A SubliminalUser is Reborn

A Week In Review

I liked writing this post last week. Since I have some free time right now, I’m going to do this again.

Fun note: These next few days mark my final days of running DR ST2, aka Dragon Blood. March 31 is the last day.

The Uptrend

With the help of the new Ultima V2s, I was VERY productive in the first half of the week. With Executive/Commander/BLU run (each on successive days), I was so productive and got stuff done. Executive quickly kicked me into action in the beginning of the week, Commander helped me power through meetings and be productive—and be more of a leader—while BLU got me thinking about the best way to solve some of the more technical challenges at work.

Workout-wise, I did even more sessions this time, going from 2 to 3 (a 50% increase in # workouts). I’m almost at the frequency I desire to be at! I hit all my days for reading and continue to do manifestation activities.

Now here’s the big kicker: mood. I feel like this jumped up significantly this week. My outlook on things is much better right now. I feel that YES, I am going to be able to change things around. I believe in more and more of my personal power, including my ability to manifest my desired reality. I seem to rest in the knowing of it. This upbeat mood also rubbed off on my friend when I met up with him on one of the days. He was feeling down and unmotivated after a rough day at work but by the end of the meetup he was feeling a lot better! It helps that I stayed the course with my healing activities. I kept it easy with Dragon Blood, not going beyond 2 loops on any day over the past week. I also did more of Brad Yates’ EFT sessions since he released some bonus sessions this week.

Entire weekend had hangouts of some kind, so that was nice. I also convinced someone I know in real life to try out the penpal app with me as a way to have a different take on things. Let’s see how that goes.

I can’t wait to see how I improve with DR Qv2.


Things are a little clowny with sleep. It’s taking me a bit too long to fall asleep recently, even WITH the sleep supplements. What’s going on here? Do the sleep supplements no longer work here? Should I drop them altogether and now utilize only routines like an evening hot shower and PCU? You read that right—I picked up PCU V2 this past week. While PCU may be doing some work under the hood (I wonder if it’s rebalancing hormones related to happiness), I don’t think it’s quite there yet with sleep. That’s a shame, after reading others’ reports about how much people have been helped by it with regards to sleep. Of course, I’m not giving up on it. It’s only been a few days of PCU! In fact, the DR + PCU combo highly appeals to me for that gives truly comprehensive healing.

Sleep is going to become a significant factor for me to pull off the 4x workouts a week since ideally two of those workouts happen in the morning, when I need to wake up an hour earlier than I would usually wake up for work. I hope PCU kicks in soon!

Another thing has to do with an old practice I still have with wasting time with my phone. I noted this in one of the earlier entries this past week. It’s particularly bothersome on the weekends. By cutting this practice out it’s one more thing I can do to push the needle forward. It’s been a longstanding behavior, but I see how quickly Dragon Reborn breaks down longstanding things. I just have to let Dragon Reborn do that, and not act against it. In fact, I have to ensure I myself take some action towards the phone behavior. I once thought I could just put in zero effort, listen to an audio and it’ll get fixed. Wrong. These audios makes things a LOT easier, but I still have to take some action. So the audios are like action multipliers.

There’s also another thing I’ve been wondering about, and in this instance I especially wonder what the forum has to say about it.

I debated whether I’d share this, but here goes: As it stands, I’m on my way to success. That’s great. I’m going to be manifesting a much better life. More money. Better fitness/physical appearance. A stronger social circle. I’ve thought deeply on a lot of these things. What’s the point of them, is it at odds with who I am, etc. Let’s focus on one aspect—me being a more successful and sociable person is going to bring in more people into my life, both new and old.

However, for a long time I haven’t liked the idea that there’s all these existing people who haven’t been my friend or anything, had no interesting in being such, etc. until I make my big changes. I especially don’t like the idea of it because of how I’ve taken an unconventional path towards improvement at times and there weren’t that many people supporting me through those paths (some even opposed), but sort of fell in line and accepted (or were happy with) when I made my breakthroughs and succeeded. The development of my practice with intermittent fasting (fasting being taboo until somewhat recently) is one example of where I saw this happen.

This quote gets at what I’m talking about:

People never want to be part of the process, but they want to be part of the outcome. The process is where you figure out who’s worth being part of the outcome.

In many ways, I feel that most people haven’t been a part of my process or were there to support me. Heck, not many are there right now as I do all this stuff related to healing, or when I went through the tough reconciliation (I noted times where it seemed as if nobody was available to chat). So this made me resent the notion that now they’d jump on board. The close friends who are here now, who I have shared some of this stuff with—I’m glad they’re here and I want to reward them one day. I feel a bit dismayed at the idea of doing the same with the people who aren’t exactly new but will now suddenly support me. It’s not as if I was a bad person who turned good like in those redemption arcs you see in TV Shows or movies.

Oddly enough, I ask myself about that resentment now, and the first thing that comes up right now is: “…should I be resentful?” Something within me has changed here. Still I wonder, what should I do with these people, or is there anything to be done. At the very least I feel that I should be cautious. I don’t expect this to be a one-time challenge—this can happen throughout life.

Some people

@RVConsultant @PurpleRT73 @James @SaintSovereign

Next up: A SubliminalUser Takes Flight!

I start Dragon Flight on April 1. Hopefully, it is updated to Qv2 by then so that the entirety of my ST3 run is with Qv2! I’m optimistic about the experiences I’m going to have with Dragon Flight since its description implies that it’s more about guidance and control rather than breaking things down.


Thanks for tagging me mate!

The Dragon will likely take care of this. I’ve been dismayed with how dismissive people can be of others. I don’t know how much of it is about who they are, but to me it seems some people have such a degree of chaos or narrow focus that their bandwidth gets used up and they miss out on what’s going on around them.

So if you ever feel alone, remember there is here. Look back on your post when your mood took a dip and notice how many strangers were there to cheer you on. There are now about 40 Dragons on this path with you.

I know you want some people to be physically there IRL and my guess is you are on the way to find them.

Also remember that @SaintSovereign and @Fire are here too. They are quietly working in the background for your and others’ benefit.


Some more thoughts for today:

  • No loops of DR ST2 today. I’m trying to solve the sleep problem that is presenting itself more strongly now. I didn’t take my supplement yesterday and it seriously affected the night’s sleep, suggesting I should take more action with PCU now. Ran it for 2.5 loops, think I should stop for the day. It’s very much possible I’ve run my last loop of ST2 before April 1.
  • Still waiting on the Qv2 upgrade for DR…

I do feel like I should make a wrap-up/retrospective post about DR ST2 on the last day. I can say that I have changed quite a bit since starting in February. My current outlook is better now.

I’m going to say this without knowing what you are currently doing about sleep.

I’m strongly encouraging you to make resolving any sleep issues a top priority. From what I know, sleep is likely VERY important in processing the subliminal. Maybe even take more rest days for now.

You are making great progress and I want it to continue.

I think you are a different person than even 2 months ago.

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Thanks for the advice, @RVConsultant. I’ve decided that I’m going to continue using the supplement for now. You’re right that bad sleep can interfere with the sub and I don’t want that especially for ST3 in Qv2. I’ll have to resolve this at a later date. In the meantime I hope DR and PCU can work on this in the background.

Another thing that might help with sleep

Considering doing my retrospective a day early. It’s not as if another day will change the result.

I have a burning desire to transcend all limitations.

Okay, something in me really does NOT feel right at this time. So I’m gonna run Rebirth later.

A SubliminalUser Takes Flight

It is now four months—a whole third of a year—since I started on the path to be reborn.

In this last chapter, I took the Dragon Blood. And my oh my, was it hard. Whereas Dragon Fire broke down a lot behind the scenes without me noticing most of the things, Dragon Blood was very much in my face. In fact, these past few months may have been some of the most uncomfortable ones in recent times. I went head to head with a lot of inner work and that caused me to feel a lot of pain—even on the weekends, my rest days. While on one hand the pandemic has provided the opportunity to go through these sensations without it catching the attention of too many peers around me, on the other hand it made it tougher to seek support.

However, that’s not to say that I don’t remember what the forum has done. Recall this, which I wrote at the beginning of the journal:

I have indeed gotten that support and openness to the various thoughts and insights I’ve had throughout my journey, and I’m very grateful for that so far. I am motivated to continue journaling here. It is important. In the upcoming stage I intend to make even deeper insights and release all that is limiting.

And now, I shall take to the skies.

A Detailed Retrospective

Dragon Blood was THE toughest sub to run so far. I’ve never had such lows on any subliminal like I had with this one. Usually I feel the copy for subs makes things more daunting than they really are (even for Khan ST1). However, I feel this lived up to the copy. SC is right: Dragon Reborn is not an easy subliminal. Still, I feel that many stand to benefit from running DR before other subs (but I digress).

  • Sleep didn’t improve much from running Dragon Blood. I suppose that’s because it isn’t oriented towards physical healing (that’s what I have PCU for)—but I hoped DB would do something since it has a physical-secondary component. Perhaps when DR is updated to project hero tech will DR provide significant physical healing. Moving forward, I’m not really expecting much in terms of physical healing from DR.
  • A majority of this stage was spent going through some unsavory thoughts and feelings. Only in the last few weeks have things taken a much more positive turn. This just goes to show that I cleared out a lot. While I did not like the fact that I had these experiences, these demonstrated that 1) The sub was truly working 2) I can experience sensations from running a sub (I doubted that I could do this in the past).
  • Journaling helps a LOT. Bouncing off ideas and thoughts that I didn’t share with people IRL with people on this forum allowed me to handle the reconciliation as well as improve upon the quality of my realizations. So I have to thank everyone who’s commented in this journal (esp. the one and only @RVConsultant who is quite the active poster nowadays! Bonus mention to @PurpleRT73)
  • I am much more certain of my ability to succeed in life and achieve my loftier goals that I’ve mentioned in other journal entries. In the past they seemed quite far away, well now they’re a lot closer. It’s weird because not much in some of these regards (e.g. social circle) have actually changed all that much during Dragon Blood. However, something about my reconfigured belief system as well as the existence of Qv2 and the knowing that there’s going to be super-powerful, rebuilt subs available to run after I’ve thoroughly cleared myself with DR tells me that I’ve got a LOT to enjoy that’s coming up. I don’t mean years down the road. I mean in a matter of months.
  • “I am a person with a lot of hidden traumas” is a statement I don’t identify with so much now. That’s not to say I’m completely healed, but I feel as if it’s gone down to a more tractable level. I notice that I don’t dive too deeply into my past much. In fact, when I try to, I quickly catch myself and think, “Is this really necessary? Let’s see what we can do now.” or even “Okay, so that happened.”
  • Pretty glad to have picked up knowledge of healing techniques during this time. I can see EFT going into my toolbelt for the long-term. I’ve been doing it on a consistent basis for sometime now. As for EMDR, I still don’t want to touch that after that episode I had earlier. I’m not sure it’s going to serve a distinct function anyways, especially with how DR Qv2 is going to do enough on its own.
  • What’s funny is how I stopped doing meditation but I’ve retained the changes and mindfulness that have come from it. Then again, I had been doing meditation for years so what did I expect. It also helps that DR is sort of ingraining the qualities of meditation within me (at least, that’s what I think).
  • The programming of society and the layperson, in some aspects, seems stranger than ever. Sometimes I pity it. On the other hand, I feel like I should help the people around me—especially those who have been by my side—lift themselves up and become better people.

I am so glad that a company like SC exists because honestly, before I found this place I was losing faith in subs. None of the other stuff I tried worked or did anything lasting. And sure, I’ve made some big changes in my life here and there without the use of subs, but I feel it was inconsistent and too slow. However, now I feel like I have made progress at an unprecedented rate. In addition, because the listening schedule is consistent, I feel that I make consistent progress. That’s what I want—consistently making great progress in improving myself. More than that may be the simple fact that each listen is like taking another step towards my desired reality.

What I want to do with Dragon Flight

It seems that I’m going to run this with regular Q for a bit, since it’s taking some time for all the subs to get upgraded with Qv2. No matter.

Anyway, based off of the product copy I expect Dragon Flight to be more of a “building up” sub rather than a “breaking down” sub. Therefore I do aspire to get the ambition, vision and wisdom that this title talks about. How can I accomplish my purpose in life? Here are some other questions I have:

  • Can I come to be immune to the harmful (and changing) programming that society appears to give?
  • Can I let go of the past once and for all?
  • What are the innermost secrets I hold that will propel me towards massive success? What about my unique nature can I capitalize on?
  • “You will acquire profound knowing of your true, limitless potential. You will see how insignificant they are in comparison to what you could be.” What CAN I be?
  • Can I truly break free of my blockages and shift quickly into my ideal self and reality?

These and many more questions I hope to answer positively with Dragon Flight.



I love this intro/summations to the next stages, happy taking flight :slight_smile: !


I spent almost my entire 2-month Stage 2 experience in what was likely reconciliation. Hence I stopped journalling. On Stage 3 for a month now, one month to go. I hope they’re updated to Q Core v2 before the next stage.

Loving the introductions. :slight_smile:



Whoa! Wow! I need to read it again.

PS You are welcome. And remember to thank yourself too.


2 loops today. Think I’m going to drop it down to 1 loop moving forward, just to ensure my body can handle all the different things I’m doing right now.

Note: Some odd kind of discomfort near the base of the throat.

Furious Ascent

Furious Ascent. That is a phrase that has come and gone in my mind throughout today. What is it? It is a module.

Many fear risk, but if you wish to rapidly rise your status in the world, you will have to embrace it wholeheartedly. Furious Ascent is the module designed to help you love the thrill of taking risks and reaping great rewards. It will guide you to the opportunities with the greatest risk/reward ratios and will help you destroy any irrational excuses you can come up with when faced with risk and danger. Furious Ascent will also work on eliminating your desire for constant excessive comfort that holds you back from your potential. Instead, your comfort zone will steadily increase to include greater and greater heights.

I am striving to furiously ascend towards higher and higher levels. Dragon Flight, take me to these levels. I am seriously looking forward to Dragon Flight Qv2 to toughen me up extremely quickly. I want to furiously ascend.

@James @PurpleRT73


@SubliminalUser Furious Ascent is in the custom I recently ordered.

It’s one of the more noticeable modules I put in my custom. I’m starting to look forward to things that caused me serious anxiety before.


Is it in Qv2?

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I have no idea. That is something to ask either @SaintSovereign or @Fire

That happens to me when I run The Executive but more now with V2

@James surprising you ordered a custom before finishing DR ST4 and before Q+.

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