No-Body, No-One, No-Thing, in No-Time - AlexSQ Journal

Greetings, friends.

This will be a journal that does NOT cover any specific subs, because I generally switch them a lot over the year (for many reasons, see below) except for one that always stays: EOG4.

I mentioned briefly in this post:

what is going on.

Currently on a healing retreat (Rebirth Regen, EOG) I will introduce RoS in about 2 weeks-ish. (quick washout in between).

And maybe RM as well after a short revelation time with RoS. I wanna see where it leads me.

The general tone (looking at the title of the thread) of my development is coming back in tune with my infinite consciousness, WHILE living a healthy life in this matrix.
Which of course, includes money, romance, etc.
I don’t care much about status, although due to my planned escape via my brand, I somewhat am in “need” of a certain level of fame to escape the 9-5 slavery.

After that is done, the slavery of the mind will be escaped in more detail.

So far I had an INSANE run with subs, lots of journals and crazy stuff.
I mean, I own almost all of them, and a bunch a customs :smiley:

That journey revealed A LOT of things to me. Especially recent ROM gave me deep insights into how my mind works and I realized I DO have a strong flow factor. Not @Invictus levels, but I absorb the scripts FAST.
This is why I (personally) am pretty fine with switching subs on a 3-month-ish basis because it is generally driven by an internal push (subconscious mind) to do so.

And I only ever do it after a washout. If the urge sticks, I switch.

I discovered that every time I did that, I breached through certain pleateaus.

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT an excuse for you guys switching subs all the time when you’re in recon. I’ve been there, I learned to discern the difference.

But I also discovered another thing, especially since ZP:
It DOES NOT, in the slightest, matter which sub I run, I will always end up in the same realm: spirituality, soul searching, No-Thing Mindset.

Basically, I am just discovering more of my Self. The Soul.
Which is what I adore deeply about ZP.
I get external results, recently been running Wanted, sex of course, was insane. But the thoughts always end up on how irrelevant it is, while enjoying it.

The nature of being born with a lot of Gemini placements.
The back and forth.
Here and there.

I am starting to truly appreciate and love this part of my being.

Planned stack for now:

As I said, Wanted might be replaced with RM or anything else, depending on what Solo RoS with a short introductory will reveal to me.


To make things a bit more practical.

I think I have about 30-ish runs of EOG1 and 20-ish of EOG4 under my belt.

The biggest thing it does to me is this:

At first, I was in deep recon to NOT care about money at all. But I came across material (Maritime Law of Money is a rabbit hole you can go down if you want) that helped me understand this.
At the same time, it keeps me productive, without ruining my day.

I didn’t become a mad 24/7 hustler like this society teaches us (look up “hustler” in the dictionary, you might be surprised), I do my business, I enjoy it, but I am not forced or pushed to make it super quick. I am building a strong foundation which will yield freedom in the future.
That’s the long-term scripting of EOG, for sure.

So it’s a combination of understanding the TRUE nature of what money is, don’t care about it, but enjoy working towards it.
This being a paradox in and of itself only confirms the validity for me, since most of life is a paradox.

Or to make a long story short: I moved from making money to having impact.

Adding value > selling stuff.

With EOG, it can be tough to see results initially. You REALLY need to look deeper and see what it is telling you about yourself, your relationship with money, etc. This escaped me initially, but now I can see how it has been moving MOUNTAINS of subconscious beliefs and structure already.


For sex.

Initially I get the insane trailer effect as always (even if I ran the sub before, although it’s been many months).

Meaning, my girl dressing up in lingerie, relaxed, joyful sex, connecting and good control over the climax.
Plus, outside of that, everyone wants to connect with you. I notice a lot of people staring at me.

But then, after you actually dig deeper, it urges you to have tough talks, deep conversations about issues from the past with my girl, that made her sexually repressed etc. Solving that and moving into NEW, better territories.

All while, again:

Not caring about it, while enjoying it.
Making your needs and wants clear, without DEMANDING it.

The subtleties in these subs are glorious.
RoM helped a LOT to see these little details.

And well, the masculinity scripting in Wanted also fired hard, making sure you lead your girl properly to a future, both of you can enjoy.
There truly was a lot of tough talk in recent times in my relationship, but it helped me a lot to let go of bad emotions, revealing the underlying love in new light again.


