Dragon Reborn with The Emperor's touch

Week 9

LDUv2 x1 (day)
DRQv2st1 x4 

R.I.C.H Uv2 x1 (night)
EmpQv2 x4 

Finally done with DR stage 1, will take a full weeks rest before starting with stage 2. I have nothing to report, I overloaded myself which was a good experience so now I know what my limits are, as of today two days after my last loop on Friday I still feel some heaviness in my skull and fatigue. My mother admitted to me she has issues, not everyday you hear a narcissist say that. She can see how calm and confident I became and that I don’t give into her guilt trips and tagging up on my dad like I used to, I think she became powerless now that everyone in the house knows her secret and she’s willing to change. I told her about Regeneration and she’s willing to give it a try if I do it with her, hopefully she’s not agreeing to this just to get me off her back, we’ll see. I was planning on DR stage 2 with HOM and Wanted, now I have to do Regeneration too, not sure I can pull it off.

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I hope things are better with you and your mom.

Also, I will repeat:

Please 1 loop per day of a program if it is Qv2 or Uv2.

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She’s kwl, just some childhood traumas. Yip, was a good ride, will stay on course this time thx @RVconsultant

@Present1 just make sure you’re not stonewalling. I can handle lots of loops per day with no recon whatsoever but stonewalling is another matter and oftentimes it’s not easy to spot. But the most common sign is a feeling of being zoned out.

I switched to six loops per week in total (running 3 programs) and I’m testing it now since it can still be a bit too much for me. With Q I did 16-18 loops a day and I was really fine with great results. On Qv2 I stonewall if it’s too much.

Hi @Sub.Zero this was exactly what I was experiencing but I was shooting for it so I can sit with the big boys :wink:

I was planning on it because I know my rest week was coming up :+1:

Now that that’s out of the way I can start to grow.

Please, kindly read what Saint said about our new technology yesterday:

Best of luck, mate! :slight_smile:

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Good points! Thanks!

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Big number of loops doesn’t equal big boys.

We don’t know why some people can listen to more loops than others.

1 loop a day works for many people.

True, looks like Qv2 works better with less loops and less days. I got a feeling so I’m good, will stay in my lanes :v:

Week 10

9 Days Rest

Done with Dragon Reborn St1Qv2 and EmperorQv2.

Loop count the last 10 weeks:

DRst1Qv2 = 104
EQv2 = 71
LDQv1 = 27
SangQv1 = 20
LDUv2 = 23
LEUv2 = 10
RICHUv2 = 20

Nothing to report, recon or stonewalled the last 2 weeks but my headaches are finally gone and my energy is back. Will start tomorrow 1x loop each:

Mon: RICH + HOM (day) / Elixir + DRst2 (night)
Tue: Rest
Wed: SangU + Regen (day) / Elixir + DRst2 (night)
Thu: Rest
Fri: RICH + HOM (day) / SangU + Regen (night)
Sat: Rest
Sun: Rest

Looking forward!

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Please keep giving us updates on your current plan for listening.

I’ve noticed this as well, usually by about day 3 of resting.

Will do :+1:

Week 11

Mon: RICH Uv2 + Emp:HOM Qv2 (day)
     Elixir Uv2 + DRst2 Qv2 (night)
Tue: Rest
Wed: Sang Uv2 + Regen Qv2 (day)
     Elixir Uv2 + DRst2 Qv2 (night)
Thu: Rest
Fri: RICH Uv2 + Emp:HOM Qv2 (day)
     Sang Uv2 + Regen Qv2 (night)
Sat: Rest
Sun: Rest

Did 1x loop of each, felt good to run subs again. This coming week I will add another loop to DR only, the rest stays the same.

  • Caught myself talking with cross arms a few times like I’m some kind off boss but then I would lower them again

  • The cashier at the shop where I usually buy my lunch from said good-bye to me for the 1st time and she was busy with a customer, didn’t happen when I ran Emperor Qv2.

  • I got a got pain in my left knee on Tue, disappeared by Friday, had no injury.

