The Rebirth Of Ouroboros


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Colombia’s goal will be to work hard AND play hard

Focused from 9-5

Living life LARGE from 5-9

(My girlfriend will still be working 8 hours a day, so, I will have a consistent schedule)

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Went out and socialized

I don’t want to read too much into m PERCEPTION of what happened

But my observations were

  • I was quieter and was ok with people “thinking I’m not talking enough”

  • I crushed it when we randomly played tennis even tho it was quite dark

  • I was very comfortable being myself and doing my own thing, had zero people pleasing tendencies


Washout day 4

STILL getting bloom from Genesis on this washout.

My addictions & impulses are WAY down.

And the result is “unfolding” like it would on RoM.

I’m not setting “quit” intentions. There’s no initiative I’m putting on myself to be less impulsive & self-destructive.

I just am unfolding into a reality where all of a sudden NOT drinking coffee seems like the most natural course of action, even though I’ve been hooked for so long that I can’t work without it.

It’s like I’m looking at coffee and making decisions completely objectively, with all the emotion and craving removed.

All of a sudden, YouTube seems crazy to have downloaded on my phone.

All of a sudden, I’m only interested in online gaming (chess) on other people’s computer, if it’s social, for an hour or two, once every couple of weeks.

I didn’t plan for any of this.

I’m just letting it unfold.

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Solo genesis bloom

I’m working hard, but, working hard doesn’t seem so hard.

Longer hours feel more natural as I’m more in touch with myself.

Working with myself rather than against myself

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End Of Washout Day 4, recon is fairly high

Thoughts had on recon, documented purely as a time capsule for what this recon currently looks and feels like. Take all of this with poetic license.

I feel like I’m missing something.

Missing something both inside of myself, and outside, in my life.

Outside of me, life seems dull.

While the revelations & introspections of Genesis are profound, I also feel like my life is boring.

While on HOM I felt like I was the King of something, on Genesis, I’m in touch with my vulnerability as a man… even with my tenderness as the boy inside the man.

HOM gives life a narrow focus - wealth & influence & prestige. And on HOM, I excel at those things. All the fixings of life outside of that, I can ignore, I can choose not to think about it, because as far as HOM is concerned, I am living my purpose.

But Genesis is much more than that. It’s about a balanced life. Wealth. AND social life. AND personal confidence. AND emotional healing. And I’m not the master of all of those. I’ve seen them all improve with Genesis, but, I’ve seen that I need to improve them, as well. So instead of feeling like king of the world I feel the holes in my life that need to be filled.

And yet, that same “boringness” is what I ascribe to be a Genesis “result.” Not “recon.”

That same boringness is what’s getting me in touch with my ability to slow down and do things right. It’s what’s getting me introspecting in the first place, late at night like this, instead of drowning myself in YouTube, my nightly habit for the last month.

I had a somatic therapy session where I got to FEEL into the physical sensations of trauma today and “be with them” instead of reacting to them.

At first, it was hard but interesting. I like a good meditative challenge. And it certainly was one.

But then I got to the point where my body truly relaxed, and I truly felt like I had sat with negative sensations until they passed. And I became so relaxed, the guide was speaking to me, and after just 20 seconds of her talking, I felt like what she had said was something she said 30 minutes prior. Time was moving so slowly, I was so relaxed and present - the type of presence where each moment feels like eternity.

So, that’s my experience today.

Maybe I’m just long overdue to feel feelings I’ve been trying not to feel.


Washout day 5

I’m feeling HOT

This has been the most intense washout I’ve EVER taken by far.

I’ve literally seen more and more and more growth from results every single day of this washout. Day 4 was hell. Day 5 I’m feeling like god.

Attractiveness, I think Genesis did something to my confidence around that. I’m generally aware I’ve got decent looks but I looked in the mirror today and loved what I saw.

Lifestyle, life is fried ducking good. I go to Latin America on Sunday for a work away vacation with the girlfriend. Going to a wedding tomorrow. Been spending time with friends.

Work, there’s been an interesting new development on my relationship to wealth. I feel like on Genesis I’m mastering the 80/20 Pareto principle.

It’s becoming so easy to take action because I’m no longer feeling overwhelmed by “all of the things I have to do.” There’s just naturally one thing that seems right to do, I see the benefit of doing it, I don’t have any hang ups around not doing it, and I have the energy to do it, so I do it. It’s as simple as that.

I’m even getting less stressed out about money overall because I realize there’s only one or two major things I have to do to get results… instead of 100 to stress about. Life feels a lot simpler, which makes me a lot more effective (and less stressed!)

Also, it seems like my new priority is to do the 20% of the work that gets me 80-90% of the maximum financial benefit I can extract from a situation, leaving me in good financial circumstances but also not sacrificing all of my extra time just for a small amount added to my bottom line. I can use that time for other aspects of my life.

