Main Disc. Thread - R.I.C.H ZP

You forgot to type HoM :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


It’s one of my pathways that’s why I asked, recently ive won small amount but in the past when trying out RICH for the first time after release it gave me better wins.


What about rich crypto?
Cuz I bought it! And did not get satisfying results, To the extent that I played the crypto class but could not continue to watch it, even though it was an ultima!
So waiting for it!:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

If RICH and regeneration is safe to run together. Im all for it.


So in other words ,

The Results of the Subs increase exponentially with the duration of exposure.

Am I right ?


While you notice and record at the same time any small result .
The equation is as follow

Listen + write in y journal + action = results

This is a list on little things you can write about and notice while running a sub



What @sid days is accurate.


Does this mean you may be adding a Wealth oriented sub to the preview mix like emperor or AM or Mogul?


Yes: Main Disc. Thread - Mogul ZP


An absolutely frightening and exciting combination or stack

Mogul ZP


Yup. Same here. When I see wealthy people in their super cars and jet setter lifestyle, I think “how do I become like him?”, “Man, it would be nice to have that but it looks difficult” and must admit that I have some envy too :grin:

I actually love seeing rich people around but must admit I have to work through my own perception that I can’t be one of them.


Now that’s some “Wealth Zen”


Add Chosen or Wanted to it and your business could explode!


with rich cryptos though you cant tell whos got what in there wallet :face_with_hand_over_mouth: rich is great btw but im looking forward to rich cryptos the most.

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I would remove the word frightening. :slightly_smiling_face: My opinion though.

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In my experience, healing scripting has a tendency to take over the whole title. You are basically ending up in a whole cycle of healing, opening up wounds, remembering the past instead of being 100% focused on taking action in the present. At least that’s what I felt with Qv2, might be different with ZP.

And yes healing is important, I am very happy to have run Dragon Reborn for 6 months in the past but now I reached a point where I do not NEED or WANT healing. For example, while in the past I was the biggest fan and tried to persuade you to add the healing of Khan St1 to Khan St4 with the Q upgrade, I am now the happiest man that Khan St4 does NOT include that healing scripting. I think the better route is still to recommend people to run titles like Regeneration, Khan St1 or Dragon Reborn focused for a few months to a year instead of adding more healing to all other titles.

The only healing module I still love to have is Limit Destroyer as it makes you fearless and pushes you to greatness. It is not „hard“ healing.


I’ll let you know how it goes

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You missed the earlier posts on the main thread when I discussed this, lol. Different type of healing:


I find this funny because the Bible doesn’t say this.

In the Bible it’s “For the LOVE of money is the root of all evil.”
I. E. Greed. Which id say is true.

However it always gets translated as “money is the root if all evil”

Probably intentional.

Either way, I need mogul ZP then first.
Although rich ZP also did a bunch of nice internal changes about money for me.


I keep asking myself for months now if I should run a healing sub first because that would fix most issues instead of building on top with wealth subs.

I guess a sprint of RZP solo is a solid play…