Support Ticket Questions & Answers

what do they mean by this in context of BDLM? :thinking:

Big D Energy. According to Google, this means " the attractive aura exuded by a person who has understated but unshakeable self-confidence".

Confidence in your PP translafes to confidence in bed and confidence that you can handle anything in general.

useful to know. thank you

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Will the module SPS: Endocrine System raise my testosterone and dht and help me grow a beard?



Thanks for reaching out to us. SPS: Endocrine System primarily focuses on the overall health and functioning of the endocrine system, including glands associated with hormone production like the testes. While it can contribute to hormonal balance, individual results regarding the increase in testosterone and DHT levels may vary.

If you are specifically looking to enhance facial hair growth, such as growing a beard, it’s essential to consider a title more tailored to that goal. For facial hair growth and other physical appearance changes, Wanted Core can be beneficial. Wanted Core includes physical shifting technology focused on developing various areas and features of your body, which may contribute to improvements in muscle development, fat loss, bone alignment, hair improvement, and other physical aspects.

So, for your desired beard growth and hormonal enhancements, it’s recommended to combine SPS: Endocrine System with Wanted Core, which can target the specific physical changes you are looking for, including facial hair growth. Please keep in mind that the growth of facial hair can be influenced by genetics and other factors, so individual results may vary.

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I asked the support for fun, what stack should i run to be like Ragnar Lothbrok, i was really pleased with the answer.

Thanks for reaching out to us. If you’re looking to embody some of the qualities and characteristics of Ragnar Lothbrok from the TV series “Vikings,” you might consider a combination of various modules that help you develop traits similar to his. Here are some recommendations:

Khan ST4: To enhance your confidence, social dominance, and charisma, similar to Ragnar’s leadership qualities.

Limitless Executive: This subliminal can help boost your mental acuity and intelligence, allowing you to make strategic decisions like Ragnar.

Primal Seduction: Iron Throne: To further develop your sexual and seductive prowess, akin to Ragnar’s ability to attract others.

Spartan Core: This subliminal is designed to boost your discipline, physical strength, and mental toughness, which are qualities shared by Ragnar.

Energetic Development XI: To improve your overall vitality and energy levels, essential for the demanding lifestyle of a Viking warrior.

Remember that becoming like Ragnar Lothbrok involves a combination of physical and mental attributes, including leadership, combat skills, fearlessness, and charisma. Your journey to embody these qualities will take time and effort, so be patient and persistent in your personal development. I hope I was able to provide some helpful information today. Thanks again for contacting us and please feel free to reach out to us again if you have any other questions. We’re always happy to help.




Good day to you!

I have a few doubts to clear about some of the modules in the Q Store.

  1. If you have the Gloryseeker module in your custom, is it redundant to add the Spotlight module in the same custom?

  2. Is the Inexhaustible module only to gain energy during fighting or can it be used to remain energetic during exercise, weight training, yoga, running, etc?

  3. What does the Blue Skies module do exactly? Please elaborate on it.

Appreciate you, Support!


Subliminal Club Support Answer:


Thanks for reaching out to us. Sure! Let’s jump right in to your questions!

Gloryseeker vs. The Spotlight:
While both Gloryseeker and The Spotlight are related to gaining attention and recognition, they serve slightly different purposes. Gloryseeker is more about achieving true fame and guiding you on how to do so. It’s focused on making you stand out and instilling in others a sense that you’re on the path to great glory. The Spotlight, on the other hand, is specifically designed for garnering attention on social media and online platforms. If your goal is to become famous in a broader sense, Gloryseeker is a suitable choice. However, if your aim is to shine on social media, The Spotlight can complement it.

Inexhaustible isn’t limited to just fighting or sports. It’s designed to enhance your endurance, making you feel like an absolute machine in terms of physical stamina. This can be beneficial not only during sports like boxing but also in other physical activities like exercise, weight training, yoga, running, and more. It helps you maintain higher energy levels for prolonged periods, which can be advantageous in various physical endeavors.

Blue Skies:
Blue Skies is a profound module that goes beyond simple personal development. It allows you to glimpse hidden depths of reality, uncover secrets about yourself, and develop your concept of “Love” in various forms, whether it’s unconditional or romantic love, directed inward as self-love, or expressed creatively and spiritually. It enhances your cognitive, artistic, creative, and spiritual abilities. Essentially, it helps you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your emotions, and your creative and spiritual potential, ultimately pushing your personal growth to the next level.

These modules can be valuable additions to your custom, depending on your specific goals and areas of personal development you want to focus on. I hope I was able to provide some helpful information today. Thanks again for contacting us and please feel free to reach out to us again if you have any other questions. We’re always happy to help!



The scripting in Radiating Health is primarily focused on enhancing and amplifying your vitality and aura of good health as well.

Radiating Health emphasizes the idea that good health goes beyond the physical state of the body and encompasses a sense of boundless vitality and wellness. It aims to make this energy radiate from you, not only benefiting you but also those around you.

Regarding whether health is a precondition for it to work, it’s essential to understand that our subliminals are designed to support and enhance your natural capabilities, including your overall health. While it’s not a replacement for proper medical care or treatment of specific illnesses, it can contribute to your general well-being and vitality.

You don’t necessarily need to be in perfect health for our subliminals to have an effect. However, it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and seek appropriate medical care when needed to support your overall well-being. Our subliminal can then work alongside these efforts to help you radiate good health and well-being.


Thank you for the sharing of answers!

Some really good questions and responses lately.


This is definitely my favourite thread.


Good day, my current stack is KB4 with Khan St1. Been on KB almost since it came out and on KB4 second cycle. 1 week into Khan TB. Considering adding NRICH to my stack. At some point Khan is going to get the NWE update, if/when this happens would updated Khan make NRICH redundant? I do want Total Breakdown to do its thing with minimal dilution this cycle so would probably add NRICH next month for Khan st2. Jan 2, 2024 is when I start KB4/Khan st4. Would love to hear your thoughts on the matter.

Thanks for reaching out to us. Adding Nouveau R.I.C.H. (NRICH) to your stack alongside Khan St1 and your current regimen of Khan St1 and KB4 is an interesting consideration. NRICH is designed to empower entrepreneurs and visionaries to achieve their financial ambitions, while Khan focuses on sexual and social dominance.
As for your concern about the potential NWE update for Khan making NRICH redundant, it’s important to note that both titles have distinct objectives. Khan primarily focuses on power, sexuality, and social dominance, whereas NRICH is specifically geared towards wealth generation and business success.
While a future update of Khan might enhance its existing modules, it’s unlikely to completely replace the unique wealth-oriented scripting of NRICH. Therefore, using both in your stack could be beneficial for comprehensive personal development.
To ensure minimal dilution of Khan’s effects during your Khan Total Breakdown cycle, adding NRICH after this cycle is a reasonable approach. This way, you can fully experience the benefits of each sub without interfering with the others. Your plan for incorporating NRICH in January 2024 aligns well with your overall goals.
I hope I was able to provide some helpful information today. Thanks again for contacting us and please feel free to reach out to us again if you have any other questions. We’re always happy to help.
Sincerely, SubClub


Hello, I would like to ask about Quantum Limitless and its potential for bettering the brain.
If one goes through all the stages of QL, will his future listening to other subliminals be better a he will acquire them faster?

Just an example.
Will getting Khan be the same without QL as with QL
or with QL will there be a faster acquisition of Khan into the subconscious?

Or let’s put it this way. Can one with QL make subliminals work for him faster?

Thank you.


Thanks for reaching out to us. Yes, Quantum Limitless can potentially enhance your experience with other subliminals. By completing all the stages of QL, you can improve your capacity for learning and absorbing new information. This can lead to faster acquisition and integration of the objectives from other subliminals, such as Khan or any other title you choose to use. In essence, QL can help make subliminals work more efficiently for you, enabling you to achieve your desired results more rapidly. Remember, individual results may vary, so it’s important to be patient with your results. I hope I was able to provide some helpful information today. Thanks again for reaching out to us and please feel free to reach out to us again if you have any other questions. We’re always happy to help!




I am contemplating to put KB4 in a custom. Right now I am running it solo in my stack and it “powers” the other subliminals beautifully. I want KB4 to do so in the future. Hence my question:

Integrated into a custom would KB4 only fuel the custom it is in or would it still just give energy into the whole system?



Thanks for reaching out to us. Let’s jump right in! Integrating Khan Black 4 (KB4) into a custom can have a great effect on your overall stack. When incorporated into a custom, KB4 essentially serves as an integral component that complements and enhances the entire system, not just the individual modules and cores within the custom. So basically, KB4 continuously provides its energizing and amplifying effects to the entire custom.

So, by adding KB4 to your custom, it would still work to give energy and power to the entire system, creating a harmonious and amplified environment for personal development and transformation. This can be particularly beneficial if you’re seeking a holistic approach to self-improvement. I hope I was able to provide some helpful information today. Thanks again for contacting us and please feel free to reach out to us again if you have any other questions. We’re always happy to help!




Hey there team!

I have been struggling with sexual shame for almost 20 years now. I don’t feel comfortable expressing my sexual self and showing intent with women, it feels dirty and like I am doing something wrong, and I am scared I will be rejected from the social group at large for being a sexual person, or that it’s disgusting and licentious for me to express romantic or sexual interest in people in general.