Relationship to self, I’m making decisions that are in my own best interest. Fear, impulses craving, addiction, uncertainty, unworthiness, all of those emotions are removing themselves from my decision making criteria. It’s becoming easier and easier to do the right thing. I never feel like I’m fighting myself or forcing myself, I always feel that I’m acting in a way that’s natural.

Relationship to money, despite my financial status changing virtually zero in the 14 days I’ve started running Genesis, I feel all of a sudden totally comfortable with my situation. Healing has been done, in a different way than EOG entirely. EOG makes me feel certain I will become a multimillionaire and successful… Genesis seems more focused on helping cultivate a MINDSET OF ABUNDANCE internally first and foremost.

Meaning, it’s not just that I’m confident I will one day have enough money… but also that I am confident that right now I have all the inner and outer resources I need to live a life of abundance.

Like legit until Genesis, one of the main reasons why I have been holding off proposing was because I didn’t want to pay 5K for a ring.

Now that seems ridiculous lol, scarcity is not in my decision making process any longer


My mom asked me what I’m doing differently

“You seem very calm”

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Having deleted YouTube is very easy, still.

I’m very aware now of reoccurring events that make me want to watch videos. I still want to watch them even though I don’t have YT anymore.


When I don’t have enough energy to feel “productive”

Podcasts while driving

Memes before bed

When I’m stressed with time to kill

And a few others


But now that I don’t have YT I still want to do things during those moments, and so I’ve either been listening to audiobooks, or coming to the forum.

Both feel much more productive.

Audiobooks reduce decision fatigue - I pick one book and listen for 8 hours, instead of one new video every 10-20 minutes.

And the rest of my time I come to the forum, which is amazing that in my down time I’m reflecting on my growth and introspecting instead of memeing.


Genesis 3 min loop

And so the cycle begins again

Hopping on a flight to South America in 8 hours!

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VERY tapped in to my emotions the last two days.

Read “the Rosie result” (book 3 of Rosie project) and teared up a bit at the end

Went to a wedding yesterday and teared up a bit watching the bride and groom cry their own tears of joy exchanging their vows

My girlfriend said she noticed it in a positive way, seeing a deeper side of me, realizing I have more positive emotion and care about topics related to family than she realizes.

Good result for me considering I’m generally expressionless or positive, but rarely show emotions apart from that


Basically, this exchange sums up EXACTLY how I feel.

I was going to add HOM back in, but, since I’m travelling in South America right now, balancing social life and work life.

April was work-obsessed

May was socializing-obsessed

June will be a work-social balance

And that’s probably the tune I’ll keep singing all summer, as summer is my birthday, and I’ve got some really fun things planned.

So before adding in HOM, I’m going to add Ascended Mogul to Genesis.

The idea is three-fold

  1. I can listen to AM 3x per week but I can only listen to HOM 1x per week, due to size of the subliminal

  2. AM is personal/social/financially balanced, while HOM is pure finances

  3. I want to go “back to basics” with Ascended Mogul just like I did for Genesis, to see how it effects me.



3 mins of AM

Any advice on how to escape the “feeling of missing out” by stopping using YouTube? I mainly use YouTube to follow educational channels for things that I am interested in (agency, software, medicine, fishing, etc) so it’s not like I am just consuming mindless content like MrBeast or something.

Have you gotten your girlfriend to start running subliminals yet? You’ve had such excellent results with them, I wonder how she would do with your guidance.

@ouroboros Yesterday I was contemplating adding AM to Genesis too to see if there’s more push to go after my main goals & also add even more confidence, masculine presence & drive to it.


Beauthiful result

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Rest day, ran Ascended Mogul last night

Lots of anger coming up today.

The alpha scripting hitting me hard. It’s something I usually avoid

My stacks have been HOM, EOG, Mogul, RICH, LE, Commander, even Chosen, Love Bomb & Sanguine: Elixir

But while I did run a LOT of AM in the early days, it’s been a long time since I’ve ran it. And it’s hitting like a ton of bricks.

Woke up in the morning and had a lot of joy. Literally had a spontaneous dance party with the gf.

But then my day proceeded, people pissed me off, I reacted poorly, and it took me a long time to wind down from the stress. Then in that anger, I procrastinated and went into an online rabbit hole instead of getting important things done.

Early days, so, I’ll keep doubts to myself.

Welcome back to AM

Will try to stack Genesis + AM together, rather than on separate days, to see if Genesis can help smooth out AM’s energy for me.

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More anger this morning

But also, for the health nerds out there, got my highest recovery score and HRV ever.

On AM right now I’m alternating pure joy and shaking anger and annoyance. Mostly joy, but the anger is more powerful than I’m used to when it comes up

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