Sungaze's Journal

Sorry about your shop. How are you?

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I was lucky to move from my house right before it happened… So I’m fine

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Still working on getting the shop back on track after the flood.
And as before I’m not sure if it is the right direction to take.

On the one hand I would like to get rid of this job as soon as possible, on the other I’m not sure which direction to take.

As for the relationship I’m having, I’m quite happy, even if I don’t know if it’s the best thing for me at the moment.
Tomorrow I will see the girl after about ten days of not seeing each other because she was away.

I’ll keep Wanted (5 months) for now that’s starting to give me some physical shifts too, and AM (2 months) mainly for career purposes.

I’m thinking of replacing PS (almost 3 months) with Genesis.
However I promised myself to use each title for at least 6 months…

Hey man i just read what happened to you and I didnt know you lived there I am so sorry for what happened…I hope you are well and this situation is resolved as soon as possible

I believe Genesis is the best solution currently, It will help you a lot

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Thank you man! However it seems impossible that it can be resolved soon

Yeah indeed that’s why I’m thinking about it.

But I’m not sure cause for example reading @ouroboros journal below remembers me of my year of DR… and I’m not sure I’m actually in the a good situation for it right now

I’d still highly recommend Genesis.

Talking about vulnerability on Genesis was a glimpse of the sub. That was day 4 of a washout which had many colors. I like capturing the flavor of my recon as much as my results.

Genesis has a congruency-alignment in it that’s even stronger than DR, I’d say. Faster acting, VERY subtle and easy-to-navigate recon, that propels you forward in the direction of the sub.

I’ve actually been wanting a “light DR” for a LONG time, and Genesis feels like an answered prayer.

But if I were to do it again, I’d listen to Genesis once every 1-2 weeks, not multiple times per week, so that I can do a bit of introspection, but mainly take action. Genesis does have intense productivity scripting, but also intense introspection scripting. It’s an interesting balance.

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I think I’ll go with it, in place of PS

I dont remember though, should one wait more than the usual 5 washout days one replacing one title from a stack?

Official “Guideline”

(Because some people get stupid triggered by the word “recommendation”)

Is to have a 5 day washout, then only change one title in your stack after that.

If your “Stack 1” is PS, DR, and AM, just as an example…

After 5 days, your “Stack 2” could be any of the following.

  1. Continuations of your current stack without the addition of new subs.
  • All 3
  • Any 2 of 3
  • One of the three
  1. Continuations of your current stack, with ONE new sub
  • 2 of the 3 from “Stack 1” plus one new sub (ie Genesis)
  • 1 of the 3 from “Stack 1” plus one new sub (ie Genesis)
  • 0 of the 3 from “Stack 1” and you only solo one new sub (ie Genesis)

BUT you aren’t recommended to

  • Run 2 new subs plus one old sub
  • Run 3 new subs (ie stack 1 is sub #1,2,3 and stack 2 is #3,4,5)
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Thanks I’ve started today the new stack



love it bro, gonna be a great stack, good luck

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I only get triggered when people call them “rules” or “you can only…” or “you cant…” because hold my beer and watch me :wink:


Genesis + Wanted + AM

Yesterday afternoon I had a nice day with the girl I’m dating.
In the evening she was supposed to see a friend of hers and maybe see us at a live in a club in the area.
In the end I was too tired and didn’t go out.

Today I asked her if she slept at home and she replied that she slept at the house of the guy she’s been seeing for two years (and who’s about to leave), that I didn’t know anything about…
I know I accepted from the beginning that I was in an open relationship, but this makes me feel bad.
I asked her if she would tell me without my question since she talks about being clear and honest.
The answer was that she’s not sure because she’s afraid of hurting me…

I feel so much anger right now. She asked me to meet for lunch to talk but I told her that it’s better not.
I need space by myself, as I’m not in the emotional state for a useful conversation.

As has happened many other times, I used my punching bag to bring out what I was feeling, which from anger became sadness and then a sort of silence/emptiness.

Do you want to be with someone who is also involved, or kinda-sorta-involved, with someone else?

Some times these open relationships are framed to others as “are you secure enough to handle them”. But what if security wasn’t the issue. What if you just don’t want that?


Why one would resist the thing if not for insecurity, jealousy, need for self-confirmation?

Can you not think of other reasons?

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Cultural reasons, religious reasons comes to mind

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Wantend 8th
AM 4rd
Genesis 1st

I think Genesis it’s already kicking in…

I’ve got some mild recon during this first cycle, or I could say a beginning of some kind of introspection.

Despite the fact that sex is going great now, with the girl being almost worshipping me (clearly wanted) my mood goes up and down, at times feeling melancholy and often emptiness.

I feel myself drawn to meditation again and understanding reality.

My shortcomings are often magnified and I can see them clearly. A feeling of inadequacy in social situations, where I often find myself unable to communicate anything at all. A sense of lack of direction in life, mainly on the professional area, but also affecting other aspects of life.

And as I said previously about my current relationship, a strong jealousy and fear of not being up to par. A couple of times it prevented me from sleeping, but which now seems to begin to integrate/resolve.

Something I’m experiencing in common with the others, I’m having weird dreams even though most of the time I have a hard time remembering them.

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Sorry if this is off track, but there’s something helpful that I feel like sharing with you.

I used to get extremely jealous of men around my partner.

The sub that fixed that for me was EOG ST1.

Of all things!!! How did a wealth sub help me with sex and self confidence?

It helped me because it addressed my specific fears, even though it isn’t advertised for relationships, it helped because my relationship fears were actually insecurity around not being financially “good enough.”

I was jealous and fearful thinking that my partner would want to leave me for someone richer. I was broke. I was insecure about my own finances. And I projected onto her my own shame - if I didn’t like my financial status, she wouldn’t like it either. She never did anything to give off that impression, it was just a firm belief I held.

Then when I listened to EOG, that went away, and the fear went away, because my money beliefs healed. Even though the sub wasn’t relationship-related, it helped a lot.

I’m not saying run EOG!

What I’m inviting you to do, if you’re open to it, is to ask yourself what it is about that other guy’s strengths or about your own weaknesses that brought up all the jealousy in the first place.

How do you compare yourself to him?

What do you feel like he’s “better than you” at? Or, how is he “better than you” in some way.

I’m basically referring to this, but do some deeper introspection.

Play out a scenario in your mind and think through it slowly. Take 20-30 minutes to go to a park or something, no cell phone, just to be by yourself and sit through this uncomfortable thought experiment.

If she left you for him, what would her justification be?

“He’s just so_______?”

“You’re just so_____?”

And then assign part of your subliminal stack to exclusively working on THAT.

For example, just based off what you said, feeling inadequate socially, lacking direction, and lacking professionally, I’d say maybe you’d want to run something like Emperor.

Emperor helps socially, it helps with direction and an inner blaze, and it helps financially.

You’re already running AM, which is along a similar thread, but Emperor I think would be awesome for you as it’s more sexually focused on top of the financial side of things.

Or if you haven’t already ran Khan, perhaps replace AM with Khan to go DEEP on this issue of insecurity. Khan + Wanted, in my experience on this forum, is the single most insane results-producing stack available to anyone.

Or to make your stack really light but targeted towards this goal, maybe just run true social or power can corrupt, so that you feel totally in control and valued during social situations.

And I know this strategy of patching up weaknesses to fix jealousy works, because, my girlfriend is terrified that I’m going to leave her all the time. She literally just thinks she’s not all that hot, not the “sexy” type… even though she definitely is, but everyone has some insecurity about themselves that’s totally fine.

So what I told her to do, was, I told her about the same experience I told you, and how I used to be jealous of other men that had money, and now I’m not at all…

She asked me how it is I’m never jealous. And I told her straight up, I went and got successful in what I thought I was shitty at, and what I was afraid people were better than me at. Even though I’m not the richest guy by any stretch of the imagination, I know I’m good enough, and even before I started making more money, I gained a bunch of confidence just knowing I was going to work on it and have it in the future.

There’s so much to be said for self-acceptance and self-esteem and loving yourself no matter what and all… but at the same time, there’s something to be VALUED in insecurity - it’s a guidepost on what we care about enough to sacrifice for.

Because she’s jealous of other women because of their bodies, she’s taken the same approach and tried as hard as she can to focus on her own looks instead of worry about everyone else’s, and it’s been extremely effective for her. So that makes me think that now that she’s making progress on her own fitness, other people’s fitness doesn’t matter so much to her.

For me, when I started making progress in my own career, other people’s careers don’t matter as much to me.


Thanks for your insights @ouroboros !
In general I was trying to switch titles to early because “I’m not seeing results yet”… how much is too early? I was giving myself 6 months to test a title.

I think that lack of direction in life is a main theme for me and it is influencing my relationship for sure (“after all I’m am quite older then her and should have a much more clear direction”).
That’s why I chose Genesis, which is specific for that " Discover Your Purpose, Develop a Strong Sense of Adventure and Courage, Achieve Your Goals" (and more… lol).

And thinking about it my lack of social skills have influenced my previous relationship too. She was often trying to share experiences with others, I was like “meh… I don’t care, I care about you and me”.

But again I’ve just started my 5th cycle of AM (so almost 3 months) and I chose it because in my current situation (I have a shop that I was trying to sell, before being hit by the flood and now practically unsellable) my bank account is safe (at least for a few years), but there is no 'is a real profit

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