A SubliminalUser is Reborn

Keep up posted man, and be cautious of the reconciliation!

Hmm. While I can process 2 loops without serious reconciliation so far, I inadvertently consume more and also appear to be somewhat less productive. So I’m going to move back to 1 loop, especially since there’s some stuff I need to get done.

Something amazing happened today—me and multiple friends all got vaccinated. This is unbelievably great. The end is near.

However, the rest of my day has just been alright. Practically nil in terms of productivity, yet I seem to be fine with myself right now. It’s just one of those days to relax and kick back. It’s one of those times where I’m glad that self-development and improvement can happen through subliminals. I ran two loops of DR ST3 Qv2 today so to me that feels like a big step in the right direction.

Even though there’s no big “Dragon Reborn results” to speak of for today, I know this stuff works and it does a lot of stuff under the hood which I’ll find out later. So I’m still putting one forth in front of the other in my journey, even if subconsciously so. That’s what I really like about subs. It’s automated development.

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Really well said, internal and character development is a thing, and these subs definitely hit it, even when the firework external results are not always apparent or there yet.

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Still going strong. Lazy day though

Sunday again. One way or another, this has come to serve as a day of reflection. It’s typically not an eventful day, and it appears today will follow that trend. So here I am.

It’s not too long before I turn another year old and I’ve been thinking a bit about the progress I’ve made so far. I’ve thought about that for a long time. Being worried that I’m too far behind, that I’m not going to catch up. That I’m already as old as I am yet I still am not where I want to be. “It’ll take too long.” I’ve spent basically an entire year of my life during the pandemic and in that time it’s been very self-centered. It’s good since I’ve been getting better at my career and in also developing some new practices. In fact, some of those practices did change up the game a lot. Discovering manifestation during my run of Man For Himself allowed me to awaken a greater power through which I am currently writing my life. Still, by the end of last year I felt I was far behind. Here I present some thoughts and feelings from that time.

  • Despite Khan being such a great sub on paper, I didn’t get much out of it, yet. (It’s too bad we went into lockdown a month after I started it)
    • Counter: It’s understandable for not much to come of it during lockdown, and when I still had much to clear out.
  • Despite SC’s subs being so powerful, I am not making or noticing big changes that quickly.
    • Some journal entries show otherwise; take account of the wins!
  • Despite the focus on social improvement for so long, I haven’t made satisfying progress.
    • Counter: I actually HAVE made quite a bit a progress, it’s that I’ve shifted goalposts since the beginning quite a bit.
  • Despite all the focus on inner work, I don’t think it amounted to that much in real life. It just sounds good that I THINK I think a certain way.

This last point was the kicker, because it’s possible that not much has changed under the hood despite intellectually knowing how to do better.

When I saw some videos about how everything arises from our identity (our thoughts and beliefs), I tried to tackle that directly. Try to see myself as a more socially successful being, for example. Or think that the past doesn’t determine the future and that the stuff that happened when I was younger doesn’t matter much now. Trying to make these kinds of changes using affirmations or by a naive use of the Law of Attraction didn’t really stick. At the same time, with me being a goal-oriented individual I worked hard towards some goals, like becoming fit, studying to get the right job, etc. The hard-working ethos that I have embodied for so many years HAS bore great fruits. After all, I did land my exact desired job and am paid fairly well. Mixing hard work with smart work has also been effective. For example, using a combination of intermittent and extended fasting to lose a LOT of weight quickly. So to be fair to myself, I’ve been quite successful in a number of ways so far.

That said, I yearn to succeed more in other regards. Perhaps it’s the mentality of becoming good at everything that has caused more consternation than necessary. I’d like to have an inner circle of people in my life, as well as a very strong support network. I’d like to be spiritually successful and accomplished. It’s in these things that I feel I’ve had a lot of blocks that have been hard to overcome. At the same time, I don’t feel the classic “working hard at it” approach works well in these regards. I was getting pretty tired of that by the time the pandemic started.

