Main Disc. Thread - Love Bomb ZP

This may be interesting to read for @SaintSovereign and @Fire too.

Ive never had any luck with any aura sub in the past. It only really seemed to give headaches and nothing else, with no reall effect on the people i interacted with. This changed with this new love bomb though. Im not sure what you guys changed but i now started noticing attached behaviour coming from other people, both close friends and acquintences. I started noticing that people are very much trying to please me and be around me.
All this started after i was done with the healing. Ive also talked about this in the CFW thread but after something got cleared, possibly by LB or CFW, than i just felt the love bomb aura coming in and shining.
Im not sure wich sub was causing this healing. I assume it was CFW though, so for everyone that has trouble getting auras to work, i highly recommend trying chosen from within. that seemed to have done the trick for me.


Definitely want to try CFW after the next cycle.


Initially I only felt an overwhelming love on CFW. Now Regen is definitely working hard on healing and pushing through.

I can’t wait to feel the love bomb portion from CFW again.


Do you mean Regen as a separate title or within CFW?

Within CFW.

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Goddamn the power of love bomb seems to have turned up a notch after reflecting myself out of the recon i was experiencing. It started causing an sxtreme surge in confidence and general feeling of powerfullness too. Ive said this before and ill say it again, the key to love bombs aura seems based on just accepting every single part of yourself, flaws, mistakes, everything. I guess this is how selflove feels.


I can’t find CFW in the shop. I assume you get both Chosen and CFW when you buy Chosen or?

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That appears to be the case. Check out the first post of the Chosen from Within announcement thread New Disc. Thread - Chosen From Within ZP EXPERIMENTAL

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I think i finally understand love bomb. It doesnt work by making you love everything and everyone and thereby making others feel the same, but it works by making you love the shit out of yourself so much that others are inclined to feel the same.

This is at least what ive experienced so far. The selflove is actually insane, and no other sub has ever caused such an insane increase in confidence and just sheer loving myself. It feels like it has made everything great just because everything is a representation of how amazing i myself am. Love bomb really feels like its in a league of its own.


How do you think that love bomb stack with Emperor? I know sounds kind of weird, but I’m thinking it might boost the seduction part, confidence (self love) and leadership qualities no?


I can almost guarantee its gonna stack amazingly well. In my experience the confidence of this sub is even greater than i had on emperor, yet a different kind of confidence. Combining them will definitely work well.


What you think about you bring about.
Energy goes where attention flows.
You attract what you ARE. Not what you want.
As Above, So Below.
As Within, So Without.

All the same.

Which is why ZP is so powerful, it changes YOUR reality, so the external world follows suit.


This man gets it. :wink:


Come on, you didn’t even see the dream that I wrote about in the PM I sent after my first loop of LB.

I wanted to know if it’s good to post publicly on this thread, but if you want, you can share it :stuck_out_tongue:

I have like 150 messages right now, lol. Going forward, I’m probably only answering PMs on Tuesday and Thursday – something like that.


Alright I’ll just post it here :stuck_out_tongue:

Basically, the dream started with a 3rd person view of myself, I could see myself walking with my girl, laughing, being stared at by others, looking good and happy, but then, since it was a 3rd person view, he turned to me and I realized that I might be in someone else’s body or something, so I somehow found a mirror next to me and I looked at myself, and it was actually still me.
So again, 2 versions of me, but the weird part was that after he turned to me, he kept looking and then started walking towards me, and everything else started disappearing into a white void, and once he was inches away from me, he said “thank you”, then he kissed me :upside_down_face:?!
But here’s the thing, it wasn’t a make out, but a long kiss, and as we were kissing, he turned into kinda energy particles (like photons or something), and entered my body from my lips.
After that I woke up, and couldn’t go back to sleep no matter what.
For context, I sleep 10 hours MINIMUM, but today it was like 5-6 hours, and I’m good (except for the vaccine side effects).


Heatmap from a study described in the book „The Neuroscience of Emotion“ by Adolphs and Anderson

Is that how auras work?


No one can say for sure, but it plays a role. :wink: