A SubliminalUser is Reborn

I feel like I am making a LOT of progress, like I don’t know how long it would have taken otherwise.

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The more I run this the more I am reassured that sticking with this solo until I finish ST4 is the right thing to do.

Objective: Become so good that I must be acknowledged and accepted.


Something I worried about a lot. I see other people’s journals here and notice the great success they’re having using such subs as Emperor and Khan. Admittedly, I can’t wait to use those subs and see amazing changes in my life happen. “Patience,” I tell myself. I’ve still got months left before I’ll be running any of those subs. The current timeline is that I’ll be done with two months of DR ST4 by the end of July. Seeing as how Qv2 is providing incredible progress, I may just add in DR UltimaV2 during July so I’m running DR U + DR ST4 together. Something tells me I’ll be ready for it by then.

For so long I have searched for a framework, for some practice that could get me to quickly improve and enable massive change. It’s why I tried out all these practices (e.g. meditation and EFT) throughout the years. I am now inclined to believe Dragon Reborn is it.

Looking back at this week, I am acutely aware of how much I have not worried about changing and getting better. This is despite the many lazy moments I’ve had in the past few days. I am resting in the knowing that it’s happening as I write this, it’s happening as I live out my days. Dragon Reborn’s got my back. I’ve got my own back. The efficacy of this program greatly overshadows anything else I could do—besides journaling and striving to live out my life the way I want to, of course.

I am ascending to the skies.


Keeping the momentum going today. With it being a weekday again, I’m back to my healing playlist: Dragon Flight Qv2 + Paragon Uv2. These are seriously powerful tools. Their names are getting long, too, so I’ll save myself from typing out Qv2 and Uv2 every time.

I’m very grateful to have this time to clean my mind of a lot of junk. In addition, I feel that I am becoming more impervious to the stuff people have to say. Sometimes I’ve heard my parents and other family members say stuff that imply something about the way I should live my life. Falling back on traditions and classic goals that people might have.

While there is some merit to their recommendations, I recognize that it is my life, and I’m going to be the one to deal with the results of the choices that I will take. Nobody’s actually forcing me to take a specific path. That’s what I must remember. Sure, when it comes from people like my parents it almost seems as if there is going to be some big conflict should I decide to go my own way. But that’s a fear with many facets to it. I’ve recognized that DR and particularly Dragon Flight has been eroding this fear and toughening me the hell up. I must be strong and steadfast, for otherwise my voice will be lost.

One can’t have a distinct voice without criticism. The path I’m taking is certainly a unique one. I’m just making sure I can follow it through and through.


You know, there are times when I stumble on habits. Whether that’s a habit like reading every day or simply avoiding things (e.g. excessive phone usage), it’s pretty tough for habits to be done every single day. Only a few things truly land 100% of the time, and typically they have to be fairly meaningful or significant. And that that point, they just become lifestyles. Intermittent fasting is one of those long-lasting lifestyles—later this year will mark three years since I started it!

Anyway, why do I say this stuff? Well I slipped on one of my desired habits today. I remember that in the past I’d be a bit more irritated by that, because I’d be worried about the streaks and whatnot. However, I’m not worried this time. My main concern, “am I still pushing the needle forward? Am I making progress?” is still a resounding yes because I’ve gotten much better at that habit. In addition, I know that with all these tools that I’m using (Dragon Flight being the big one) I’m almost automatically being carried upwards. I feel as if it’ll be hard for me to truly fail now. Yes I may make mistakes here and there, and I’m still going to have to learn some things. That’s different from falling and never getting back up.

I still have that drive within me to think about what I can do next to improve my situation. Recently that’s mostly been financially related. For example, as part of my reading habit I’m going to read an article about ERC-20 tokens after completing this entry. My action list has a lot of stuff involving moving around some financial assets and making more moves in the crypto space to make more money. These moves are aimed primarily at more passive income instead of trying to get rich quick. Still, it’s better than just having money sit in a “high yield” savings account that just doesn’t keep up with inflation.

I’m not too worried about social stuff right now since there isn’t much actionable in that regards at this time. And really, the MAIN action—breaking down that which could be in the way of social stuff—is already being handled. Still, I wrote down some great manifestational statements regarding social success (and more). Now, I don’t expect them to manifest instantly. Think of it like me planting the seeds to set up my world in advance!

Even better may be the meta-manifestations which I have written for myself. Now I usually don’t share them ahead of time on the forum because it is stated that doing so can interfere with getting the result, but I don’t think anyone’s going to go out of their way to interfere with the one I’ll share. In fact, readers of this journal may try to use this statement for themselves!

