Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn Multistage + Ultima

I’m an introvert too. But when the environment calls for it, I can become, very sociable and outgoing. Depends on the kind of people I’m with at the time.
Johnny Carson was also an introvert.
Some people naively think that introverts are wall flowers.

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the universe signal me about the dragon

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@DarkPhilosopher brought my attention to this thread wondering if people would become agitated. Well, I have to say – I actually agree with @Fractal_Explorer on a few things. First, I’m not going to tell anyone to stop running Dragon Reborn, but some of what he said about healing is apt. I disagree that it’s an “illusion of forward progress,” because that’s simply not true. You do work through the problems and it does help you manifest more long-term positive results. I do agree that it’s not a linear process, it’s very complicated and even the best neuroscientists and psychologists can’t quite explain what “trauma” even is. That’s why, in our scripting, we leave the healing up to your subconscious because it knows better than we do, but even then, HOW it’s accomplished is still an unknown (though we have our theories).

This is also one of the reasons that we left out a lot of that healing scripting in the Qv2 Mandatory Core and the Ultima v2 Mandatory Core. With Qv1’s Mandatory Core (and Ultima, just assume I’m saying that every time I say Qv1), every title had alpha and healing scripting – even when it didn’t really need it, and even when the title’s core had it. That double whammy of the healing scripting in both the title core (like Emperor Core, for example) AND the Q Mandatory Core was overwhelming users, getting them stuck in “healing hell,” without enough execution of the actual title scripting.

What we ended up with was a bunch of people claiming they weren’t getting results, but when you read their posts / journals, you could see that they were just stuck in a cycle of almost neverending reconciliation from the healing. When we removed it from the Q core and simply boosted the healing in the title core (a tiny bit), tests showed that the healing cycles weren’t nearly as harsh and overpowering and testers actually began to see results that were very related to the title they were running.

That doesn’t mean you aren’t getting healing, it just means that the healing is very related to your stack rather than broad spectrum and isn’t derailing the script. That also doesn’t mean that Qv1 is useless or “inferior,” it’s just a different approach – one that we feel might not serve our customers because the double whammy method is for advanced mental alchemists since you need to be hyper aware of your emotional state and what traumas you have. The new Qv2 approach is to give people more hyper focused TOOLS. For example, rather than forcing incredibly deep healing into every sub, now you can choose to undergo deep healing with something like Dragon Reborn or Regeneration. If you don’t want deep healing, or it doesn’t serve your purposes right now, just run another title that isn’t focused on it.

Like, right now, with us setting up new offices, new businesses, hiring employees, I wouldn’t touch a healing sub with a ten foot pole – with the amount of pressure I’m under right now, being stuck in a healing reconciliation cycle would be a nightmare.


I always forget that SubClub is not a side hustle anymore but your full time job. This is quite a deep analysis. So that mean people who were previously stuck in healing with Emperor should try EQV2.


Yes – you’ll probably still have reconciliation, but you’ll notice that it’s more related to the title rather than the broad spectrum healing.


Can you tell objectively the common benefits the test users told you they gained after running the healing subliminals?

i wonder if you can measure some of it up, to give it more of a scientific edge.

@SaintSovereign While I agree with almost everything you stated I do feel that for some folks such as myself deep healing isn’t just essential but necessary. I mentioned yesterday how it’s an important aspect in people being able to get out from under whatever
mental and emotional duress plagues them so they can become who they want to be.
When I read about people on this forum putting so much emphasis on the attention or attraction of women it makes me curious as to why that is so important to them given how from experience the men that attract women the easiest are guys just living their lives and doing their own thing.
I came to Subliminal Club ironically enough doing a Google search for " Alpha Male " subliminals back in the summer of 2018.
My goal at the point was to stop allowing stupid shit get to me and keep me from doing what I needed to do as well as the ability to either walk away from something or someone or not be afraid to tell someone to politely go fuck themselves.
If you read some of my posts going back to when I was running Regeneration and Elixir I frequently mention wanting to feel almost apathetic to a point. I was just tired of getting sucked into someone else’s drama or emotional tantrums and outbursts. I was confusing apathy with nonchalance . I still have that goal but it’s very tied into my ability and desire to be ok with me being who I am and not feeling like I have to explain myself to anyone or try to be something I’m not. Dragon Reborn has helped me with that far more than anything I have ever tried including therapy. I have said it before but you and @Fire have my eternal gratitude for Dragon Reborn and all the other work you two have done


I believe healing is a necessary component to any subliminal, especially in regards to blockage removal if approached directly.

A subliminal is supposed to instill new, more preferable believes, and as long as there are negative believes which are constantly reflecting externally (creating a feedback loop) there will be a lot of resistance for the user to actually execute the script.

In which case, the user will commonly experience headaches as the subconscious resists to execute by an inability of experiencing pleasant and uplifting emotions.

