Main Disc. Thread - Love Bomb ZP v2

And if you wanted to be a “heart breaker”, seems like Love Bomb + new PS is the way…


Is this coming also to OG Love Bomb?


@Fire @SaintSovereign i understand that you guys have it very busy rn, but i feel like the copy page of LB and LBFH heavily imply the
Opposite of what is said here (that LB is more internal than LBFH)

With LB most of the copy is talking about how its externally focussed and it also says it would be best used with a healing title if you wanna use it for growth (because of how minor the healing is).

Meanwhile the LBFH copy is talking for a significant amount about the healing benefits and the external effects are almost talked about as a footnote (only a single one of the objectives is external).

This difference might be related to LB being an older title and the current version not reflecting this very well.
But i feel like the copy of the original LB could use some refining with an additional paragraph to reflect more of the healing proporties if it indeed has more healing than LBFH.

Sorry if this comes off as hate, its not meant like that. Lb is my favorite sub i have used here and at this point i am very confused how to think of this sub due to the mixed messaging on the original LB. I also feel like most discussions around this sub also has people assuming LB provides little healing. Therefor i feel like adding some things to the copy could provide a lot to change the view on this sub and make it more clear.


Can you share a bit about the results you’ve had with LB and what makes it your favorite?

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Looking into it, i am very suprised i never made a review of this sub. It might be time to do one at some point.

But in short. The selflove and confidence of LB is absolutely insane in my experience. Imo the confidence it brings is even better than GLM and ascension. Purely because of the fact that in LB the confidence comes from pure selflove. Meaning that you will start loving everything about yourself. Your flaws, strengths, everything. Thereby creating an insanely deep love and appreciation for the self. This imo is a much deeper and more powerfull type of confidence compared to what i have experienced on other subs and it feels really powerfull and amazing.

This also naturally comes with a healing effect. As you start accepting yourself and all your flaws, you stop pretending to be something youre not and start being more true to yourself and what you want. For me this has been an incredibly powerfull experience and easily one of the most lifechanging effects i have experienced on subs in general.

These two effects on its own already create an incredible and lifechanging sub, but than combining it with the fact that it also makes the world around you better by filling it with kindness.
That is a very powerfull effect not to be underestimated, as at the end of the day our surroundings for a large degree also make us. I dont remember anybody being unfriendly ever while i was running this sub.

For all these reasons, this sub in my experience has been the best foundational sub one could want and kind of covers all important bases. And even foundation outside, if one would truly, embody everything this sub has to offer, that person could truly get everything he could ever want and it would be incredibly powerfull and also lead to an extremely positive and fulfilling life

Getting a promotion? Absolutely no problem, love bomb got your back

Starting a business? You know youre amazing and that you can easily do it. And everybody you meet in the business world of your niche will just help you further and further

Seduction? Gift them with your… love

And all this would happen in a way thats extremely true to yourself as you truly are being the best version of yourself.
This sub can not be underestimated.

I have to look back at my old journals of using this to remember all the details of my experience. But it is easily to sub that has changed me the most and the one where i will keep going back too


I archived your posts about OG Love Bomb as your experience is motivating.


Hence why the people of Subliminal Club need OG Love Bomb, updated to 2024.


It’s weird I would have expected these kinds of results from LBFH based on how the sales copy is worded, not Love Bomb…

Thanks for sharing guys @TheDerpinator @Psiklou


was just thinking the same thing. I just read your review and then read the sales page for Love Bomb and its literally the exact opposite of what I would expect.

The replies that Saint had to some of your archived post explains it all better


Dang, this is a very good reading. Thanks.
Hope your well will never dry out :slight_smile:
This is not just some wise saying, I just made it out :slight_smile:

Maybe I can change to this instead of having Wanted, but I like physical shifting, on the other hand, love will increase your vibrations, and thus manifestations. Confidence, and kindness are always good things to have.


@TheDerpinator Have you also had success in the seduction area with LB?

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Im not single and havent been for for a good bit at this point. So i cant say much real seduction experience. This said, there definitely have been experiences of girls being very nice and interested in me that if i wanted to go for their numbers i probably could have.


I ran Love Bomb this morning for the first time. I personally feel it is so much more healing than LBFH, I get no recon from it compared to LBFH, the love effect is so smooth and melting away inner tensions, self love is very apparent and it’s helping me be more myself so obviously, I resonate a lot with this one, so glad I got it.


I have missed this sub. Its good to have it back in my stack!


Is that even compared to the new LBfH?

Been running this alongside my Primal/Heartsong custom ever since they announced they was remaking it and man I’m disappointed I haven’t been running it this entire time.

I feel more unapologetically me than ever before, it’s difficult to put into words how exactly it causes me to feel but my only comparison would be that way you feel when you’re tipsy, where your inhibitions disappear and you’re just the purest form of you without any anxiety and negativity holding you back.

I’m also on my longest streak of no pmo and surprisingly my sexual energy feels under control, infact it almost feels like the longer I go the more “magic” happens, like my excess sexual energy is converted into this loving energy that just triggers these wild manifestations. The kindness people show me nowadays is unbelievable.

LB feels like the perfect “booster” title, it just adds this incredible self belief to everything you do.


Dang, I need to get on the Love Bomb train.


@SaintSovereign Do you think Love Bomb and LBFH can be together in a custom file ?

and second question : the new LB will be this week ? I don’t know but I feel it stronger and stronger, preresults ?

Yes .

Was Love Bomb always this popular?

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