Main Disc. Thread - Love Bomb ZP v2

I only ran LB for one cycle, and honestly I don’t recall it doing much for me. However, I WAS running it with Wanted and OG PS, so maybe it was just too many clashing titles.

My first impression after listening to LB is very good.
Shortly after listening I felt calm, safe and secure. Carried by a higher power of love.
A very positive feeling that lasted the whole night. Very good sleep with very calm dreams.
I hope that this feeling will become permanent with more exposure.


Wonderful. And I believe the new version with Nse may be out this weekend

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Love Bomb is getting a lot more love lately… it must be its aura working :joy:


Meta-presults! Defo!


I read a post earlier and can’t find it now. But somebody said something about how it was strange or something that some people fear an aura of love more than dominance.

That was my experience too. This was shortly before I found subclub. I was tapping into that love within and just going about my life like that. I was surprised to see some people afraid of me. I guess it stirred up my insecurities but I didn’t realize it was their insecurities and why I got such a hard time from people. Judged and ridiculed just for existing. I then tried out Ascended Mogul but that kind of brought out other people’s jealousy and I got more challenges.

The people who resonated with the love and positive could only see that in me, they were oblivious to the negative attention I was getting.

So I can’t wait for the LB update. For now I think CWON is the better all around package for me and the Chosen line has really helped me in terms of transcending the negativity and even transmuting it into positive reactions from others. Regular Chosen and CFW were the best for that, but I find CWON more “healing” for what I need. I’m excited about the LB getting updated for sure though.

I tried the first love bomb and I was feeling too good for my environment. I don’t mean in an egoic, I’m too good kind of way. I was just filled with goodness and I hadn’t yet realized that that can be disturbing to the unhappy herd. I had a few knuckleheads making fun of me, and ladies wanting my attention. It was a bit overwhelming, that was years ago. I’m in a much better place nowadays. I think Sanguine and LB are gonna be an unbeatable combo with whatever other major title you choose.


IT’S COMING !!! tbh more excited for the copy than the sub but i’ll probably run the sub now


An Alpha title + a Love title = best protection against jealous and resentful people

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Just carry a print of the new copy on you, and watch your results roll in

I think Stark Black and LB would work great together. But SB is blooming right now, so I’m jaded!

Ambition with …loving oneself? For some reason–I’m serious here–I’ve never seen these together in my mind. I may have seen it in real life, but I’m sure it didn’t click. Even as an adult these last 10 years. I’m seeing my wealth “blocks”, and I’m gonna say that the lack of love around successful people growing up had me thinking…

To be successful, I’ll have to not love who I am.

Damn. This is hitting home. New LB tomorrow morning. First loop.


Absolutely! I am using this combo, together with KHAN.

Stark Black through its fame scripting will always have some people jelous and resentful.

KHAN through its dominance and status scripting will also always have some people jelous and resentful.

When adding Love Bomb to the mix, all those resentful and jelous people cannot help themselves anymore but to love you, to open up and perceive you as their beacon of light.

You become their “famous dominant inspiration” to whom they choose to look up to.

I say “choose” because the best way to leverage someone’s free will is through unconditional love and acceptance. You literally become a source of healing for them, so of course they will choose with their free will to no longer be jelous but instead be inspired of what they too can become!


I also remember Saint saying he expects a lot of SB users to stack it with the new LB. Like it’ll be a fantastic mix.


15 mins till 9pm EST maybe something will happen haha


Do you remember where he said that?


Are you sure he wasn’t referring to the SB + New Daredevil combo?

SB + LB sounds really good too!


Is self-esteem correlated to self-love?

Ambition might require high self-esteem.


You mean …



I’ve slept on Love Bomb for whatever reason, it seems :thinking:


Love is a pillar of self esteem

Nathaniel Brandon - The Six Pillars of Self Esteem


I checked the shop this morning and a new picture of Love Bomb is online.

Also in my Downloads Lovebomb is listed as Mar2024

I think it’s here :cowboy_hat_face::cowboy_hat_face::cowboy_hat_face::cowboy_hat_face::cowboy_hat_face:

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Yes, the download was updated two days ago. I saw the new image in the shop today.
But my guess is the sales letter is the same.
Have run one loop yesterday together with Sanguine.


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