Of course, all of this is dependant on the scenario. For example, I see Limit Destroyer, and Rebirth as important components to any script as these will constantly, with each loop remove false believes and reshape the view of one’s life.

So, there is a tremendous difference between preventive healing and deep healing; the latter is for deep-rooted beliefs which are constantly manifesting in negative thought-forms and easily tackled by programs such as Dragon Reborn, whereas the former is mostly related to diminishing false believes presently absorbed and essentially the cause of deep wounds and curses.

Whenever a negative thought or limiting believes arises, it may be instilled deeply by giving it attention and focus, however, when instantly removed through something as Limit Destroyer one will pave a path of thinking mostly without boundaries and over the long-term will cause him or her to change without absorbing any newborn garbage.

I’m personally not as much in need of deep healing, considering I’m fairly young, however, I do want to protect myself from incoming negative experiences – so imagine having a negative experience and reframing it while removing the limits which have risen from it each time it occurs. Like an anti-malware, constantly waiting to remove demons before they enter the subconscious on a deep level.

Some people literally get stuck in cycles of creating their own misery by giving attention to what they detest.

@SaintSovereign, does the new Core script or the Cores of Titles still have those tools? I see no issue in how these could prevent the listener to actually execute the scrips.

I totally agree that deep healing can have that effect on people though, but Limit Destroyer or Rebirth and other scripts such as Sanguine are totally preventative and very useful for listeners to constantly wipe their negativity away as they absorb it from environmental experiences.


I decided today to add this to my stack because I am terrified of failing or making mistakes. Why I have no idea. It’s what has kept me from progressing as fast as I would have liked with my income generating project


I’ve been keeping it minimal with DR + PCU. Just let my self focus completely on the healing on all levels.

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@SubliminalUser I think I’m going to do that as well. I have been seriously depressed the last few days. Unrelated to the subs

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I’m going through some upheavals myself. Stay strong brother.

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For these feelings I found Rebirth V2 has a good effect.


@SaintSovereign Thanks for dropping by and sharing all that. It’s actually confirmed quite a few things I’ve had knocking around in my head for a while now. It’s good to hear the mechanism behind those heavy reconciliation episodes and how Qv2 improves upon that.

My statement of illusion of forward progress was a bit heavy handed, I admit that. Maybe I can articulate that better. It’s like taking the wrong approach. Intense reconciliation in my opinion doesn’t always mean faster progress or more growth. The illusion stems from the fact that maybe thinking a brute force attempt to bust through it will eventually work and really it just needs more finesse and technical deconstruction. I guess a video game analogy would work here. If you’re up against a bunch of guys and run in there guns blazing in a stealth based game you’re gonna get mowed down every time. The real strategy would be picking them off one by one. No matter how many times you think you’re gonna take out all of them at once, it’s just not gonna happen. Now I can’t say that DR reacts that way with everyone, but that’s how it was for me. I got benefits, I won’t deny that. But it probably wasn’t the most efficient way for me to go about things.


I’m thinking more about this point @Hoppa, of ‘feeling things’ vs. ‘getting results’.

I’d place myself closer to that characterization. Sometimes, I’ll experience state changes, but it’s not a huge, obvious, or very consistent part of my subliminal experience.

The same is true in my contemplative practices/meditation. I don’t tend to be a ‘state-chaser’. Not because I’m above that, but because I don’t experience such a rich and diverse variety of states. Generally, I don’t worry about this point. Used to when I was younger, but right now it just doesn’t seem that important.

I’m once again in a period in which I have a significant pile of tasks to work through over the next 2 weeks or so. Yesterday, I decided to start the day with Limitless Executive. After that because it started automatically, I went ahead and played Executive Solace as well.

As usual, I was not aware of any major state change.

Hmmm…I guess the real question is, Did I notice myself working more effectively or getting more tasks done than I typically do.

I was originally going to ask what you think about those titles that are specifically intended to bring about state changes. But now I’m thinking that the same state vs. results perspective can work for pretty much any title, even the ones that are typically associated with more obvious state changes.

At the end of the day, it’s possible to dissociate from, ignore, or simply be unaware of practically any state or sensation that might arise.

Hmm…no clear question in this anymore, but if you see anything in it worth responding to, please do.


I’ll say this again: With something like DR which is working on stuff way beneath the surface, things we may not even be aware of, we may not realize the full extent of its benefits until later down the line or until we run another sub that benefited. E.G. going straight to Khan ST4 after finishing DR and finding that a lot of things related to social stuff have in fact been cleared.


The way I see DR is working is like when you tried smoking weed for the very 1st time, you took a few hits but you feel no effects but burst out with laughter when you said it.


What a nice comparison you found. :rofl:

I have felt the same way. Basically started since EoG V2 came out. Even though there might be more going on in your life that causes it, i felt depressed this whole week and a little bit of last. I felt the same way when StarkV2 was released. Just something to keep in mind. This too shall pass.


Thank you for commenting and explicating!