I noticed too. At first, it was tough to get accustomed to the new technology and later on (around 10 days later) it became swift.


More about the mechanics of Qv2:


I only started with subs a few weeks ago, and I can tell you, despite not being as versed in understanding my subconscious as most of you are, I immediately noticed that I can only run 3-4 KhanQ loops A WEEK.

If I do more, I run right into recon.

Kind of crazy how powerful they are.
Then again, where’s the need to run subs every day?

If I can launch KhanQv2 on Monday and it serves me all week, where do I sign up?
That’s awesome.


If running it one time does it for you, so be it. More power to you. I wish I could run a sub one day a week and get the same results that I would get running it all week. I believe the future of programming, if not subs, than something else, might be a one time listen. I’m talking about really far off stuff. But perfectly possible.


Oh yeah I am fully aware that for some, one loop isn’t even close to enough.

But SC has constantly made the subs stronger, so I guess the loops definitely reduce for most people, going forward.

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I haven’t played Ascension or DIAMOND more than one loop once since Qv2, and I have been getting results just fine :slight_smile:




Dragon Reborn:


On the new technology - Qv2:


1 loop of DR ST3 Qv2 is definitely enough, I can say that.

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Please elaborate

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Hey, I was wondering if I go and upgrade only one of my customs to Qv2 will this custom then overshadow the other Q subs?

I’m running Stark and RM in Qv2 along with the Alchemist (2 loops each sub) and I can definitely see the Alchemist at work so the other subs don’t overshadow it at all.

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Dragon Reborn:

It happens to me on RM and Stark too. It seems to me that I overload myself since I feel fantastic on the second day of my days off and overload recon hit me only on my days on.

On Qv2:

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