Main Disc. Thread - Genesis ZP

Isn’t there LB scripting in Genesis as well?

I’m definitely gonna see how I feel come wash out time next week.

This huge result is either Genesis or Lineage or both. It just happened tonight. The only change in my stack was eog4 to Genesis, but I did run Lineage yesterday

Late at night, I had an emotional meltdown. Not sure if that even captures what happened. All the memories of myself not feeling good enough rose to the surface and I cried hard and my heart still hurts in the aftershocks.

I realized that pretty much the center of everything in my life is because in the deepest spaces under my mind under the strongest mntal shields I feel “I am not enough” This stems all the way back since I can remember. DEEP DEEP DEEP Down I always felt not enough at work, to my family, friends, society. Even here. I have always projected and believed that I thought I didn’t care what others thought. Turn out I do deep in the core under the strongest of barriers in my psyche behind mental walls and mazes is a little version of me asking “am I enough”

It is the core reason I seek to improve myself not just every year, but everyday be better than u was yesterday a little too strongly.

@SaintSovereign is right. Light healing scripting doesn’t mean light healing. This struck hard and deep to the core of my spirit, being, life. I am shell-shocked right now.

The pain in my heart was the most intense pain I have ever experienced, including physical pain. I am still feeling the aftershocks of this. Revelation of mind didn’t even trigger this.

The great thing is now that with Genesis, I can go on the adventure of a lifetime to help myself understand I am enough. Once I strip all the mental barriers, shields and blow all those protections a way, I can start building a beautiful mind palace that, in my core, I will know that I am enough.

Once I know that I am enough deep down, I have a feeling all the pieces of the puzzle in my life will click together and I will be living my dream life.

THIS is the power of Genesis. I have yet to run any main healing focused sub that I know of.


Yes, Genesis brings all the unresolved things deep down in ourselves to the surface of our conscious mind & awareness to be healed once and for all (in due time of course). That’s what I’m experiencing so far on my run too & I’m proud to be up to the (adventurous) challenges which GNS is putting on the table.

Also, it gives you bigger balls to face your fears without the heavy burden which comes with them.


The best thing about Genesis is that I expect to be successful now. No more doubting my own abilities for small stuff at work (no longer going way overboard for a company that has already interrogated and investigated me three times for no reason) and finding interest in outside things like art. Work is no longer the be all and end all.




HoM is doing its thang and Stark is incredible.

Stark - articulate the vision

HoM - orchestrate the team in a biz setting

Genesis - guiding hand (quests navigation)

Lmao this combo is insane.

I think it really shines in a networking “setting so I was able to just be relaxed and myself which allowed me to connect with people in an articulate way.

I’m just relaxed and people just gravitate towards me I think it’s the love bomb aura mixing with stark.

For my software platform I now have 2 board members joining the project, I’m speaking with a well connected professor later this upcoming week, also just connected with this guy who runs a writers group so I have beta users.

Now gonna learn how to raise capital and put it all together and get talent to hop on board.

It’s crazy but this all literally happened when Genesis came out. It went from idea to actual thing.

I see it crystal clear. And funny thing is my platform allows me to master new things 100x faster.

I think Genesis has executed on its job perfectly.

  • I no longer need to question as it literally created these paths and let me know how clear it is.

  • I know that success is guaranteed for me as long as I keep learning and taking relentless action

  • I know that if I fail or come up with resistance I will find a solution and keep at it. I don’t care how long it takes

I should just move forward and I think I need to go emperor mode rn but Genesis mode is already incredible as it is.

Like idk I feel like I no longer need to find a purpose cause I kinda found my calling to develop this platform through Genesis so I’m chilling

@SaintSovereign @Fire hope I’m getting this right, I love Genesis but maybe it’s the right time to go into emperor for deeper transformation?


Check check and check.

I took my prototype and literally it’s already better than a app that is valued at 300M lol

It’s like a deep knowing as I’m rereading this.

Like truthfully idk I feel like it’s perfect I haven’t experienced emperor to this extent


More Genesis results

Since the brutal realization that my biggest fear is that I am not enough, i have been feeling some real raw emotional pain that I have not allowed myself to feel in the past.

This event is like when, in a fantasy novel, the main character’s view of the world as they knew shattered and discovered their magical powers.

I feel like this sub is taking the place of the grandfatherly wizard who is helping guide the young hero on their quest to fulfill their destiny.

Kind of cool to have my own Hero’s journey, and I have found some magic sizzling within. I’m excited for this fantasy series to unfold. I wonder how many different books it will contain.


Two more awesome results from Genesis:

•Having a lot of very vivid dreams has never been a strange thing for me… Somehow Genesis is making it wilder than ever.

Every single night since I started using it, my dreams keep getting longer, more intriguing and full of symbolism… and somehow pretty literal at the same time… ot is it that Im able to decode them faster?

•On the other hand I feel Im learning to trust the process of life and growth a lot better, my external situation haven’t change much yet my inner landscape is one of tranquility and acceptance.

I realized yesterday that its been a while since Im not feeling the need or desire to change anymore. That was fueled by the dislike of what I thought I was.

Theres a strange feeling (for me) of quietness that can only come from being at peace with who I am.


This subliminal has me starting to have enthusiasm for life. I find myself getting excited for whatever happens next regardless of what it is while enjoying the thing I am doing. I am definently going to repeat my year of EoG, but for Genesis to see what an entire year listening can bring.


This is the language that I speak. :muscle:
Running a sub or a stack for a whole year will always get your progress to a point of no return. Externally and/or internally.


I am going beyond a year with EOG and Index Gate UP . I may run nothing else for a few years


I find that sticking to a stack is not feasible for me. Too much shiny object syndrome and life changes. But I can stick to a sub for a year if it aligns with my goal that I want the most out of anything.

This sub is exactly that so I’m excited to see what a year of it could being. EoG dramatically changed my life in the span of 1 year. I’m thinking this subliminal is going to work like compounded interest and use EoG as a springboard.


Had an interesting intervention I guess you could call it. I’ve always struggled writing music. Yesterday I was working on a track and mysteriously my MPC wouldn’t loop beyond 4 bars, never seen that happen before. So I had to turn off loop mode in order to write the rest of my sequence. It was the most productive session I’ve had in a while and it made me realize a very persistent habit I’ve had was essentially ruining my ability to think ahead and advance a song. It’s such a simple concept but looping a section too many times got my brain stuck in focusing only on that idea vs the whole track.


Don’t switch now. Consider letting the momentum build. Changing subs is like having to slowly stop and change direction against the current of the wind. Just slide.


Oh really? How long do u think I should run it until ideally? Cause I feel like I literally got every single objective on it haha


Genesis gave me the most important and transcendental result in my whole hystory with SubClub!!

There was something that was eating me up inside and I was very afraid to admit it even to myself, because I thought that it made me a lesser man.
It filled me up with fears and worries about the future and death, it affected me both romantically and economically.

I was so sure that if my girlfriend ever find out, she would see something so awful in me that she would leave, I even hide what I felt to my friends and family.

Yesterday I decided it was time to open up with my girlfriend and come clean, otherwise I would never be able to change and grow. It was surprinsingly easy to express myself and she was very open, loving and understanding.

Ive unburdened myself from a lot of fear, sadness and worries, the most surprising thing was how easy it actually was, after years of making it so hard in my head.

I know this was the first step of a longer road, thats for sure, but it was the most important one, the one that had me stagnant.


Congratulations! Great Progress. I know how hard opening up to someone really is because I myself deal with that problem.


Thanks!! Specially after a lifetime of hidding and avoiding feelings.