It’s when Dragon Reborn started (and with DR ST3 especially) did my sentiment about being able to change quickly picked up. The first two stages broke down so much and as I run Dragon Flight, I find myself becoming more and more confident in my ability to enact the changes I’d like in my life. With Dragon Flight, I’ve seen in myself more of a “YES I CAN and WILL” attitude about being able to accomplish certain things. Knowing about the existence of even more powerful tools from SC coming in the near future, I feel that I’m going to make progress at such an astonishing rate that I’ll just stop worrying about this stuff. I even get the feeling that “It’s going to happen this year.” I got the vaccine recently and that lifted me up.

  • DR ST1 (Done)
  • DR ST2 (Done)
  • DR ST3 (In-Progress; April - May)
  • DR ST4 (Planned; June - July)

You know, I don’t expect today to be a highly productive day. That’s fine. I know these kinds of ups and downs are a part of our living. I can work with that. Keeping in mind the larger narrative I carry as well as knowledge of the steps I’ve been taking and the wins I’ve been getting on the previous days, I know not to quickly fall into despair and despondency. Right now, I’m thinking that those loops of DR ST3 Qv2 must be processing in the background so I can expect to be changing even now. People say we are constantly changing beings, but in a sense of mindset/beliefs I doubted whether that’s the case. Using the current method that is Dragon Flight, however, I’m inclined to believe that I AM constantly changing. I’m not stagnating. I’m not standing still. I’m ascending.


Damn Dude, in your last couple of posts sound like a different person from the one who was writing a few weeks ago. I don’t know if you realize it, but something is changing really fast.
I think a lot of us are, as you say, moving the goalposts and not noticing how well were actually doing. Great to see that you are seeing it.


Another do-nothing day. It’s okay. I’ll fall fast, pick myself up and rebound better than ever.
Listening for today:

  • Executive (ineffective)
  • DR ST3 Qv2 x 2
  • Paragon

I considered doing a third loop of ST3 but decided against it since the risk of recon is high with minimal additional benefit. Shifting to one loop a day for rest of the week.

Dragon Flight, take me to heights that will amaze me and everyone around me.

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I was amazed by you weeks ago mate!


I feel that lots of internal changes have been happening. I want to write about them but something has stopped me from doing that today.

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What usually stops me is that I have no idea what is happening, and at times have no clue what just happened. Only that something did happen.


I feel like I am making a LOT of progress, like I don’t know how long it would have taken otherwise.

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The more I run this the more I am reassured that sticking with this solo until I finish ST4 is the right thing to do.

Objective: Become so good that I must be acknowledged and accepted.


Something I worried about a lot. I see other people’s journals here and notice the great success they’re having using such subs as Emperor and Khan. Admittedly, I can’t wait to use those subs and see amazing changes in my life happen. “Patience,” I tell myself. I’ve still got months left before I’ll be running any of those subs. The current timeline is that I’ll be done with two months of DR ST4 by the end of July. Seeing as how Qv2 is providing incredible progress, I may just add in DR UltimaV2 during July so I’m running DR U + DR ST4 together. Something tells me I’ll be ready for it by then.

For so long I have searched for a framework, for some practice that could get me to quickly improve and enable massive change. It’s why I tried out all these practices (e.g. meditation and EFT) throughout the years. I am now inclined to believe Dragon Reborn is it.

Looking back at this week, I am acutely aware of how much I have not worried about changing and getting better. This is despite the many lazy moments I’ve had in the past few days. I am resting in the knowing that it’s happening as I write this, it’s happening as I live out my days. Dragon Reborn’s got my back. I’ve got my own back. The efficacy of this program greatly overshadows anything else I could do—besides journaling and striving to live out my life the way I want to, of course.

I am ascending to the skies.


Keeping the momentum going today. With it being a weekday again, I’m back to my healing playlist: Dragon Flight Qv2 + Paragon Uv2. These are seriously powerful tools. Their names are getting long, too, so I’ll save myself from typing out Qv2 and Uv2 every time.

