Operation Genesis & Legacy of the Spartan

Tonight I had some dreams in which, in the beginning, I was in an unknown city with my uni school-mates in some very crowded places. Then the dream continued with more & more isolation from that familiar group of people to the feeling of being lost in that new environment. At some point, when I was feeling really uncomfortable being alone, I decided it should not be a problem to go alone to some bar and enjoy something sweet.

Again, as other users have reported too, it feels like some kind of healing took place during the dream state because there was mindset growth in a challenging situation.

Anxiety in the morning is at an all-time low since the beginning of this cycle, so there’s progress & more & more driven peace where I’m pushing myself to do things but it feels like more natural & integrated & not forced at all.


Another day…another crazy dream…

At some point, I was alone in the gym with 2 pretty girls & so my excitement was building up really fast until…something happened & that pleasant dream vanished.

I didn’t sleep well though due to my heated body in the hot weight-room.

Every day I’m becoming more & more familiar with the work environment & I have decent/ good relationships with the staff there. I’m also assisting more clients than the other trainers so I can stand out & prepare all the required social ingredients to get some personal training clients.

I like more & more this job, especially the social gathering aspect & new encounters every single day I’m working there. It’s pretty easy to approach & smile at strangers now in a genuine manner.


I feel more tired than usual but way less anxious than the previous days (almost zero on a scale of 10). My tiredness could be related to the Ascension Chamber run I did yesterday in the afternoon (it was supposed to be done in the morning but I was busy in the gym). Overall I’m calmer though.

EDIT: I’m able to accept people as they are more & more. It’s a huge thing for me because I was used to critiquing & judge others both inner & outer (in my mind & expressing it too). Now I’m walking my path without worrying about what others do or don’t do.


Just came back from my niece’s birthday party. A lot of unpleasant feelings came to the surface & I felt very vulnerable but I was able to do something I was scared of doing (walking alone in a crowded place during the evening in a place where my difficult past relationships & situations has to be faced).

So, even though it was hard to experience those heavy emotions, I’m proud of myself for facing that situation in the most courageous way possible for me at that time. I hope it’s the starting point to heal my past relationships for good.


Tonight I had some more interesting dreams but right now I don’t remember them anymore. However, I’m pretty sure they were positive in nature & overall growth-themed.

I slept better too compared to the other days & now my mood is definitely uplifted. My inner state feels lighter & without something bothering me that I can’t pinpoint though.

Genesis is EPIC in assisting your overall growth both inner & outer.

I cannot wait to see where it’s going to take me in the next weeks/months.


Can also confirm this for myself, dreams are wild AF,

As for subtle anxiety, I’ve had some reflections

This was almost a poetic expression of how I was feeling, but, it encapsulates that while I feel like I’m growing on Genesis, I also feel like I need to grow, which is a dual-natured excitement & anxiety.

I do feel like HOM lets me ignore the parts of my life that aren’t wealth/financial/power related, whereas Genesis brings EVERYTHING to light, and helps me acknowledge it openly.


One form of recon is wanting to listen to a whole range of subs

And one form of expressing that recon without actually acting it out is to create massive plans like these.

Right now, Genesis can cover a LOT of these areas of life.

  • Purpose, Genesis
  • Wealth, Genesis
  • Muscle, no
  • Confidence, Genesis
  • Male enhancement, not genesis
  • Sex Appeal, Genesis,
  • Social Circle & Friends, Genesis
  • Joy, Satisfaction, Peace, Genesis

I have many times described my perception of Genesis as a beautiful combo of Stark + CFW.

Not that Genesis will ever perfectly hit all of these to the fullest, but, if you were to make a 3-6 month plan of running Genesis, with the intention of reevaluating what you’re looking for in life in 3-6 months, that could make a lot of sense too, purely because Genesis is great at helping you find your

Also, I’m observing that the main things that Genesis DOESN’T cover, are well covered by Emperor…

Purpose is covered by Emperor to an extent, in a type of determined & certain resolve in your goals in life. Also Genesis.

Wealth is absolutely covered in Emperor and it’s suggested that one runs several cycles of emperor/mogul before embarking on EOG… however, I wish I ran EOG1 sooner. Also covered by Genesis.

Muscle is covered with physical shifting in Emperor, less that LoTS of course.

Confidence is absolutely in Emperor, alongside Genesis.

Male Enhancement and Sex Appeal… Emperor includes rewritten version of Sex Mastery X, I don’t believe there’s direct size/girth enhancement in Emperor, but, this seems covered in Emperor enough for now.

Social Circle & Friends are mainly covered by Genesis, more than Emperor, but Emperor absolutely makes you a higher value man, have higher status, be desired by more people, more skilled at socializing, etc. It’s a social sub, as much as anything else.

Joy, Satisfaction, Peace… Genesis absolutely pushes this forward, but people absolutely feel the joy and satisfaction of loving themselves and knowing they’re freaking awesome on Emperor, the confidence is unparalleled, and it brings joy, alongside the healing of Genesis to help that joy hit even deeper this would be an interesting combo.

So maybe an Emperor/Genesis stack for a while, until you feel like all of these goals are well serviced, then you can add in third subs on rotation while always keeping these two in your stack?

Take whatever works for you and leave whatever doesn’t, hope this was helpful!

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I feel like Genesis is lead up to Stark and Emperor

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@ouroboros I’m reading the Emperor sales page & I think it could be a pretty powerful combo with Genesis in covering pretty much everything I want to accomplish. Also, I guess it’s more effective to run 2 titles long-term (Genesis & Emperor are much more similar than I thought) than 3 different rotating stacks unless they have the same goals.


I had another strange dream in which, at the very end, I was searching for an empty seat (maybe it was a train or some kind of hybrid structure with 2 floors) and then I heard a pretty girl in a costume going after me. Then I sit and she gave me a blow-job… Happy End of the (wet) dream :sweat_smile:

Before that scene, I remember I was somewhat rejected by another girl I liked. So there was a positive trajectory in the dream (in the final stage).

Anxiety is practically gone even if I try to think about it & it’s easier to stick to my new habits. Pretty powerful stuff by Genesis :ok_hand:


This sense of inner strength & calmness is incredible no matter what happens out there. It’s very unlikely that something makes me angry, except a road accident in which I was very vocal but the anger was short-lived and without the high toxicity I experienced in my body during those episodes in the past.

There’s this sense of ultra-solid groundedness which comes from within that’s really difficult to describe but it changes completely how I interact with the world and especially people. Also in my inner dialogue any toxic thoughts don’t survive (just a few seconds at most).

I accept people as they are & it’s natural now for me (but in the past not at all), even though I can be assertive whenever the situation requires some balls.

I got all the energy I need to do my job without feeling a lot tired and that’s a huge bonus.

When I interact with young girls they look a little bit intimidated by my presence and older ones respect me 100% and are pretty kind.

Let’s see if Genesis will be enough for helping me build a proper Social circle with awesome friends.


Another really interesting dream tonight…

At a certain point, I discovered that I had to be operated on to cure or remove something from my body and therefore I was admitted to a particular surgeon. So after seeing with fear that the previous patient was being anesthetized with a strange substance in the drip, I subjected myself to the same anesthesia (feeling some fear).

So they injected that strange substance into my veins and, at first I felt a little drowsy, but then I realized that the anesthesia hadn’t worked because I was wide awake and could move all parts of my body.

At the time I felt a little discouraged by the failure of the operation which was later explained to me by the doctor as something truly innovative and very effective for solving my problem.

Meanwhile, I would go and sit next to a pretty girl and put her arm around her, even though she told me not to.

The dream continued and I was approached by a celebrity (Madonna perhaps) who started kissing me on my neck, sucking it more and more intensely in a mix of pleasure and pain. In the meantime I was watching the other people mirin us with curiosity & envy, I guess.

Suddenly I realized that, after that session with Madonna (?) I was finally anesthetized and ready for surgery. So I found myself frozen, but conscious as the strange tools for the operation were assembled and readied around me. I was concerned that I was not fully anesthetized and might feel pain while being operated on.

Then the dream stopped and so did the operation (apparently it hadn’t started yet). I then tried to go back to the dream to proceed with the surgery but I couldn’t.

Perhaps it was not yet the right time to solve that problem…

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I’m more tired than usual today.

It looks like the positive stress that my new job & all the motivation toward my goals are transformed in overall high energy levels & so when I got a resting day my energy levels go down to recover from the previous days. That’s the impression I have but it could be something else too (workouts, healing, food choices, water intake, etc.).

However I managed to do some of the daily habits I decided to start a few weeks ago.

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This morning I’m not at 100% energy-wise & motivation-wise because I didn’t sleep very well and I had another wet dream. So today I feel hornier & (probably) it’s also due to yesterday’s sun exposure plus training legs which brought up my testosterone levels.

The last week I increased my protein intake too & that’s another variable to consider.

Overall I feel kind of strange after my Genesis loop. Let’s see how it’s going to develop as the day goes by.

:thinking: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


@Tobyone Ouch! I didn’t think about it :sweat_smile: Maybe my subc pulled that song up in a creative/symbolic manner from the past. In fact, I listened to that song a long time ago too :wink:

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I feel the Genesis effect whenever I push myself outside my comfort zone & I treat those kinds of actions as an adventure, which then results in overall growth. I was very calm and relaxed in a situation where I would be tensed only a few days ago.

I was thinking about emotional freedom while walking and I’m going towards it very fast. I feel lighter whenever I go on an “adventure”.


Slept better tonight. Something is shifting while being worked under the radar, I guess.

I think that Genesis is helping me find clarity because they are surfacing some questions & doubts about the next steps on my path & what I really want to do to reach my ultimate goals.


A great mindset for adventure . Is I wonder what adventure awaits around the corner

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