Best subliminal for networking skills

What would you say is the best subliminal to develop networking skills? I have been using AM, UA and Genesis for 4 months.

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Stark or HoM from my experience :wink:

Stark is fun, Hom is more strategic.

But it’s up to you buddy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I thought it was Stark or HOM until I was running Inner Circle and manifested such insane connections so quickly, like hour and a half long phone calls with the guy who is business partners with Alex Hormozi and was Tony Robbins’ right hand man for a while.

But i think that HOM/Stark build up the SKILLS for networking and then Inner Circle is a bit more like manifestation


Emperor builds high ROI network. From my experience connections grew along with my own growth. Sometimes the women you end up dating connect you to someone valuable

HoM is great too, my ability to connect feels metaphysical at times. It creates a shared sense of purpose or understanding …


Alchemist and Dragon Reborn.

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Really? :rofl:

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100% I heard stories of people meeting Tony Robbin’s and Jonny Sins from it. Extremely powerful and hard networking skills with a combination of fast and quiet moves.


Also Khan ST1 I heard from the unknown sources of the universe of Tony Stark AI’s. That it makes you develop good social skills. Wouldn’t know never tried it.

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I know a lot of guys say the thing they like most about Khan is the networking, true

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I guess at the end of the day if you’re a more likeable guy, you’ll get better at networking, any way shape or form

I was being sarcastic and joking about all the 3 post :joy::joy:

Thought so about alchemist and dr haha but Khan for real tho


Stark or HoM for networking. Personally Stark but that’s because I’ve ran it for 2 years + while taking action on developing my social circle.

Yes it works. Very very well even if you take action.

But hey what would I know I don’t even know what networking is. Sounds cool tho.


Adding to the suggestions here, this was a response from Fire via support…

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