Revelation of Spirit 3min (2 days ago) report:

  • Woke up the other day with a headache, was a bit annoyed. Then a thought popped up in my mind: “YOU are not having a headache. Your body is experiencing this temporary discomfort. It’s not a big deal.”
    I managed to pull myself out of that mentally, good mood surfaced, got out of bed easily and the headache vanished.
    It seems like I am much more able to control the energies within me
  • Laid Back over 9000. Everything is easy. Nothing matters (at a grand scale) but I still enjoy doing it. Like, this “unphazedness” is a new level to me. I am not a nihilistic idiot now, I just accept life as is, while still following my goals. SUPER GREAT feeling.
  • I smile a lot more
  • I enjoy the scenery much more. Randomly looking out the car while sitting in a traffic jam and enjoying the trees and birds
  • I enjoy my wife a lot more. Her body, her being, her very self.
  • Much less judgment, while still having realizations about people. For example, I noticed how FAR away I am from my closest family in understanding the fabrics of reality. They’re still believing in MSM and the government and all that (except my wife) and I noticed how I feel bad for them.
    Not from an elevated position of superiority (you know, the spiritual ego), but from a position of “I was there myself, in the past. I wish for you guys to get to the knowledge I have.”
    And I am not even trying to convert them or even talk about the “conspiracy stuff” I know about. I just nod and smile, and move on.
    Very liberating.
  • I absolutely don’t care about the general publics BS. People tell me about some newest TikTok Trend or what the gov is pulling and I’m like “IDGAF.” Not saying it of course. I am polite but I cannot relate AT ALL lol

Last one can be tough for many (then again, this is my journey, maybe it makes YOU very social), but it withdraws me a lot from people I cannot relate to. I am not mad or angry, I simply, plainly, don’t care about their BS.
Maybe there is some healing necessary for this.
I definitely need to stack it with a social title, Renaissance Man keeps calling again (although RoS/Wanted sounds interesting also).
Next sub tomorrow will be EOG4/ASC and then I’ll like give RM a shot. My old friend.
If anything, individuality and self expression was ALWAYS a big thing for me, so I should give in to that.

Other musings:

  • Revelation today that I am absolutely NOT into minute details. I always was the 80% guy. My mind is quick and fleeting, I like new topics left and right. I HATE going into detail.
    I realized how I have been misusing my Youtube business, trying to cut out pauses, cool transitions, and all that clutter.
    It’s not me. Not my spirit (get it?)
    From now on, I will go back to how I started. Raw talk, not looking to get under 10min videos. Deep, broad, topics I discovered and want to talk about.
    Big revelation. Gave me a smile when I noticed it.
  • Sex-wise I changed a lot also (without having had it yet with RoS), but when before I wanted to have this and that met and get this and that done. Now I seem to be more focused on just enjoying her and us and the moment. I can already see how powerful this will be with a sexual title (eagerly waiting for Divine Diamond stacked with RoS!!!)

The Soul is aching today.

RoS is working through something deep. And the recon comes in as impatience. The recon I likely dislike the most.

Two things I am currently thinking of it works through:

  1. Sex

Due to many years of porn I still have a completely wrong picture of it in my mind. Or so I think. It’s still not enough coming from the heart (bro do I need Divine Diamond :smiley: )
Currently no libido at all, it seems like it’s completely breaking down my sexual beliefs to bring them up anew.

Revelation of Spirit could honestly also be called Revelation of the Heart.
Imo, it’s the same thing.

  1. The Breath of the Ages

Time is cyclical. We know this.
It’s that bible verse @SaintSovereign mentioned which states that everything has been done before. There is nothing new to learn. We already did everything.

I mean, why is it called RE-Search?
WHY is it called re-search?

This leaves a HUGE void in my mind and current daily interactions. I am very withdrawn and pondering internally A LOT about this. Trying to reconcile. If this is the case (by all means, it could be wrong, who says we understand time right? The Bible could also be wrong), but if it is, then what is the point of doing research?

It is the breath of the ages, inhale, exhale. Sine waves. Back and Forth. As Above, So Below. The Pendulum Swing of time.
Makes a lot of sense.
But how to deal with this on a daily basis?

RoS is asking the tough questions, and this leaves one with the question of how to operate in this physical world (matrix), with everything being meaningless, but still deriving meaning from it?

This needs some more meditation, for sure.


One thing the RoS / EOG / RM Combo has done so far is coming closer to my true spirit business wise.

