Main Disc. Thread - The NEW Primal (Free Upgrade Now Available!)

thank you!

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Walking down the street it’s like younger women can’t help but stare at me.

Internally I am lowkey in recon hell

Feeling super needy for love, to the point I let a girl cuff me last night after only a month of dating. And yet I’m keeping my options with another girl open, I’m supposed to see her tonight actually but I have an out if I decide not to cheat on day 1 lmao

Not sure how seriously I want to take this relationship, but at the same time I am hyper needy internally for this girls love and obsession. At times like these it’s a struggle to not let it manifest into my behavior and stay cool

Stack is New Emperor + New Primal + DR Phoenix (new rebirth)

I think the recon is coming from rebirth honestly, might have to drop it for the sake of my sanity and bring LBFH back


Update - didn’t cheat on the new gf, chilled with the boys for like 4 hours instead. Ate some dope Malaysian food (7/10 @Luther24), talked shit, listened to music, hung out on the rooftop. Life was good and I stopped worrying.

Possible recon remedy - hang out with good friends and bask in the masculine glory of a fraternity of men on the path of high value/high ROI living.


In my case new LBFH works like magic for this


Yeah I didn’t have that issue too bad when I was running LBFH + Emperor.

Rebirth recon was kickin haha

Newest log on Primal:

Thank you @Fire and @SaintSovereign


“It embeds within you the psyche of a man whose life is an anthology of rich, diverse narratives, embodying the wisdom of one who has known the company of a thousand high-quality women.”

This I like


Daaaaamn son nice stack


My man for you to say that you got cuffed AND you’re keeping your options open it sounds like you’re transforming. And it sounds like that transformation is scary af for you and creating new realities you’re not used to. And it sounds like LBFH is the comforting, feel good, everything is perfect no matter what sub that makes you feel good (safe.)

Just treat it as Phoenix recon but push through it… lower the loops, or even drop Phoenix for a whole week (without replacing it) and then keep going.

Sanguine is a nice addition to a stack if you need it as well, IIRC it still doesn’t count as a title in the 3-title-stack

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It does count if it’s the ZP one.


I’m of a mind that Primal could have broader applications than developing inner game for seduction. I think Primal could be used for personal growth, improvements in socializing and networking, developing a sense of adventure and fun, getting in touch with your inner self, self-love and appreciation, masculinity, style, etc. I’m very excited to run it.


It sounds almost like a different godlike masculinity… alas my stack is too full


Okay, I might’ve missed it but does this title have NSE?

Yea, you definitely missed it :wink:

It’s completely rewritten.

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Yes, all of the recent drops feature a form of NSE.

Every drop since Nouveau RICH in fact.

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10.09: Nouveau R.I.C.H.
10.24: Sex & Seduction X


11.11: Genesis: Mogul
11.11: Gaming Mastery X: AIMBOT
11.15: The NEW Emperor
11.16: The NEW Quantum Limitless
11.16: Wanted Black Updated with NSE
11.16: Index Gate Updated with NSE
11.16: BDLM Updated with NSE
11.20: Module Pack #14: NSE
11.25: Love Bomb for Humanity Updated with NSE
12.03: Revelation of the Nectar Within Updated with NSE
12.08: Emperor: The Will To Power
12.08: Dragon Reborn: Phoenix
12.24: The NEW Primal Seduction
12.24: The NEW Primal


Primal too right?

edit: lmao yeah


It works like a charm, making women crave to meet you and for your company. They sense your cool strength and the appreciation and love you have for them. They get attracted to your naturalness and playful, adventorous spirit. I’ve been getting approached by pretty women 15-20 years younger than me (40) and complimented on my looks in a country where sexuality is highly repressed. I’m also developing sexual escalation (especially kinesthetic) fairly easy (in nightclubs) whilst this part was the hugest obstacle in my seduction. Also, it’s easy to attract women just by looking at them and smiling. They also appreciate my chivalrous yet playful attitude.


Sounds awesome, ugh too many options for my next stack :flushed: do you notice a difference from OG Primal?

Definitely, as I have no recon whatsoever and all the transformation unfolds before me naturally, as I move forward and get exposed to experiences that confirm the scripting. Primal is a must for every guy who is into women yet struggles with the natural steps leading to successful seduction. On top of that, the new Primal is totally based on your uniqueness in terms of your character and the way you attract and seduce women. That was not the case on the old Primal either. Moreover, men react to me with respect and admiration, inviting me to their social circles whilst on the old Primal they were fearful or passive aggressive.

The new Primal is a totally new game, far exceeding and improving what the old Primal offered.