Support Ticket Questions & Answers

For the Dopaminergic Revival module, what does it exactly do? Does it change your brain chemistry in which it improves your dopamine and increases your dopamine levels or in acts more so in a way of cutting out the negative things affecting your dopamine to get rid of the dopamine balance that way? Also I see it’s in the emotional healing category, how does this module do emotional healing?

Both, and the emotional healing is a natural consequence of this balancing.



Looking to really enhance my manifestation abilities, through visualization, action taking, etc. Curious which titles would be best for this purpose, in other words, the best (results enhancers). I prefer to use only one so that I can focus the other two titles in my stack around my other goals, but I’ve found when running titles like Revelation of Mind, my results for everything in my stack seem much more pronounced. Other titles I thought could work well for that purpose are Revelation of Spirit, Minds Eye, Asc. Chamber. Really just looking for advice on the best results enhancer, thanks!!


The titles you’ve outlined are correct – Revelation of Spirit, Minds Eye, Asc. Chamber.

You can also use Alchemist.

Pt 2.


Just to confirm, which of these titles would be the best choice if I could only use one?

Also plan on stacking Khan Black for further manifestation scripting, and utilizing it similar to the way described in Think and Grow Rich, with transmutation towards wealth goals. Can you confirm if that is the correct use case for Khan Black, or if I would be better off just running more wealth titles?

Also is there any direct manifestation scripting in Khan Black?

Depends on how you intend to use it. Ascension Chamber is probably the most well-suited overall, but Mind’s Eye is also incredible if you utilize visualization modalities.

Also plan on stacking Khan Black for further manifestation scripting, and utilizing it similar to the way described in Think and Grow Rich, with transmutation towards wealth goals. Can you confirm if that is the correct use case for Khan Black, or if I would be better off just running more wealth titles?

It could be one of the uses. It’s your sexual energy, you can do whatever you desire with it if you have enough conscious guidance, skill and creativity.

Also is there any direct manifestation scripting in Khan Black?



I was wondering if RAIKOV is redundant in a custom if I stack it with Index Gate: UPX which already has RAIKOV module in it? If it isn’t, what would be the result of using Index Gate: UPX stacked with a custom that has the RAIKOV module in it?

Incorporating RAIKOV in a custom alongside Index Gate: UPX, which already contains the RAIKOV module, isn’t exactly redundant, but it’s more about intensifying a specific aspect. The RAIKOV module within Index Gate: UPX is designed to synergize with other components of the UPX system, creating a holistic approach to your development.

However, when you add RAIKOV as a standalone module in your custom stack, you’re essentially amplifying its specific functionalities. This means you’re putting a greater focus on the mimicry and learning aspects that RAIKOV is known for. It’s like fine-tuning a radio to get clearer reception on a specific frequency.

So, if you stack Index Gate: UPX with a custom that includes RAIKOV, the result would be a more concentrated effect on embodying the traits, skills, or attributes you are aiming to acquire through the RAIKOV effect. This could lead to faster internalization and more profound results in those specific areas.

It’s important to keep in mind your goals and how these tools align with them. So, consider your objectives carefully and how each component of your stack contributes to them.


This is Fire.

But since I made a full manifestation sub I wonder if having gorgeous women manifestor and sex manifestation is just overkill and a waste of space.

Not necessarily. It’ll just deepen the scripting.

Also does Hegemon and Kings radiance work well together?

Why not? If anything, they cover similar areas and can synergize.

Also a bit curious how does the new romance experience manifest. I read that it becomes the filter of your entire custom which sounds incredible.

This is correct. It’s specifically for tuning the manifestation scripting, so can expect to achieve the goals of the custom through those experiences.

Also is this to many auras will they clash?

If you have enough energy and your energetic system is developed enough, go ahead. You’re a more experienced subliminal user at this point ;).

Oh and what does edge of falling actually do and earthshaker sexuality?

Edge of Falling creates more feelings in those interested in you by not ever giving them the exact answer. Earthshaker: Sexuality is all about creating a sexual presence.


Regarding the Sacred Words module, if I’m not in sales but I work in a social/leadership role would it work/be beneficial in helping my customers love me and want to continue working with me via the text and emails I send them that are persuasive and helpful to them?

Yes, you can use it for that.

Also what other results can I expect from the Sacred Words module not related to work but more so that relates to my personal life like for example dating and social (networking, making new high value/successful friends and new high value/successful connections)?

The vast majority of our titles and modules are extremely versatile. If it’s going to improve the way you write, you can safely assume it’s going to affect your writing in business, romance, friendship, legal, creative and all other areas of writing. The further away it goes from the actual core of the module, the more conscious guidance you need to be able to use it effectively for that far away goal you have.


Will there be a title for height growth in near future ?
Legacy of the Spartan, WANTED and even Emperor Fitness cover this. There is also the Emperor Fitness Height Inducer module on Q.

It’s unlikely we would create a title solely and only for height growth, as this is ineffective and counter-productive.

I am really sorry to open this ticket again, but Legacy of the Spartan contains height scripting too?

Most physical shifting titles will affect your height if it is possible. We’ve had individuals notice subtle height increase and jaw change on titles such as Emperor due to the very light physical shifting it has.

A full on physical shifting title, due to the very nature of attempting to change your physical body, will likely (and also because of the usual inner conscious desire to grow a bit taller) affect this parameter as well. How can it not, when so much of the physical shape is determined by height as well?

The most direct scripting for height increase should be in Emperor Fitness due to the Emperor Fitness Height Increaser.

However, again, height increase works best when used in a title that covers physical shifting as a whole.

Focusing to the extreme on just this one goal is extremely counter productive and will lead you to weaker results.


The is related to your question, @WinglissStark

Hello my friend! How are you doing?

I have a simple question. Please recommend a main store title that is the best for all of the following results that can be gained in only ONE subliminal:

  1. Hair growth

  2. Face attractiveness

  3. Body attractiveness

  4. Better posture

  5. Increasing Height

  6. Male Enhancement

Thank you

Hello Lion,

This is Fire.

Legacy of the Spartan or WANTED cover all these.

Hope this helps, and do let us know if you have any further questions by opening a new ticket – we are happy to assist.

Warm regards,

– SC Support

So it seems like Legacy of the Spartan will also help with Male Enhancement (in addition to Height Enhancement). Not as much as BDLM maybe but some concious guidance and action-taking will help. Custom will also help of course.


Thanks, mighty Lion. Since I am doing WB I can sleep well from now on.

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Mh. Maybe it was added to the later versions?

From the LotS thread:

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I hope hair growth covers beard growth as well. For unknown reason my beard is getting thinner and rarer.

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Probably also pubic hair and underarm hair which is not exactly good.

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Not added later. Please check this support question and answer for a more in depth answer regarding this:

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Guys. Please don’t derail the thread.

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Helen of Troy

I plan on making a body shifting custom (I’m a female) with HoT as it’s core.
Do booster modules play any role in this or should I not add them if I’m going for shifting only?

Considering that Helen of Troy is already a powerful and comprehensive subliminal with a strong emphasis on physical transformation, you don’t really need to add boosters specifically for physical changes. HoT is designed to address various aspects of your self-image, including physical aspects. It covers a wide range, from enhancing your attractiveness to promoting overall physical well-being, not much else is needed.



Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has contributed/is contributing to the thread and I hope it’s been somewhat useful and helpful in your sub journey.

Has definitely helped me with some questions I had so thank you everyone.

Please do continue, if you feel comfortable, posting your support questions and answers in this thread to try and minimise repeated questions being sent to Support and to help the forum also.


Got a fun one coming soon.

That maybe 0 people have any use for but been something I been curious about for a long time



Looking to build a pure sales/money custom. Wondering what the recommended cores would be out of what’s available right now. Was thinking something like Genesis Mogul/True Sell, or NR/True Sell, since RICH is not upgraded yet. For reference, I sell coaching and consulting to other sales reps, as well as coaching for self improvement. It’s a very fast sales cycle, and about getting the deal closed more then relationship building.


This is Fire.

I’d recommend True Sell for this use case.

Hope this helps, and do let us know if you have any further questions by opening a new ticket – we are happy to assist.

Warm regards,

– SC Support

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Is there any slight male enhancement scripting in RotNW?

Is there scripting for better taste of the Nectar?

This is Fire.

RotNW is an unfolding title, meaning it is more likely to follow your desires and conscious guidance. Since that is the case, yes, RotNW can cover both of these questions.

Hope this helps, and do let us know if you have any further questions by opening a new ticket – we are happy to assist.

Warm regards,

– SC Support

Most interesting part for me was that despite the disclaimer that it’s not a true revelation title, that it’s nevertheless an unfolding title.


So I was curious how these modules would intermingle?
Awakened perception
All seeing
Eagle eye
Eyes of zenith
Hey this is Fire.
Honestly, you’d have to test this yourself and see how it works - it would be quite hard to predict accurately. Just ensure you take it slow as this could be quite a bit of energy in the system.

Guess I’ll be the guinea pig XD

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I had some questions about subs that directly support negotiation and making deals…here were the answers:

This is Fire.

first is whether the scripting in Nouvaeu RICH supports negotiating and deal-making, or is there no direct support for that baked in?

To an extent – the main focus is on disruption and innovation, but anyone who disrupts also needs to have good communication skills.

Second, can you recommend other subs that would support the negotiation process both directly and indirectly, from opening the conversation to signing the contract? I know HOM is one and am curious if other titles could also help.

True Sell.

And third, which subs would support networking and communication with the intent of finding a business partner(s)?

True Sell or Inner Circle.