Main Disc. Thread - Q Core v2 Upgrades

But what if I prefer the previous model of “listen 5 times a week, take 2 days as break”?

Would it be worth switching to Q+, as in, it would affect me more deeply or something? Because alot of us get results instantly from Q. “Integration” period sounds annoying when we already are getting super fast results.

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By integration do you mean time off-like a week to month of off time?

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It’s a power question.

You’d use the “+” builds to get more powerful results.

But they’ll also take more out of you, particularly at the beginning, so you’ll also need longer rest times.

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I would assume since integration usually takes place on off days

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I never heard of that, but running Khan myself I know what you mean. I am definitely more OK with eating sweets than I was before…

Why would that be the case?
Q+ listen to it once a week, chill the rest of the week. That’s much simpler and easier to do than running your dense stack 5x a week?

More helps more is the standard model applied to anything. Hard to overcome this habit :wink:

I definitely get WAY better results with more rest days. But I already noticed this on UV2. I cannot, for the life of it, run an Ultima title every day. Massive overload.

Also, people just operate better on “Do X amount of loops” than “Run one loop and see how you feel about it”
Apparently, you already made new instructions in the PDF? Is that already online?

There’s also this idea floating around of “Putting subs in the backlog of your mind.”
I.e. running a ton of subs and then letting them process of a week or something.
What do you think of this?
Any insight from testing maybe?

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The curse of linearity. It’s pretty easy to break out of this habit after observing that a few big things in one’s life don’t follow a linear pattern.


a-(the hell)-men.

As the great Antonio Gaudi said (as relayed to me by my wife): “there are no straight lines and sharp corners in nature”


“The straight line belongs to men, the curved one to God.”

Yes, there are some exceptions to this (crystals, for example); but you get the deeper point.

In nature, and especially in LIVING nature, it’s all about finding the sweet spot. A couple of degrees too hot or too cold? No life. A little bit more or less oxygen, hydrogen, etc.,? No life.

Got to get the balance right.


@SaintSovereign next time someone gets cocky with you about loops tell them you have choice you either do 1 round with Mike Tyson or 3 rounds with him whats it going to be ?.

When they say “ohhhh urrr Saint i will do only 1 round please”. Then just reply i rest my case.


@DarkPrince i remember last year i was one of the first people to create a custom build using terminus 2. My rational was “ahhh more powerful more loops it will impact me more deeply and bring about rapid changes”.

The first night i did 8 loops of T2 following morning i could not believe it i felt like a God !!. Chicks were gravitating towards me like bees to a jar of honey. People wanting to say hello to me wtf !!.

Q plus stick to one loop a day.

The second and third day i continued at 8 loops then after 8 days horrible things began to happen serious recon, depression, the urge to look at porn. Being an idiot i continued and felll into a state of depression.

So everyone please learn from the mistakes of others !!.


What if that person is Mohammad Ali? :rofl:


Half round(loop) with Q+(Mohammad ali) and 1 week rest(u need rest after so many punches landed on you
:joy::joy:) then again half loop.
My predictions with Q+ lol

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You need a doctor after one punch lands on you. :face_with_head_bandage: :joy:

Because we’re still waiting for Boxing Mastery X Qv2. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


:joy::joy::joy: that will be the case when there will be Q++ or Q+^2
Our Q+ users attitude will be like
🤏 :dark_sunglasses: :pleading_face:(inside… muhammed ali’s punch(Q+) :joy:


and now, let us pray…

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@Sirius outstanding !!! so if we compare Q2 with Mohammed Ali. Who is going to go even go 2 rounds with Mohammed Ali ?.

Float like a butterfly sting like a bee… Q2 can hit what the subconscious cant see


Emperor Qv2 + PCC Qv2 + Daredevil Qv2 works wonders together im more lighthearted and sociable

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Qv2 digs much deeper and has far more pronounced effects, but it is also more potent and as all of us most likely have observed; with every technological upgrade being released, the programs increased in power – which has an effect on the integration, processing, and execution phase.

To give an example; the Stacking Module ‘Rebirth’ gave almost instantaneous effects of execution during the loop, Rebirth Q as well but to a lesser extent and it was mostly after the loop execution happened, nowadays with Qv2 not so much is noticeable during the loop – yet, after 3 to 6 hours effects truly start to peak.

Understand that if something gets more powerful (gains and consumes more energy), it also affects the length of integration, processing, and execution – this is true for all stimulants in nature because it is a Natural Law.

Now, what this essentially means is that we cannot go and switch around our programs like we used to do, frequently using an Ultima to boost our results without being consistent with it is likely to cause major overwhelm, fatigue and overload.

Since the programs have become so powerful, it is necessary we take caution, increase rest days and build foundations for ourselves. At the beginning of Subliminal Technology we could assimilate a stack of three different programs, a few stacking modules, etc without much overload; see, nowadays that’s going to cause a lot of trouble.

A logical approach to subliminal usage is not the way, the subconscious is all but logical and rational it operates under Divine Law.

I’m not pushing any notion here, I would like to provide some value that may or may not contribute to the growth of this company, meanwhile help our brothers and sisters in this community to attract the results they desire.

All I’m saying, listen carefully and experiment and observe your own experience and see how it aligns with what I’m conveying here.

With Q, around the two-week mark, I usually hit a plateau and then a deep integration would happen and I’d execute the script even more than before. Nowadays, I sense this may be extended to a month or a so as @SaintSovereign mentioned. But do you see the implications? After reaching a month, with this technology, no switching around just sticking to your path, goals, and objectives – you can truly become the person you desire to be.

Let’s see how this company evolves further.

For those who’re experience extreme fatigue, tiredness, and all of that garbage – please cut back on listening you are obviously depleted in life force and need to recharge – the anti reconciliation scripting has made it less obvious that we are under reconciliation and I’m having a feeling some are listening more than they can handle.

The profoundness in results I’m experiencing after not even a week on my new Custom is unbelievable, but when I hit similar tiredness it does not execute as well emotionally, yet the results are still underneath much like being an Emperor who is solid inside but has just been tired out to the extend of not being fully able to express himself emotionally.

You see, some people shine and they are magnetic and electric, and people Love them, they appear special and outstanding, what is this? It is LIFE, it is the amount of energy that runs through the currents of our body, it is EMOTION and it helps us to silence our mind and see things from above without specifically focusing our attention on our thoughts but removing from them so you can see the whole and entirety of the puzzle that is life.

And I’m not saying I’m seeing the whole, far from it but yogis, mystics, magicians see way more than us because they have increased their life force and are therefore aware to a far greater extent of life.

This is why meditation is so acutely important, to withdraw from the external world which is constantly depleting our life force by all the negativity.

If you withdraw long enough, you experience bliss – this bliss, literally changes the chemistry in our bodies, it allows us to function at much higher rates as we are using our vessel which is the most intelligent mechanism on Earth at a greater capacity.

No more, no less. Don’t believe me just experience for yourself.

Slowly as I integrate my Custom I’m increasing the loops, otherwise, I may fall prey to exhaustion, tiredness, etc – and besides, the global pandemic is not helping either, just imagine the Collective energies, this is not a joke fellas.

Things will get better over time and you will see subliminal’s execution exceedingly well, the technology is improving but remembers so are we – scientists know this, we don’t have to take a spiritual or new age approach, our Solar System and our race is evolving, we are being hit with major solar flares, the Schumann resonance has been spiking like never before.

I observe this and overlap it with the reconciliation trains that are happening on the forum here. It’s always during a specific time people are mentioning exceptional results and/or reconciliation phases (in larger quantities and numbers), not the general reconciliation but rather the collective energies.


That’s because you don’t understand what integration is or why it’s important. Certain meals, like stews or sauces, actually taste much better after they’ve sat for a day. That’s because it needs time for all the different ingredients to settle together. This is a very, very simple example of integration.

The act of listening to a subliminal is like installing a program. That program still needs to run. If you’re constantly in the “installing” phase, you’re never actually allowing the program to run without being interrupted. Q+ and Ultima+ will most likely need a much longer period of time for the program to integrate due to the sheer amount of information you’ll be receiving. If you don’t take that time, you’ll run into the same problem we did with Terminus Squared, where you’ll end up stonewalling the script.

It’s during the period of integration where you’ll notice the biggest results. I’ve tested this myself, alongside other offline (and some on the forum) testers. This is actually what the so-called “subliminal bloom” is. Once you stop listening to a title, your subconscious goes into integration and execution mode, where your subconscious reconciles and integrates the new scripting with your current belief system. If it has a hard time doing that due to past traumas or conflicting beliefs, you experience reconciliation. Once that reconciliation phase passes, you integrate the beliefs and you’re good to go.

Integration is necessary. The subliminal programs are just that – programs. Your own mind is the one doing all of the major work. Ya’ll need to stop trying to brute force your subconscious into submission. I’m sure some of you can handle increased loops without increased side effects – I’m one of them. But, @Fire can attest – we see MUCH better results in ourselves and with our users (remember, we’re looking at this from higher level than the user standpoint) when you moderate the number of loops and take rest days.

With Q+ and Ultima+, they will be absolutely necessary. If I can make it so you can listen once or twice a week and get better results than you do now, why would you WANT to listen to more? To me, this a manifestation of the societal fallacy that more work = better quality work, when I can usually get the same amount of work done as other people with less time and effort (which got me in trouble when I had a corporate job).


I remember when this happened, lol. This is what I’m talking about, ya’ll. The first day he ran it, the subconscious’ immediate response was that of elation and euphoria because it was receiving some amazingly uplifting and powerful input. Imagine, a beautiful person whispering in your ear, nonstop about how incredible you are. After awhile, doubt and insecurities are going to creep in and if it were a real person saying that stuff, you could just ask them to stop and those insecurities will go away.

With something like Terminus Squared (and the upcoming + build), you can’t make it just go away because you’ve loaded an INSANE amount of information into your subconscious. The only thing you can do is wait for that information to process. Until it does… reconciliation.