My sexuality is so repressed, it feels terrible, and that manifests in lots of PMO, impulsive and risky sexual behavior with women I am barely attracted to, and this general background dread and anxiety that I will never love and be loved by the caliber of woman that I dream about.

Because of this I struggle to open up and unstifle my true self around beautiful women, there is this weird, overly meek nice guy mask that I put on, and I feel way more like a little boy looking for his mommy than a real man present in the moment with a potential partner.

What is the best sub, or best stack, to finally tackle and solve this issue once and for all? I am willing to run the stack as long as it takes with no deviation.



Thanks for reaching out to us. Given your challenges, I highly recommend Khan Multistage. Khan is designed to address sexual shame, repressed sexuality, and empower you in expressing your true self confidently. It focuses on healing, resetting beliefs, and pushing you to take action towards your desires. The stages in Khan will help break down barriers, reshape your self-image, and enhance your interaction with women. It’s a comprehensive tool that aligns with your goals and commitment to personal growth. Check it out and feel free to let me know if you have any other questions. We’re always happy to help!



For anyone curious about increasing exposure

My ticket


I’ve been using the microloops strategy (30s) for a few months now. Something I’m not sure of is when to increase the exposure time. At first I was going to wait until the 30s didn’t give me as strong recon then move up, but I think these subliminals grow with you so much that’s not a reliable metric. Basically I don’t want to get stuck only running 30s and miss out on other potential areas of growth. But I’m having a hard time determining when to move up.

Lately I have felt like I’m slipping back into old comfort zones. Would that be a good sign to increase exposure?



Thanks for reaching out to us. Deciding when to increase your exposure time is a thoughtful process, and you’ve raised valid points. It’s important to remember that the ideal time to increase exposure can vary from person to person, and there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. Here are some considerations to help you decide when to move up in exposure time:

Reconciliation: As you mentioned, reduced reconciliation could be an indicator. If you find that the recon is less intense or occurs less frequently at your current exposure level, it may be a sign that your mind is adjusting and this may be a good time to consider increasing your exposure.

Plateau or Comfort Zones: If you sense that you’re slipping back into old comfort zones or not making the progress you desire, this can also be an indicator that it’s time to increase your exposure.

Desired Outcomes: Consider your goals and the outcomes you want to achieve. If you feel that you’re not progressing as quickly as you’d like, it might be time to increase exposure to accelerate your personal development.

Remember to approach the process of increasing exposure gradually. You can incrementally increase your exposure time, perhaps in 30 second increments, and observe how you respond, allowing your mind to adapt to the subliminal more effectively.

In the end, trust your instincts and listen to your body. Subliminals are a personal journey, and adjusting your exposure time should align with your unique progress and goals. Thanks again for contacting us and please feel free to reach out to us again if you have any other questions. We’re always happy to help!



The questions and answers below are, we could say, a Part 3 after the questions and answers in this post and this post.


Hello there!

I got some great answers from you last time regarding BDLM Core, Male Enhancement and Blue Skies. I have a few more questions regarding the same to clear off my doubts:

  1. If I wanted the most results for increasing the size of the male member, should I use BDLM Core or Male Enhancement or BOTH in my custom?

  2. Will having the Blue Skies module in my writing custom along with the Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X Core be useful? In what way?

  3. And this is a new question. Will adding Quantum Limitless Cores to a custom with Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X Core be a good idea? I plan to first make a custom with Quantum Limitless ST1 Core and Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X Core, run that for 2 or 3 cycles and then make another custom replacing ST1 Core with ST2 Core etc. In what ways will having Quantum Limitless help with writing knowing that Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X Core also has intelligence scripting?

Once again, thank you for all your help.


Subliminal Club Support Answer:


Thanks for reaching out to us. We appreciate hearing your positive feedback! Let’s jump right into your questions.

If your primary goal is to increase the size of the male member, BDLM and Male Enhancement are both relevant options. BDLM is specifically designed for this purpose, so it can be a more direct choice for size enhancement. Male Enhancement, on the other hand, has a broader scope, addressing various aspects of male sexual health, including size. To maximize results, you may consider including both BDLM and Male Enhancement in your custom.

Adding Blue Skies to your writing custom alongside the Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X Core can be beneficial in several ways. Blue Skies is designed to expand your creativity, cognitive abilities, and spiritual understanding. This can enhance your writing by allowing you to think more creatively, express yourself more profoundly, and connect with your audience on a deeper level. It might help you see new perspectives and insights that can be incorporated into your writing, making it more engaging and impactful.

Combining Quantum Limitless Cores with Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X Core in your custom is a great idea, especially if you plan to progress through the stages of Quantum Limitless. While Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X Core has intelligence scripting, Quantum Limitless focuses specifically on learning and absorbing information rapidly. This combination can significantly boost your writing capabilities. In the initial stages, Quantum Limitless can help you grasp and learn new subjects more efficiently, which you can then incorporate into your writing. As you progress through each stage, your ability to process and use information effectively will continue to improve. Overall, it’s an excellent choice for writers looking to enhance their knowledge and creative output.