Meaning, focused on creativity in teaching and slow growth.
I installed the extension again that hides all “views, subs, likes” etc on Youtube and went over my own videos with that, removing everything that is just designed to gain views, and kept everything that is designed to add value.

Plus, I redid ALL my thumbnails to use a more creative approach:

This is clearly RM at work.
But not just that.
FOR THE FIRST TIME, I actually had fun designing thumbnails.
Before I was trying to meet the “general successful thumbnail guidelines” which are all annoying af.
Now, it is fun. I enjoy it. Creative work, etc.

I might grow slower this way, but I ENJOY it.
Which is the ultimate goal of any purpose, is it not?

RM has been a blessing.
Although I went through some tough recon initially (I guess the combination with RoS also makes it stronger, TRUE, RELENTLESS expression of spirit) now I have re-gained that zest for life, my craft, and all things.


It’s also fascinatic to read older posts of mine on here and not even being able to comprehend who that person was or how he was thinking.

A sign of progress.


Just used that image above to find your YouTube channel and watch one of your videos.

You are an excellent communicator! It’s great.

Happy for you. I think you have talent. It’s easy to listen to you talk. Will be fun to watch you unfold.


I hope this isn’t against forum rules :confused:

But thanks! Glad you like it!

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Good point. I’ll delete the post if necessary (and send it to you personally :slight_smile: ).


The combination of RoS, EOG4 and RM is profound, but also tough to run I must admit.

However, I recently gained a lot of insight.
When you are dealing with anything that can’t be explained simply, you will end up confused (reconciliation is imo the same).

The problem is, we’re trained in this society to always have an answer, or seek a guru that does.
An external solution.
Which never really works since it cannot be fully applied to our personal circumstances.

So the solution really is to be FINE with confusion.
With NOT knowing.

An example, if you have life purpose A and B to choose from, you don’t know which one is the right one.
You can’t know. And maybe both suck. Or both are great.
Most people then go to external means, asking some guru or influencer what to do.

Because the Ego always NEEDS TO KNOW.

But this is neurosis. A drive of insecurity.

Not knowing takes real bravery.

Heading into the unknown, pioneering.

Taking risks.

Plus, the best insights come from a higher source. Whatever label you choose.
But if you embrace to NOT know. Accept it, and move forward with this, it does 2 things:

  1. You can live MUCH more relaxed
  2. Eventually (maybe years later) you’ll get deep insight from a source you didn’t know

Accept you don’t know.

All of this was of course written towards me, even though I used “you.”

Or my soul was talking to my Icon there.

Either way, I recently also got better at detaching the body from my consciousness. More and more I realize I am just driving this flesh vehicle. It is not me.
Then again, it also sends you on the journey to ask yourself “Who am I?”

Which can be a tough task.
Luckily, not knowing is a blessing.

Oh yeah, sex is also much better with RoS :wink:

On this topic, I had this insight:
As man and woman we are duals. Polarity. Split.
But through sex, we can finally reconnect with our other part yet again.
Become whole.
For a short period of time.

Tread cautiously though, just sticking it in there has nothing to do with this.
You need to connect with the soul. One consciousness with its counterpart.
Otherwise, just the bodies you two are driving are connecting.
Nothing crazy about that.
Connect the consciousness and experience the feeling of true bliss.
These minutes.
Where nothing matters.
No worries. No problems.
All at once.

I feel like RoS/RM was speaking there.

Which leaves me with a different problem. I was planning on stacking RoS/Diamond for a divine experience, but RM is just too nice. Maybe I need to postpone this.

Third musing.

Been running EOG4 for quite a while, and 6ish months of EOG1 before that.
I get this nudge to drop EOG for a month and step back a bit to see what I learned and did.
I need to give it more time to figure out if it is recon or truly subconscious wisdom.

Outside of that, not knowing applies here as well.
I removed all metrics from Youtube and all that. So I just don’t KNOW which video does well or how people are liking it.
But maybe this is good?
Because then I focus more on the content itself, and not how well it does.
So I can create content I enjoy.
Instead of creating content the algorithm gods enjoy.

Not knowing can truly be a blessing.




Coming back to Alan Watts. I have a bunch of his books, but yet have to read them! :wink:



That’s actually the one I enjoyed the most. I read it when I was 20 or so, and then gave it to my dad. I think he still has it.

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RM is such a beautiful sub.

