Platespinner Qv2

I understand the anticipation. If for whatever reason there is a delay in your order, I ask you exercise patience and also contact customer support.

appreciate you saying that and figured as much, good to have communication there may be a possible delay though, I attempt to wait for customs like presents I know are coming rather than meals I’ve ordered :slight_smile:

Thank you for your flexibility. If you do not see your custom within 7 business days, please contact customer support.

I ordered it last Thursday
Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday is 5 business days, so if I don’t see it by this Friday contact customer service or 7 business days from today?

The custom came today :slight_smile:



bruh i just finished my shoulder workout, I have done CHEST AND BACK AND BICEP AND SHOULDERS

this is muscular system module combined with arms torso leg modules, i cant wait to see how i look in 2 months


haha, I’m ALL IN!

This custom has Emperor Fitness Stage 4, and Spartan but the physical modules are focused on healing Nervous System, Respiratory, Head, and Ear. Although my issues with that have gotten better already since switching to QV2, running Paragon custom, and Dragon Reborn stage 3.

QV2 Emperor stage 4 and Spartan should be enough to cause some serious physical changes over the next two months before I upgrade it include similar modules as yours, arms, torso, legs, skeletal, fat burner, muscular, endocrine etc.



@Yazooneh, how is your Khan custom working so far?
You seem to feel distinctly your modules, could you share how the different modules work? (Specially Tyrant, Omnidimensional, Potentiator, Lifeblood fable, Furious ascent, Gorgeous manifestor)


I’m doing my thing with processing, the action is so much I’m trying to wait for a calm phase


Alright boys im going to update for the sole purpose of updating

Qv2 is another beast, i am now done with 1 month of my customs and i have to say the last 2 and a half weeks have been completely a snowballing effects of actions and results

in these 2 and a half weeks i have done nothing my entire day other than commit to my gym, majority of the day is used to watch videos on wealth, dating, fitness and hormonal balance

and finally, I have a small circle of people that adore me and respect me, ones that don’t mind that I commit fully to myself and enjoy when I give them my free break times, some rank higher than others to me.

All in All, I am about to take my first financial venture since starting Khan, it’s funny to think that 1 year ago my plan in life was to move to america and work minimum wage then work as an uber, and i was content with this idea, now I am going to fully commit to a cause that could, with 6 months of strong concentrated effort, net me automatic income of 100+ dollars a day, I will then be comfortable moving from damascus to the states

The physical shifting, if i had to compare it to the old tech which i used for a year is about 3 times stronger than before. I have also commited to absolute semen retention, not weekly or monthly releases but full on retention, I don’t plan to release until I am where I am in my life which I think will take a couple of years.


Hey @Yazooneh

What have you noticed from Focused Arousal so far?

Amazing results

I made this custom to finally tackle my final issue in regards to my love life and I chose panther and focused arousal. They’ve given me such good results that I’ve turned my focus on khan to wealth only


Sounds amazing!

Could you please elaborate more how Focus Arousal works and how it manifested for you? It is not under the Aura category when I recall correctly, so is it changing your behavior?

Also, I am curious about the Flirting and charisma mentor module. Have you noticed improvements in your charisma in normal settings outside of seduction?

You would help me a lot, thank you.

I’ll keep it brief

Focused Arousal very quickly showed me the urgency in

  1. Quickly arousing my target
  2. What arousal they’re at, at all times
  3. How to safely increase it constantly

After these things changed in my psyche very quickly after I started the custom I react accordingly to these three points above in all my hunts

Okay so the charisma and flirting mentor is basically going to help you become a charmer and this definitely oozes into your outside life, the way you’d assume your outside life would be affected by having whatever level of abundance mindset at that point in development

But it’s main function is making you better at everything related to your dating life

Think pure “game”


Wow, that’s exactly what I was looking for.

Thank you very much for your insights, I appreciate it greatly

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alright boys I hate typing and writing but Imma celebrate a bit more on things cuz its healthy

i am officially down to 10% bodyfat from 17% a year ago

I am also now exactly 76 kilos, I gained 6 kilos since starting

this is not saying anything about the physical shifting tech of the bones and stance and insertions

I also measured my height and saw a number I never thought I’d see, it kinda hit me hard knowing the height is finally stacking up to a noticeable height (2 months on q custom with height, almost 2 on this)

overall over one cm gained in height which looks very very promising, a year should get me my goal

Penis has grown too, astonishingly so, my penis growing at the same rate as my height height

I added in stretches and jelqing and one session seemed to skyrocket my results

Khan side of things I can say this, I have so much control of my reality and I’m so happy with the people in my life I honestly have never been this genuinely happy



congrats on the continued awesome results.

Are you noticing continued effects from the full spectrum of all your aps/sps modules?

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The ones I didn’t mention in the last post I’ll go over now

Facial morphing is one that has been noticeably and consistently working since my first custom

Muscular system works in tandem with my gym growth which goes without saying, I weighed in at 77 yesterday first thing in the morning naked so I don’t have to talk about how fast I’m growing

Skeletal system has healed an injury I had in my knee fighting years ago, four days ago I couldn’t stand on my foot because my knee was all kinds of jacked for no reason, the next day a lot of the former sensations of bending that injured knee were gone, the clicking sounds gone

Everything in my list is showing overt results except for one


This one is tricky to tell obviously

Hair is working too due to random itching during the day and during loops, it’s the thickest it’s been in years, to be precise about seven years and more. Keep in mind I’ve worked on hair like a madman even before this custom for a year but this custom has sent it into a new pristine condition

Reproductive system is working too due to sensations I feel in my groin


I’m now 77.1 kg, I went up to a whopping 78 from 76, whilst maintaining less bodyfat incrementally throughout this entire period. My fat then decided to just shred the fuck off, leaving me looking the most delicious ive been in my life.

the intensity in which im working out is on another level now, I wear a mask to the gym mostly to cover my final rep uglyface. I have a stronger mind muscle connection and can really tap into the last available fibers ready to help me push to the extreme limit. I’m getting dangerously brave in testing how well I push myself past human limits in term of pain endurance, I’m starting to love the pain.

there are baby hairs all over my hairline, some have grown to be about 1 cm of tiny fuzz, and the overall area has tiny black hairs.

as for Khan, I’m getting girls at an almost laughable degree to come chasing, I’ve gained a sort of aura that precedes me and does my talking. At this point, I have put girls as my last priority.

I’m getting closer to god, oddly. I’m starting to see a bit more of the fabric of reality and it’s currency.

overall, im ruthless, I’m cold, and I’m definitely a force not to be reckoned with.

whats new is im staring to see a sense of mature man begin to cloud my aura. I feel like I’ve seen a million things and conquered a million lands, ive tasted success enough times by now to feel like I’m no white belt no more.

I will soon be going to a beach city in syria near me, followed by los angeles right after. I plan on taking a sum of money and working on my crpyto game.

if you like my journal reply and feel free to tell me everything u think, negative or positive.

questions fine too.


Any update on the effect of the height inducer and male enhancement modules