  • Broke my 100 day no-fap streak, no guilt and no shame, the longest since I started fapping. I’m proud of myself and I couldn’t have done it without the help of SubClub, resetting my timer. Got hella sexual urges, not sure because of recon from DRst1 or from the rest days or because I switched over to HOM but strong sexual thoughts creeped up on me.

  • On Thu the best yet happened to me. I read my Holy Bible but in a way I never read it before. As a stutterer during my school years my reading and obviously speaking was very poor so I avoided speaking at all. I read the way I spoke by staying on the words longer than normal and preferred to read with my eyes only. My eyes started to move really fast over the words and I could actually hear those words at those speeds, so I started to read with my mouth and those words just flew out even though I couldn’t remember a thing I read it was just a beautiful and an emotional moment. I still haven’t read in front of people yet which will be the ultimate test but on that later. I just hope and pray Dragon Reborn is the answer for my speech impediment.


Me, too! Do you think Paragon or some Hero modules might help? Maybe QL?

@RVconsultant, the speech impediment is something that developed in middle/primary school, my parents don’t stutter so it’s either trauma; mimick or diaphragm related. I read many books and tried many different techniques to overcome it. Over the years it got better, well much better, it just robbed me from alot accomplishments in life. QL sounds like an idea, after DR we’ll see :wink:

Week 12

Mon: RICH Uv2 + Emp:HOM Qv2 (day)
     Elixir Uv2 + DRst2 Qv2 x2 (night)
Tue: Rest
Wed: Sang Uv2 + Regen Qv2 (day)
     Elixir Uv2 + DRst2 x2 Qv2 (night)
Thu: Rest
Fri: RICH Uv2 + Emp:HOM Qv2 (day)
     Sang Uv2 + Regen Qv2 (night)
Sat: Rest
Sun: Rest

Added 1x extra loop to DRst2, going back to just one loop, not sure if I should drop Regeneration also. Not much I could recall:

  • This one client of mine would always demand new hardware and wanted stuff her way. I responded to her call out last week Thu and she somehow just accepted what I was saying and apologized for logging a nuisance call as I couldn’t find fault with her devices, usually she would make scene.

I would encourage you to consider dropping it. DR and Elixir should be plenty healing. Personally, and this is just my opinion, I think running Regeneration and DR at the same time is redundant.

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Thank you @RVconsultant will do, I’m taking this healing thing way to serious.

Week 13

Mon: RICH Uv2 + Emp:HOM Qv2 (day)
     Elixir Uv2 + DRst2 Qv2 (night)
Tue: Rest
Wed: Sang Uv2 + PS Qv2 (day)
     Elixir Uv2 + DRst2  Qv2 (night)
Thu: Rest
Fri: RICH Uv2 + Emp:HOM Qv2 (day)
     Sang Uv2 + PS Qv2 (night)
Sat: Rest
Sun: Rest

I dropped Regeneration for Primal Seduction as I need some healing in that department too, I said it before but hopefully will stay on this stack till I finish DR, back to just 1x loop each. Will drop Sanguine U for True Social U this coming week.

  • Had a dream of a cousin who is way ahead of me in life but was jealous of me, in this dream I confronted him of it, cant remember his answer and I woke up. It hit me that I was told all my life the reason we cannot get ahead in life is because people are jealous of us? Heard it from my parents; pastors and evangelists and even in prayer meetings, so whenever bad things or loss occurs I always think that was the cause, this is something I need to break free off.

  • The boners are something else, PS in working. On Friday I needed something sweat so hopped into the nearest shop, while browsing for chocolates this cutie walked past me but did u-turn and stood almost next to me(or she saw chocolates too), she removed her mask to scratch her nose but I think it was more to reveal her face(or her nose was itchy), not sure why I had that thought, she had no ring in her finger, something told me to just say ‘hi’ but I just walked passed her, I have some major work/overhauling to do. :sweat: :disappointed:

I have noticed women doing this around me from time to time. I can’t prove it, but I’m wondering if it was for just what you thought:

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