I’m very grateful to have this time to clean my mind of a lot of junk. In addition, I feel that I am becoming more impervious to the stuff people have to say. Sometimes I’ve heard my parents and other family members say stuff that imply something about the way I should live my life. Falling back on traditions and classic goals that people might have.

While there is some merit to their recommendations, I recognize that it is my life, and I’m going to be the one to deal with the results of the choices that I will take. Nobody’s actually forcing me to take a specific path. That’s what I must remember. Sure, when it comes from people like my parents it almost seems as if there is going to be some big conflict should I decide to go my own way. But that’s a fear with many facets to it. I’ve recognized that DR and particularly Dragon Flight has been eroding this fear and toughening me the hell up. I must be strong and steadfast, for otherwise my voice will be lost.

One can’t have a distinct voice without criticism. The path I’m taking is certainly a unique one. I’m just making sure I can follow it through and through.


You know, there are times when I stumble on habits. Whether that’s a habit like reading every day or simply avoiding things (e.g. excessive phone usage), it’s pretty tough for habits to be done every single day. Only a few things truly land 100% of the time, and typically they have to be fairly meaningful or significant. And that that point, they just become lifestyles. Intermittent fasting is one of those long-lasting lifestyles—later this year will mark three years since I started it!

Anyway, why do I say this stuff? Well I slipped on one of my desired habits today. I remember that in the past I’d be a bit more irritated by that, because I’d be worried about the streaks and whatnot. However, I’m not worried this time. My main concern, “am I still pushing the needle forward? Am I making progress?” is still a resounding yes because I’ve gotten much better at that habit. In addition, I know that with all these tools that I’m using (Dragon Flight being the big one) I’m almost automatically being carried upwards. I feel as if it’ll be hard for me to truly fail now. Yes I may make mistakes here and there, and I’m still going to have to learn some things. That’s different from falling and never getting back up.

I still have that drive within me to think about what I can do next to improve my situation. Recently that’s mostly been financially related. For example, as part of my reading habit I’m going to read an article about ERC-20 tokens after completing this entry. My action list has a lot of stuff involving moving around some financial assets and making more moves in the crypto space to make more money. These moves are aimed primarily at more passive income instead of trying to get rich quick. Still, it’s better than just having money sit in a “high yield” savings account that just doesn’t keep up with inflation.

I’m not too worried about social stuff right now since there isn’t much actionable in that regards at this time. And really, the MAIN action—breaking down that which could be in the way of social stuff—is already being handled. Still, I wrote down some great manifestational statements regarding social success (and more). Now, I don’t expect them to manifest instantly. Think of it like me planting the seeds to set up my world in advance!

Even better may be the meta-manifestations which I have written for myself. Now I usually don’t share them ahead of time on the forum because it is stated that doing so can interfere with getting the result, but I don’t think anyone’s going to go out of their way to interfere with the one I’ll share. In fact, readers of this journal may try to use this statement for themselves!

The rate at which I improve and evolve keeps increasing!

Check it out, manifesters!

@PurpleRT73 @King @RVConsultant


Well done.

To quote Émile Coué,

Every day , in every way, I’m getting better and better


That got my attention. Would you please elaborate?

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Getting Good Sleep. The bane of my existence. Yesterday—and over the last few days—I went to sleep later than I should. On top of that, it took me a long while to fall asleep…in fact, I missed the optimal window. What a drag. I’m getting a sleep drink delivered to temporarily help (again). But I’ve got to stop using these supplements eventually. They’re getting costly. Ideally, I’d rely on audios like PCU to help me fall asleep. That hasn’t worked so far. Still, there are some actions I can take for myself. Today I’m going to go back to the regular sleep time, and try to utilize and sleep-related audios that I have in my cache. It’s really not worth staying up later when that time is used to just screw around.

In short, meta-manifestations are manifestations that focus on manifestation or some aspect of it. For example, “I show up and manifest every day” is a meta-manifestation. These kinds of manifestations can be used to keep improving one’s own ability.


Thank you! That makes sense!

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