Main Disc. Thread - Q Core v2 Upgrades

I’m currently running Emperor, EF , and RICH.
Tired of feeling like crap and having zero energy so I figured if I’m going to get shit done I have to get fit


TMy understanding is that not all subs need the alpha component. I suspect core might have been from back when the alpha stuff was the main focus. emperor and so on.

A sub like Mind’s Eye didn’t need alpha scripting AFAIK


That’s a great stack. It covers a lot of bases. Health, wealth, success, peace of mind.

EQ is a treasure. I feel I have a new lease on life because of it.

It got me through one of my worst moments, and I haven’t scrached the surface of what it can do. Excited for you brother.


I keep seeing and reading that but hadn’t seriously considered it longer term but I read where someone has run it for almost three years. Almost as long as it’s been available

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I read where one person said Emperor makes you anti social. I don’t see that at all. I see it more as refining and being clear on what’s important to you a person and just focusing on that.


We removed the alpha scripting from the mandatory core, not the title’s core.

Every title has the same mandatory core, which contains support scripting — including alpha scripting, scripting to help “gel” your stack together, etc.

The title core also contains alpha scripting, and that scripting is tailored toward achieving the design goal. This scripting is still there.

For those running multiple titles, they were being overexposed to the alpha scripting in the mandatory core since it’s inherent to every title and underexposed to the actual title core’s scripting. People were getting stuck in long reconciliation cycles, and not even from the title’s core scripting. In order to balance things out, we removed the alpha scripting from the mandatory core. You’re still getting a ton of alpha and healing scripting, it’s just tailored toward the title’s design goal rather than the broad scripting in the mandatory core.

I hope that makes sense. I am extremely exhausted and can barely write, lol.


Same here. I run one loop of a sub in the morning and one more of another in the evening. More than that causes the issue you mentioned.

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Voytek in 5 years after sticking to his subs for the right amount of time and applying a proper strategy:

  1. JCast changing his subs at every whim:


I run 4 loops of each of my subs per week and I find it my sweet spot but I feel overexposed from time to time. More than that causes overload and recon.


My dreams had become much way pronounced on Qv2 and I dream (I mean remembering my dreams or being “aware” of them) every night.

I’m glad someone else is feeling somewhat similar to me. I’m definitely experiencing recon from subs today. Randomly kicked in and now it’s starting to leave again.

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Yeah mate got you…for me recon is bad at 2 loops so I am going down to one loop cheers

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if this is Ron from Parks and Recs he is pretty fucking badass too lol

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awesome, I experience initial intense negativity and off-ness when first running QV2 subs in many cases as well…even at one loop but it seems to abate after a week or two.

Sounds like @James indeed. :heart_eyes:


Seems that some people here are trying to be smart and skirt the recommendations. If anything my experience with DR Qv2 has made me totally abandon the idea that I need to constantly run loops in order to make progress in life.

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im good with Qv2 as long as i don’t overdo it with the loops. im experiencing what the sub is meant to install in fewer loops.

my favorite Qv2 sub right now is emperor


People are always doing this. Everyone thinks that more loops = better results, when we’ve said time and time again that rest days and rest periods are just as important, if not more. Q+ and Ultima+ may require mandatory week to month long integration periods because they’re simply that powerful.


Why is so? :slight_smile:


@Sub.Zero My also. You know i can’t bear stark qv2 :sob::sob:because it gave so much recon+ it was not aligning.
My six month strategy is with emperor now(@RVconsultant be like what!! Lol) and i have completed my first week. I always feel like getting my work done and i also feel demotivated but when i change my inner dialogue i feel like my emperor self kicks in and motivates me more. I have so many subs but i am loving emperor. And when i read that qv2 is just more effective because we are running the actual script without the additional alpha scripting i am more excited now. One more thing my experience with emperor is very pleasant. It feels like emperor just matches my personality and it really resembles. Unlike stark because i am not that type of person (i am little introvert, i feel like girls destroys career,i believe that achieving goals is most important,have a tough mindset, honest to myself,hate attention seeking and be with myslef and my work) so simply i love emperor but stark gets me recon because it has cognitive enhancement,more social aspects which is just opposite with my original behavior but that’s not true that i hate people,i have friends too😅 but i do very less chitchat on whatsapp. So i just love emperor so much