The joy for life. The empathy, the acceptance, WHILE still keeping your boundaries.
Everyone around me was much more interested in me which was weird, but clearly RM at work.

Plus, the poetry, the relaxation, the music.

Sadly, I have to drop it for now because it’s still pulling me too far away from what’s currently burning, which is, of course,
se moneys.

Which is why I came up with this custom:
REVELATION of WEALTH (name idea by @Simon )

  1. EOG4
  2. Ascension Chamber
  3. Free Pass
  4. Cosmic Wealth
  5. Wealth Limit Destroyer
  6. Financial Success Reality Shifter
  7. Secrets of Akasha - Wealth
  8. The Spotlight
  9. Lifeblood Fable
  10. Victory’s Call
  11. Story Teller
  12. Sacred Words
  13. Moment Immortalized
  14. Chiron
  15. Song of Joy
  16. Entranced
  17. Void of Creation
  18. Virtue Series: Patience
  19. Subconscious Flow
  20. Plateau Transcendent

On top of which I will throw RICH as a booster for maximum manifestation, and Inner Circle for manifesting winners into my life.

Now, you might be thinking:
“HOL UP, alexander. Didn’t you just run RoM RoS and all that and now you’re back to physical stuff like money?”

Yes, sir.
If anything, RoS revealed to me higher realms, but also told me there is no point in going there if I am still fighting for survival, and most importantly, my life purpose is not making enough on the side to quit the wage slavery.
This might in part also be from RM (freedom scripting) but it felt like RoS for some reason.

So anyway, solve the basic survival first, then proceed.


I’m back.

Current stack is EOG3, Revelation of Wealth with a side dish of Inner Circle every now and then.
Yet to run the custom and IC.

I took a bit of a longer pauses between runs of EOG3.
I noticed that 3 gives me a ton of recon, whereas EOG4 doesn’t.

I presume the mind is occupied with other things in EOG4 to drop most of the EOG3 scripting, which it can’t ignore if I run that solo.
Still, ever since I run 3, money is coming in left and right, things are aligning. It’s all good.

Talk about money manifestation?
I found an old Revolut account on which I had about $750 in BTC lying around.
Completely forgot about this thing. Clearly an EOG3 manifestation.

On the spirit.

RoS is still lingering around. My libido was DEAD for a few weeks. It is now coming back but it feels WAY different.
I know what Saint meant when he said he had difficulties describing his experiences with RoS.

I don’t know how to put this in words how I am feeling about sex now.
It is different in understanding how it is control and manipulation in all of society. And how it is feeding evil forces.
But this does not stop me from experience pleasure every now and then while being on the physical plane.
It’s not driven by some form of validation.
I don’t care IN THE SLIGHTEST if I have sex or not. But I do feel genuine desire for my lady, and I don’t care about her judgment.

Last time we had sex I visualized while doing it how I penetrate her soul instead of her body, and in that very moment her nipples got SUPERHARD lol
Guess it worked. She tried to hide them. She said afterwards she never experienced that feeling. Interesting.

Generally, I am not sure if old RM is still lingering or if it is RoS, but I never was more comfortable with just truly showing myself. No masks. Just Alex.
But I also don’t rub it under people’s noses.
If they ask me about my thoughts on things, I fire all them conspiracy theories. But I don’t HAVE to tell them since it doesn’t validate me.

On the flipside, this makes it SUPERHARD to relate to A LOT of people.
I’m ditching many people in my life or am just very silent when I am with them.

It pulls you inward.
All that external stuff is unnecessary.

Which also helped with business, where I removed my most viewed videos on Youtube: About Andrew Tate and Sexual stuff in the Troy Movie.
Because I don’t want that audience.
Before I thought this brings in people, which it does, but not the audience I like.
Guess what? Ever since I did that the algorithm is sending me different people that actually engage with my content.

In a sense, RoS also helps a lot with taking risks.
Many fears are gone or healing.
Fear of judgment.
Fear of failure.
Fear of change.

I just act according to what the spirit is telling me.
Awareness is heightened of everything I do.


I might incorporate runs of RoS in the current stack, but make no mistake, it can be a tough sub to run :wink:

Oh and I completely fell out of love with anything Church, any religion, the new age, etc.
The spirit is not separated into groups.
It is one.


Pretty interesting indeed! Do you mind if I borrow your technique? For research purposes obviously.


Only for research purposes please :grin::grin:

Wait, what?? why LMAO



What’s so funny about that?