Nova Elite: Kether to Malkuth

This is now the post I wish I could like 10 times!!

Very important mindset shift.

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Impromptu break since last Wednesday. Back on today.

My usual practice is to start the week with a Naissance Terminus meditation.

Today, I just meditated with Naissance Standard Qv2.

Smooth early A.M. meditation.

Just consciousness.

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@Malkuth are you listening to DR along with your customs, or are you taking a break and doing DR by itself?

I’m asking because my recon from my customs has been quite strong lately and today my wife and I started listening to Regeneration together.

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Well, you’re definitely psychic in asking this question, because I was literally thinking on it for the past 3 or 4 days.

I’m still thinking about it. For today, I’m going to listen to all three.

We’ll see what happens with processing and recon.


Curious what you will report back because I remember Saint saying that healing subs tend to override the other subs.

Basically “blocking” them out?

I was wondering about this because once I start DR, I want to keep running my custom every now and then.


Here is one:

And here’s another:


I’m thinking it may be time to get a little more complex with my stacking arrangement.

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All things considered, yesterday’s return-to-stack after a 5-6 day washout went fairly smoothly.

I played NAISSANCE Terminus during morning meditation from about 7-8 AM. Actually, felt pretty comfortable and had no subjective discomfort. But my first morning meeting was from 11 am -12 pm. It was a one-on-one meeting, and I found myself being a little more impatient and irritable during the meeting. Noticed it and reined it in, but I assume it was at least in part related to processing. Once I noticed it, I tried to make an extra effort to be kind and supportive to the other person.

Had one other meeting/consultation after that, and felt more even and balanced.

I’m noticing in response to Naissance that there’s a bit of this energy. I’m assuming it’s related to the modules of what I’m calling the Inner Strength Triad: Pride Unbroken and Februus. (The third is Faith Unyielding, but I don’t think that’s so related.)

In addition, Dragon Fire is at work. I played it from about 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm. Spaced things out a bit more. I think that during this initial phase DR’s process is also contributing to an increased anger and attention to boundaries. I think I need it. But it also needs to be regulated. So that’s what I’m doing.

I didn’t play either of the Ultima Boosters. Paragon Complete or Jet Stream B (custom).

Based on yesterday’s play, the 3-program stack is working well. And we’ll bring it back in tomorrow.

I’ve also put Naissance Terminus on hiatus for now. The idea was always to start playing my Terminus tracks once I’ve really adapted to the Standard Qv2s and normalized with them. So, playing things very gradually for now.


Alchemy, to me, means intentional participation in the evolutionary metamorphoses of consciousness, of mind, of internal and external conditions.

Dragon Reborn, to me, is about preparing you, teaching you, and supporting you to become the most evolved, effective and optimized version of yourself that you can currently be.

On the deconstructive side, it dissolves and removes blocks and obstacles.

On the constructive side, it supports and facilitates evolutionary development.


So, today is Wednesday 28 July 2021.

The next 9 to 10 months are about Internal Development,

With each passing day and month, I will find it easier and smoother to conceptualize Visions and to plan well. I will find that my internal and external resources support my Vision. My nature and motivations will harmonize with my Vision. And I’ll feel greater and greater confidence about implementing them.

The subliminals of focus for this period are NAISSANCE Standard Qv2 (custom) and Dragon Reborn. They are both geared towards the above developmental process. (Though I will continue to play my PATHS of Wealth custom.)

I hope that by 10 months from now in May 2022, this process will have progressed and stabilized to the point where I feel ready to primarily focus on Implementation.

That is the intention for this year.


NAISSANCE Qv2 is very much about the internal architecture of Processing, Creating, and Manifesting.

I’m starting to think that there is significant overlap between what I’m thinking of as Internal Development and what Sub Club refers to as Healing.

What do you think of the idea that the human body is technically able to live up to 300 years (or more). What’s stopping it from happening is not medicine, it is the negative energy we all carry, stress, emotional blockages, etc.

People in the mountains of Tibet tend to live way longer, without medicine or anything.

I think I saw it first in the Divine Matrix video.

The point being, working through ALL the emotional backed up stuff (I.e. DR) could make you live longer?

Do you have any evidence for this?

There are some identified populations around the globe in which various lifestyle markers are associated with significantly longer lifespans.

The two that come my mind immediately are: the Okinawans of southern Japan and the Seventh-Day Adventists of Loma Linda, California.

The longevity itself tends to be associated with factors such as: meaningful lifelong participation in a social community, vegetarian or vegetarian hybrid dietary patterns, gentle, regular exercise, and so on.

The typical life-expectancies were in the centenarian range. That’s most of what I’m vaguely familiar with as far as empirical data on this topic.

I do know that there is a long and developed tradition of Tibetan medicine, and I think it’s unlikely that people there live without any such resources. Maybe you were referring not to medicine in general but to ‘modern Western allopathic medicine’ or something like that?

I know that Tibetan medicine in part focuses on the cultivation and care of what they call ‘rlung’ or life energy, somewhat similar to the concept of qi in Chinese medicine or prana in Ayurvedic. It’s likely that they’ve tried their own experiments with managing disease and extending the healthy lifespan.

It is true also that the stress and congestion of modern lifestyles is associated with a range of novel health concerns. But I don’t see evidence that the removal of blockages would instantly lead to radically extended lifespans. Our fossil record, and archeological/anthropological data on our ancient ancestors and near-human ancestors doesn’t support it.

On the other hand, there have been and will always be outliers. And it’s possible that by studying such people we could glean principles that could benefit the majority of humanity as well.

Anyway, them’s my 'pinions.


p.s. one unfortunate postscript is that apparently the Okinawans are no longer considered among these global centenarians, due to the adoption of more modern lifestyles among the younger generations.

Oh well. At least they get better tv shows now?



But thanks for your opinion on it!
Well, current science starts to agree with a bunch of “esoteric” things slowly, but surely. So maybe the Tibetians know something.

What they DO definitely know is that life is much better if you spend it in a neat community, as opposed to watching Netflix 5 hours / day.

On another note, why are you the only one who has a dash between “Arch” and “Alchemist?” :wink:

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I hadn’t noticed that. haha. Maybe mine is short for ‘Archie the Alchemist’ or something.


I split my stack across yesterday and today.

1 loop of Naissance with yesterday a.m.'s meditation.

Then 1 loop of Dragon Fire with today’s meditation.

and 1 loop of PATHS in the early afternoon.

This feels relatively comfortable.

I do still notice some lingering effects: slightly sluggish thinking/recall and some irritability. Seems to be gradually lessening though. Hopefully that’s part of my adaptation process.

I’m now 3 weeks into Dragon Fire.

One subjective element in which I’m noticing a significant increase:

Ultimatum-style "Moments of Clarity"

As if my mind is taking hard looks at the realities of my life and throwing down the gauntlet.

I put it in quotes because I’m keeping a healthy sense of skepticism about my own so-called clarity. There’s an underlying urgency and impatience to it.

No precipitate. reactive decision-making during these next 2 months.

I will do my best.