The rate at which I improve and evolve keeps increasing!

Check it out, manifesters!

@PurpleRT73 @King @RVConsultant


Well done.

To quote Émile Coué,

Every day , in every way, I’m getting better and better


That got my attention. Would you please elaborate?

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Getting Good Sleep. The bane of my existence. Yesterday—and over the last few days—I went to sleep later than I should. On top of that, it took me a long while to fall asleep…in fact, I missed the optimal window. What a drag. I’m getting a sleep drink delivered to temporarily help (again). But I’ve got to stop using these supplements eventually. They’re getting costly. Ideally, I’d rely on audios like PCU to help me fall asleep. That hasn’t worked so far. Still, there are some actions I can take for myself. Today I’m going to go back to the regular sleep time, and try to utilize and sleep-related audios that I have in my cache. It’s really not worth staying up later when that time is used to just screw around.

In short, meta-manifestations are manifestations that focus on manifestation or some aspect of it. For example, “I show up and manifest every day” is a meta-manifestation. These kinds of manifestations can be used to keep improving one’s own ability.


Thank you! That makes sense!

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Not one single day on DR ST3 when I’m dealing with bad emotional reconciliation like I did with ST2. This is amazing. I feel great.

Thank you, SC.

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What’s up everybody, here I am again with another update. I want to journal more often. Although I originally had private journaling in mind, journaling here isn’t much of a problem right now.

In fact, I want to say things are pretty good. My feeling of “probability of success in life” has hovered between 99-100% over the past few days. I say that because I’ve thought of that percentage pretty often recently.

Dragon Flight, as well as the satisfying action that I’ve been taking recently, has made me feel pretty good about the way things are going. I hit one of my financial action goals this week which was to start generating some interest on a stablecoin. I got it set up through a website that gives GREAT interest on that coin, if I do say so myself. For those who are interested, PM me for more details as well as for the referral link. Took some time to investigate but I’ve determined the most cost-efficient way to get money into that account (the crypto world is rife with all these fees that we usually don’t consider or have to deal with in the non-crypto world).

Work is also going well. Fairly productive, and I even got to manifest the solution to one problem that came up. Seriously. That problem came up yesterday and I put it off for a bit, but today in the morning I started thinking, “Man, I’m going to have to deal with this today if it hasn’t resolved itself already.” So I wrote in my journal that I’m glad that I solved it with minimal effort. Guess what? Today, a little bit of investigating to find the root cause and then a little bit of effort to actually solve the issue. Ended up being a monumental fix. I also got some feedback from my manager that I’m doing very well at work!

What’s interesting to note is that I don’t listen to audios for most of the day right now. I only do so in the evenings, and it’s been just DR ST3 + PCU, 1 loop each. It’s great stuff. Let’s keep it going.


Had a few interesting dreams that were processing some old stuff. In my last dream I became lucid because I noticed an interesting design that I had imagined before but not seen in real life, so I activated my ability to phase through objects and became lucid.

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It’s been a great week.


In my last dream, I was telling someone about how I became lucid in my earlier dream :joy:

Lmfaoo i love these kind of metadreams, ive had them so often on DR lately. Wonder if something in the script is causing those type of things.


My ascendancy is going to continue. Today marks the 25th day since I started ST3 and I feel that my state of mind and being have changed so quickly, even when compared to the rate at which I was changing on ST1 and ST2. Perhaps it’s recency bias speaking, but I feel that ST3 > ST2 > ST1 in terms of rate of change. Then again, each stage tackles different aspects of myself. On the flip side, ST3 is in Qv2 which is just so much better than the previous version. Every day my faith in myself and my ability to enact change on my reality just gets better and better. I’m also finding that the weight of my worries about a few things continuing to dissolve, more cleanly and effectively. Sure, sometimes I do worry about where I will be at some point in the future. Be that my career, where I will be living, am I going to be married, etc. But I realize thinking like that hasn’t been that helpful. What’s more helpful is thinking about what I can do in the near future. And let me tell you, the near future is looking bright. This year is already defined as a year of great change for me, thanks to DR. Strictly speaking of only SC tech, there’s a lot of great stuff that I’ve used this year and only more great things to come later.

  • Jan: Dragon Fire
  • Feb-Mar: Dragon Blood
  • Apr-May: Dragon Flight
  • June: Dragon Reborn
  • July: DR Q + DR Ultima
  • August-Rest of Year: The DR Q + DR U combo dominates until its time for the new customs. Social (Khan + IC + PCC) or Self (QL + EF + ME).

And guess what. We haven’t gotten all the power multipliers and increases just yet. Just imagine how fast things will change once I get these in my disposal, all at once:

  • Qv2/Uv2 Core (here now!)
  • Q+/U+
  • Name-embedded mains
  • Solace sound (during experiment I found it to have a good effect)

This is not even mentioning the ultimas I’ve been running on the side. Both PCU and RICH U have been great. Now imagine them with ALL the tech improvements I mentioned above. This year is THE year.

I also found recently that I am having more same day manifestations. Be it solving challenges at work or dealing with some money issues, I am becoming more certain of my ability to manage my own reality, rather than let reality manage me.

Even cooler is the increase in the action taking over the past week. I took a lot of financial action. This week I would like to continue taking more action, because there’s still plenty more for me to do. I can’t wait to see what else Dragon Flight brings to the table by the end of this month. Sometime in the middle of next month I’m going to up the ante to two loops a day


The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.

Here we are, with another week of subliminals. I get excited about running Dragon Flight each day, due to all the benefits and changes it’s bringing. This is despite having run it for only one loop a day for most of the month. That, and Paragon. I do think Paragon has had some effect on results since Paragon is technically healing the body, and there are 2nd/nth-order effects that come with that (better brain circuitry to process subliminals, better sleep which in turn affects subliminal processing, healing of reward system which can make myself more oriented towards action and enacting change, etc). I like that I have this comprehensive healing stack going.

I also like that I’ve been putting one foot in front of the other towards less habit-like stuff recently. For example, take the current home-improvement project that’s going on. I’ve spent most of my personal time after dinner just researching the big options I have and listing the pros and cons of each of them. More followups on that for the week. The objective for me is to finalize on which option to go with for my project. Some big financial things are coming up too, on the scale of a windfall. Planning the smart way to handle that money right now.

Dragon Flight, more than any other sub, has been consistently giving me a positive mood. It’s amazing how much more positive the tone of this month has been compared to the previous month… It’s so great, in fact, that I considered upping the loops to two. “But wait,” I wondered. Might it be too much load?

So I’m testing the waters load-wise right now by running a second loop of Paragon (in other words, today features 1x Dragon Flight + 2x Paragon), since I believe 1 loop of Ultima v2 is not as dense as 1 loop of Qv2. I get the nice benefit of even further physical healing and potentially better sleep this way, too. The idea is that in May I’d level up to doing 2 loops a day for Dragon Flight.


Pretty good day today. Fairly productive at work and in my personal time I made a bit more progress towards that home improvement project. Looks like the big decision I’ll make for it will be done by the end of the week. After that, things should be mostly automatic with respect to that project.

Yesterday’s load-testing of subs went just fine. I did feel just a bit of the load near the end of the second loop of Paragon, but it did not affect my sleep. In fact, I fell asleep in 17 minutes last night which I think is good given recent history prior to this week. Going to do load-testing again today.

I’m really liking the drive towards personal action that is persisting outside of work. I do relax and have food, but in the back of my mind, I’ve been thinking, “I’ve got to take action. I’ve got to take action and move forward.” Something compels me to do this.


I used to wonder whether I’ll get where I want to go, but now I know I’ll get there. I have the knowing.

Recently I’ve been enjoying my dreams. There are so great and positive. By others I am treated so well. My dreams themselves have been evolving in quality. Despite not putting in effort to do dream recall they are getting clearer on their own. I can at least recall fragments.

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Impacted by the lack of good sleep last night, today was quite a lazy day. It didn’t help that I was a bit ahead with my tasks at work, so I wasn’t motivated (nor was there a need to be) at work for most of the day. In fact, there was more of the energy of Friday here. Ate until I felt silly and watched a good movie (this part I don’t think ill of because that was a pretty good movie). All stemming from the energy and attitudes brought about from that sleep. Sleep is very important.

One takeaway from this is that I’m going to stop the 1 DR + 2 PCU experiment. My conclusion is that it does provide a bit more load than I may be able to handle (I did feel an overexposure symptom during the late morning) and affects my sleep. It affects my sleep by the simple fact that I need to stay up longer in order to finish those three loops. That cuts into the golden hours of sleep which I need right now. This also means that I won’t be doing 2 DR + 1 PCU until a bit later (sometimes into May). So starting today I’m back to 1 DR + 1 PCU.

The mind craves more than it can handle. I did the classic overestimation of how much food I can eat due to the sleep factor and some other things. Got to be conscious of that tomorrow. I also need to put my phone away once again, because I’ve been bringing it into my study once again and that has become a bit distracting.

Healing wise there’s little new to report; I’m sure the impaired sleep today is disrupting some processing.

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