I hope I was able to provide some helpful insights today. Thanks again for contacting us and please feel free to reach out to us again if you have any other questions. We’re always happy to help!



Question Submitted:

Good morning Support! I hope your day is going well.

I was curious about the Module “Inner Gasoline” and Khan Black (any stage’s core) in regards to customs.

Would having them together in a custom be redundant, or is there synergy there?

Is there a KB core that essentially covers Inner Gasoline?

Thank you for your time!



Thanks for reaching out to us. Combining Inner Gasoline and Khan Black in your custom could potentially offer some synergy, but it’s important to understand their individual purposes.

Inner Gasoline is designed to enhance your sexual energy more effectively. It complements modules like Stop Porn and Masturbation and can help you control and transmute your sexual energy for spiritual purposes. It focuses on making your existing sexual energy more potent and manageable.

Khan Black, on the other hand, delves deep into your sexual energy and mastery. It’s designed to elevate your sexual energy and overall sexual potential across four stages. While it encompasses a broader spectrum of sexual development, it may include elements similar to those targeted by Inner Gasoline.

If you’re looking for a more comprehensive and profound sexual transformation, Khan Black would be the better choice. It’s not redundant with Inner Gasoline; rather, it covers a broader range of sexual development. However, if your primary focus is to enhance your existing sexual energy and make it more controllable and potent, Inner Gasoline can still be a valuable addition.

Ultimately, the decision depends on your specific goals. If you’re looking for a more complete sexual transformation, go for a Khan Black. If you want to enhance and manage your existing sexual energy more effectively, then Inner Gasoline is a suitable choice. You can also combine them if you want to address both aspects of sexual development.

I hope I was able to provide some helpful information today. Thanks again for contacting us and please feel free to reach out to us again if you have any other questions. We’re always happy to help!




If I have 3 customs in my stack and I want to use Mosaic to synergize them, should I include Mosaic in all 3 customs or is one enough?

Thanks for reaching out to us. Including the Mosaic in one of your three customs should be sufficient to achieve the desired synergy between your subliminals. The purpose of Mosaic is to encourage the harmonious blending of subliminals when you’re stacking them. There is no need to add it to all three customs. Just having it in one of your customs should help create a cohesive and effective stack. I hope I was able to provide some helpful information today. Thanks again for contacting us and please feel free to reach out to us again if you have any other questions. We’re always happy to help!




I have some questions regarding the 2 programs mentioned.

Does any possible Revelation Of Mind-type or Mind’s Eye-type scripting that is contained inside of Revelation Of Dreams (or similar scripting if not the same) have crossovers outside of the dream world? There are objectives like “improve memory” and “increase concentration” and I am wondering if those would apply in life/work/sports etc. Can Revelations of Dreams help, even as a secondary priority, with focus etc., in everyday life?

And with Quantum Limitless, does QL have any sleep support scripting? i’m currently running Revelation Of Dreams and I will eventually drop it for QL, but when I drop RoD for QL, I’m just wondering how much sleep support I’ll be losing. That might be the difference between running RoD for 1 month or 3 months before switching to QL.



Thanks for reaching out to us. Revelation Of Dreams is primarily focused on unlocking the potential of your dreams. While it can improve memory and increase concentration, these benefits are often more pronounced within the dream world. However, it’s possible for these enhancements to slowly carry over into your waking life.

Quantum Limitless, on the other hand, doesn’t have specific sleep support scripting. Its primary goal is to enhance cognitive abilities, creativity, and problem-solving skills. When transitioning from Revelation Of Dreams to Quantum Limitless, you may notice a difference in sleep-related benefits. If sleep support is a crucial factor for you, you might consider running Revelation Of Dreams a bit longer before switching to ensure a smoother transition and maximize the sleep-related benefits.

I hope I was able to provide some helpful information today. Thanks again for contacting us and please feel free to reach out to us again if you have any other questions. We’re always happy to help.



Hi there,
I have a custom that has nearly all the SPS and ASP modules. My question is, do I need to actually know what they are /how they work for the subliminal to work properly? I’m about as knowledgable about Nervous System, Lymphatic System, Endocrine System, etc… as a quick google search.
So, does my subconscious even know how to do things that relate to things i have hardly any actual knowledge over?


Thanks for reaching out to us. The understanding of specific systems or processes for our SPS and APS modules to be effective is not necessarily required. Even if you don’t have in-depth knowledge of these systems, our modules are designed to work seamlessly with your subconscious, guiding and influencing it to support your overall well-being. Trust the process, and feel free to reach out if you have more questions or if there’s anything else we can assist you with. We’re always happy to help!
