Main Disc. Thread - WANTED

Not directly, however health and attractiveness are at times connected. If that is the case, then it will improve health for the sake of attractiveness.


Solace is masked.

WANTED has no modules/cores of any other program.

It will have interesting effects in the bedroom though.

Sure, WANTED can be stacked pretty will with most subliminals, but you have to be mindful of the energy requirements of WANTED.

If it is related to attractiveness - yes.

If you need working out desire, I’d suggest stacking with Spartan.

In a custom there is name embedding which is extremely helpful. However, too big of a custom can make things take a bit longer.


Potentially, but in this case I’d recommend Paragon or a custom focused around eyes.

Would be best for each to listen to their own subliminal.

While the wife could listen to WANTED, it would be much better to listen to Seductress - which will also affect height (remember, physical shifting can take time - days, weeks, months).


Thank you very much @Fire

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Great results sp far but the one side of face looking different would concern me if I was to get this sub… can u please elaborate further if you don’t mind

Wanted gets me to feel alive, brightened, uplifted in Spirit – moreover, it has me questioning and leaving behind old paradigms in regards to dating, love, and sex, not to mention it’s allowing me to speak freely without any confinements in my speech or behavior.

My behavior is abstruse and unexpected, I’m enjoying my own company – it’s attracting a lot of attention, luring people inside of my reality, and magnetizing them as they want to find out what my life is all about.

Physicality shifting is rather smooth and happening swiftly, I’m noticing very interesting results in my hair; it looks so much smoother, silkier, and shinier – the other day I went in the sauna and instantly noticed how the fibers in my muscles are way more pronounced.

Beyond that I tend to play around a lot in social environments, feeling very mischievous while playing games of pleasure with everyone I’m engaging with.

Density-wise, Wanted seems quite compact – it was taxing at first but now, after three days I somewhat got used to its effects, I’m assuming the physical shifting might get taxing here and there but nothing to worry about, at all.


Insightful post as usual, thank you Az.

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Thank you very much for answering :smiley:

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Thank you for answering the questions, @Fire!

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That’s amazing! :+1:t2:

Now, check your PMs. lol.

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I haven’t read the entire thread but has anyone ran Wanted with LoveBomb?


That would be a very potent stack: imagine being Loved and Wanted


Same thing I was thinking.
Add in maybe R.I.C.H. and either EOG or Mogul and the possibilities are frightening


Drunk with happiness :smiley:


@Fire -thank you

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As far as I know, physical changes are going to be made according to your subconscious and conscious desire. Only if you wish to improve your physical aspects, if you’re not interested then WANTED should only tweak some minor details that will enhance your current look.

Since I’m a sucker for changing and developing a completely new face, WANTED’s giving me a hand on the physical morphing. Ergo, in case any physical change presents itself, it’s gonna be of your preference. How so? The sub will manifest your subconscious idea of masculine beauty.

For example, if your idea of masculine beauty is almost identical to a face such as George Clooney or Brosnan, WANTED’s gonna develop only the aspects you’re interested to obtain, such as a defined jawline, hunter eyes, among others.

If you’re not interested in the physical department, don’t sweat it. You still gonna receive other benefits such as the confident, nonchalant stance and possibly, overall health maintenance.


The physical change is where my skepticism kicks in. Not sure if there is any capable program that can do such thing

Well, seductress already showed physical changes. So, there’s no worries there. Paragon also patched my hip, shoulder and elbow, even though that’s more of “healing”. Nonetheless, a subliminal file was indeed able to influence inner changes.

Club members than used Apollon module and other physical shifters could chime in


That’s intriguing indeed! Thanks for your input

@Yazooneh is probably the biggest advocate of physical shifting at the moment


Two loops. A solace and masked (thank you for adding solace). My reaction after coming home is the following:

Saint and Fire must be some kind of higher beings or belonging to some mystical order that has access to some arcane knowledge.

The effects are ridiculous. It took the Starkness within and added a whole new veil of 007.

I feel much younger inside. I feel like a rock star and a movie star. And were treated as such. Smiles, eye contacts. All eyes on me. However, not in an egotistical kind of way, but a core belief of inner confidence; one that is not due to status or cash, but is just there.

Flirting without flirting; something I have always wanted. As if it’s second nature, an innate skill.

The non-chalant is no joke. I also feel a strong desire to style up, a complete makeover, as if I were going to the red carpet kind of deal.

Gentlemen. Do yourself a favor and grab this, make a room for it, even if it’s once a week. Ladies, grab this for your men (while you grab seductress for yourselves). You will not regret it.

I feel that there’s more to tell but I’m burned out :smiley:

Here I thought Renaissance Man was the latest innovation, and you release this one.


Good God. Bless your freaking memory, par an A.I ! :clap: