Main Disc. Thread - Love Bomb ZP v2

was just thinking the same thing. I just read your review and then read the sales page for Love Bomb and its literally the exact opposite of what I would expect.

The replies that Saint had to some of your archived post explains it all better


Dang, this is a very good reading. Thanks.
Hope your well will never dry out :slight_smile:
This is not just some wise saying, I just made it out :slight_smile:

Maybe I can change to this instead of having Wanted, but I like physical shifting, on the other hand, love will increase your vibrations, and thus manifestations. Confidence, and kindness are always good things to have.


@TheDerpinator Have you also had success in the seduction area with LB?

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Im not single and havent been for for a good bit at this point. So i cant say much real seduction experience. This said, there definitely have been experiences of girls being very nice and interested in me that if i wanted to go for their numbers i probably could have.


I ran Love Bomb this morning for the first time. I personally feel it is so much more healing than LBFH, I get no recon from it compared to LBFH, the love effect is so smooth and melting away inner tensions, self love is very apparent and it’s helping me be more myself so obviously, I resonate a lot with this one, so glad I got it.


I have missed this sub. Its good to have it back in my stack!


Is that even compared to the new LBfH?

Been running this alongside my Primal/Heartsong custom ever since they announced they was remaking it and man I’m disappointed I haven’t been running it this entire time.

I feel more unapologetically me than ever before, it’s difficult to put into words how exactly it causes me to feel but my only comparison would be that way you feel when you’re tipsy, where your inhibitions disappear and you’re just the purest form of you without any anxiety and negativity holding you back.

I’m also on my longest streak of no pmo and surprisingly my sexual energy feels under control, infact it almost feels like the longer I go the more “magic” happens, like my excess sexual energy is converted into this loving energy that just triggers these wild manifestations. The kindness people show me nowadays is unbelievable.

LB feels like the perfect “booster” title, it just adds this incredible self belief to everything you do.


Dang, I need to get on the Love Bomb train.


@SaintSovereign Do you think Love Bomb and LBFH can be together in a custom file ?

and second question : the new LB will be this week ? I don’t know but I feel it stronger and stronger, preresults ?

Yes .

Was Love Bomb always this popular?

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I think this is a special sub which was overlooked by many including myself.

Read this thread the first time and the results i read are rly great.

Cant wait to put LB into the next custom


It’s the same for me. LB wasn’t on my radar for a long time at all, which is kinda weird as the concept is universal and in the best way basic.

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I think for the most part this sub isnt widely used, however extremely beloved by those that have used it.


Felt like it’s getting a lot more love in the last few months than before. But might just be a personal impression.

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The wide realisation that universal love is your greatest ally pushed it to the front.

Thats how it seems to me

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I didn’t have this sub on my radar either. But after reading the whole thread, I’ve become curious about the effects LB will have on me and my environment.

I just bought it so I still have the old version before the new one is released.
Will listen to LB later today.


Good reminder, ill do the same

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I don’t know if this would go well together. Might be too overwhelming. While the energy of love feels good, you still need to maintain balance (in my opinion).