Qv2 experiences, comments, insights and questions

“Game Over…”


“Please insert credits.”




I doubt there will be any general consensus. Everybody should experiment by themselves and see how it goes for them. Other people routines may serve only as some ideas on how to experiment.

Yesterday I listened to one loop of Khan Stage 1 QV2 in the evening. Couldn’t sleep for a while because I was very much awake.

Khan St1 QV1 dreams: Easily forgetable dreams about fighting back bullies
Khan St1 QV2 (first loop) dream: Ultrarealistic dream being psychologically and physically abused by a sadistic child. Planning revenge for years and taking it. Being abused again as I am not healed from the trauma fully yet. Getting explained that it was for the healing of mental issues. Waking up at 4:44.


Perhaps you misunderstood the reason for my question, but if you thought I was asking for other’s loop counts to emulate, I assure you that wasn’t the case lol.

I asked because I like discussing things, and this is an open thread on Qv2 ‘experiences, comments, insights…’

I think you get it.

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Yeah, that one loop approach seems to be the right way to start experimenting. I started with two and I got overloaded and recon. Is Khan the only sub you’re running now?

@Sage_Ninjistic Perhaps that’s your consensus but, apart from that, I wouldn’t expect any.




Respectfully, I have no clue what you mean by this last comment, but…

I’m just curious what individual users are encountering using Qv2, and with what loop count they’re utilizing.

If by not expecting anything you mean not expecting anyone to reply to my query, I’m curious as to why you think so. If I’m not mistaken, I’ve read several threads pre-Qv2 of you recording your loop counts. What’s changed?

Could you elaborate more about 1 loop? Is it 1 loop a day or 1 loop a week?

Maximum, how many titles can be listened in a week and a day?

All questions are about Qv2

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I listen to two Qv2 programs, one Q and one Uv2 every day and going beyond that would be something called “sink” by SC. The sink is not advisable.

I listen to one loop of each program a day. Initially, with only 15 minutes to one hour breaks I got overloaded and a slight recon. Now I’m testing listening to my loops with at least a three hour break between the loops and it’s been working very well for me so far.

One week ago I was still listening to six loops i(4 loops in Qv2) a day in total and it was just too much.


I am listening mainly to Khan Stage 1 (QV1 so far, first QV2 loop yesterday) plus a QV2 custom for a few weeks. The QV2 custom had a good start, now I am used to its effects :wink:

I am thinking about listening to 1 loop of Khan Stage 1 QV2 and 1 loop of the custom for 5 days a week, weekends off. Probably will do an additional rest day today. Yesterday I listened to two loops of KhanSt1QV1 plus the newly arrived KhanSt1QV2 for one loop… I like rest days or how I call them processing days.


First, you need to make your query comprehensible. Perhaps, you should learn the meaning of the word you used - (general) “consensus” since that’s what you asked about.

The general consensus is; everybody is different and everybody should experiment by themselves. Period.



As I don’t care for the superior air that I (and it may just be me) get from you, this will be your last response from me after this post, on this thread, as I don’t like your - to me - unnecessary extra attitude in the past posts.

This post

Is a fact, and one I agree with, even if I disagree with ‘period’. Absolutes are not useful in this case, especially when the same person says

Which one is it? Utilize the experience of other, or don’t?

Follow me then, as I remind you that I said:

And then, I said:

And then I conveyed my confidence in your comprehension of what I was putting down. But nay, alas…for to my dismay, the response I received was:

I still don’t understand this response in the context of what I said. Dare I say, your response was… Incomprehensible?

My personal consensus right now (I hate that word now) is that it isn’t your business to inform me of what I should or shouldn’t do, what may or may not be used in what way or manner, especially when I didn’t ask or give an inkling that I was looking for your say so.

Is exactly part of the reason I asked my question that you are incapable of finding a way to understand.

Now, as Willy Wonka once said.

“Good day, sir!”

Now, in case my question was legitimately ‘incomprehensible’ for most, what I want to know from you guys is have you felt the need to increase your loop count from the recommended 1 starting out?

That’s only if you started the first week with one loop, of course. If you started it with two and burned out, like @Sub.Zero says was his experience, was the recon at least smoother than experienced on Q, would you say?

The reason I ask is, one, as I said before I like discussion and two, I want to get a general feel for what the community is going with in terms of listening time. Also, as many people see these threads, perhaps it’ll help someone lurking :slight_smile:

I personally feel like with the titles I have going on, I’m more than likely not going to increase my count until I feel inside I need to. Intuitively, that won’t be for at least a full “week” (subliminal week, so 5 days) or two.

Ascension on Qv2 is so beautiful. I never could understand when persons such as Hermit or one of the older users comment on the ‘flavor’ of a sub.

I definitely get it now with Qv2.


I listen to two Qv2 programs, one Q and one Uv2 every day and going beyond that would be something called “sink” by SC. The sink is not advisable.

Could you explain or reference to the thread of “sink”? I try to search but most of the results are: kitchen sink or let it sink in your mind. Not sure what is “sink” in SC definition.

Currently my stack is:

  • Day 1, 3: Ascended Mogul Qv2 + RICH v2 + Aura Qv1
  • Day 2, 4: Inner Circle Qv2 + X Mastery Qv2 + Aura Qv1
  • Day 5: Ascended Mogul Qv2 + Inner Circle Qv2 + X Mastery Qv2 + + Aura Qv1
    Maybe my stack is heavy for Qv2, I’ll read thru “sink” thread to know what is the drawback of “sink”.

One week ago I was still listening to six loops i(4 loops in Qv2) a day in total and it was just too much.

When Ascended Mogul & Limitless Qv2 were updated, I had recon around 1.5 hours mark with 2 loops of each title. After that, I opt to 1 loop per title.

I listen to one loop of each program a day. Initially, with only 15 minutes to one hour breaks I got overloaded and a slight recon. Now I’m testing listening to my loops with at least a three hour break between the loops and it’s working very well for me so far.

This can be a good thing for me to try.

Sink is running a number of different subs that have many different objectives. Some people in here run three customs and some major tiles at once, that’s the classical sink.

We have to experiment carefully, especially if we want to run at least two programs based on Qv2.


I hope you’ll have a better day tomorrow, sir :slight_smile:

Thanks for your input, btw.

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More on our Qv2:

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Woah thAts deep, you actually got the message that these dreams are helping you clean trauma?


Less is more it seems like holy shit this is dense

First day stick to one loop overall


Yes, everyone who was playing the roles began to applaud as the mental game was over and a healer appeared explaining the purpose of the play


More on Qv2: