Main Disc. Thread - Love Bomb ZP

Are you in Montreal?

@SaintSovereign can you please take the time to answer this question.

Does stark have physical shifting ?

Hey mate, are you in montreal, I live in montreal right now :smiley:

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I have family there and I hear of -30 Celsius cold weather.

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Current stack is Alchemist Qv2, RICH ZP and Paragon ZP but played one loop of Love Bomb ZP to tide over a difficult day. This is from my Subliminal Club Black journal:

But today morning, Love Bomb ZP was released. And due to the storm going on these days, I thought i would run 1 loop of this to get me to be more loving and be a bit more loved.

LB ZP worked immediately on my mood and turned my disposition to that of a radiating light of energy. I immediately began forgiving a couple of Uber drivers who cancelled on my rides yesterday. And also could feel no sense of resentment for a couple of people in my life. I even probed my feelings thinking of those people and I didn’t feel any grudge at all towards them.

Then I had to go out for the day. Felt at peace with everyone I met. A couple of people said a few things that wasn’t very kind but I dismissed it from my heart like a father knowing that his children will grow up to be kinder later. I didn’t feel triggered at all by anything.

Other people were extra kind to me. Like on WANTED ZP. But Love Bomb was more from other people’s love for me rather than their desire to be me or be with me.

If you ever want to forgive people immediately or have too many angry thoughts going on in your mind, run LB ZP. Feelings of revenge, resentment, jealousy, etc will melt leaving your heart free to love. As it is made to be.

There is no love being poured into your heart from Love Bomb. Your heart is already made to love and you only need to remove undesirable elements from it for it to be itself. And that’s what Love Bomb does. Makes you a being of Love.

Life is on easy mode with Love at the helm


Yup, I’m around there

Guess I’m gonna print and frame this one :smiley:

Cool! People said: It is a good place to live in!

How’s the boostering going for you?

So far I am strictly sticking to my stack, but the LB release really had me throwing it on top of Regen…
Regen is powerful, REALLY helps, but bruh the world gets dark for a day haha


First time I’m hearing of boosting in a 3-sub stack! I hope this goes well for you.


I was at the grocery store and there was a car with little boy riding in the middle and a baby seat at the back blocking the aisle while their mom was adjusting some stuff around; I rolled to their left side to pick some stuff from the left side of the aisle, and as I was looking at the other side, I hear a faint “hi” coming from below; I look at the direction of the voice and see this little boy looking at me and I say “hi” back, and he lets out the loudest giggle and laughter, like those cutesy and dumb laughs that kids do and starts jumping in his place like a little monkey, soon after his mom starts laughing with him and the other baby giggle. It happened automatically, without thinking. It was beautifully strange.

The effects from yesterday haven’t waned off. Pure presence is what’s happening, hit me yesterday as I was falling asleep. Felt this way before, but couldn’t sustain it. In fact, since waking up, my day has been filled with joyful laughter and I can see the effects of LB on others. The aura is activating their aura, synchronizing their frequency what what I’m projecting.


The Maharishi effect will be in full effect. They say it only takes a small number of people in positive states to effect the whole city you’re in. So if you’re lighting up other candles this will be very good.


Its really beautiful, feels like a mixture of Paris and NY. My only complaint is the lack of nature, but that’s probably because I haven’t been here for so long to fully explore it. I came from NS and its so breath taking over there, almost unadulterated nature and they’re so friendly. Like people saying good morning and waving hello at the stop signs lol

I like that :smiley:

I don’t intend to continue doing more than 3 titles in a stack. It was just a one time thing running LB yesterday.

To test the boosting effect of LB on any stack might require more days.

If I decide to add in LB, I will replace RICH with it. Not yet decided on that though.

What is that?

Basically when a small number of people meditate, crime rates go down. Like how they push fear on the news, well basically it’s the opposite effect and because it’s on the “positive” end of the spectrum it’s actually more powerful. Like how good always overcomes evil. Light over dark. etc. The Divine Matrix is a good book to dive deeper into such concepts and experiment explanations.


That’s fascinating. I’ll definitely check the book out. Thank you.

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I think this belongs here


Forgot to add this here.
But honestly guys, if you have a slot in your stack, then I highly recommend adding LB :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: