Nova Elite: Kether to Malkuth

Any time that you pay attention,

it’s an investment of your soul.

It’s a kind of worship.


Find/Create your own sanctuaries and oases.

You deserve them


Mood’s going up and down.

Today, I audio-journaled for a while. And sometimes when an interesting insight arose, I typed it here in this journal. When I was finished, I had a good feeling, as if I’d gotten some spiritual food.

Now, I’m getting back to planning and working. There’s a negative emotional quality inside of me, and I think that it’s pushing me to take care of things.


Today (and possibly the next few days):


REST period



There are two aspects to being a person of high-value.

  1. You shift from focusing on what you can get out of a situation, and now you’re emphasis becomes what you are giving to the situation. You relate to the world as an influencer and a creator. This shift in identity leads to a cascade of other shifts, some obviously related and other subtly related. This is a shift in how you see yourself and in how you relate to others.

  2. You become familiar with the value of what you are offering, of what you bring to the table. You know that because of who you are and what you bring, others are benefiting from being around you and are fortunate to have you. This is a shift in how you see others.

Notice that nothing in any of that requires that you think less of anyone else.


Think of how differently interactions and negotiations would go if you knew the value of what you have to offer.

About anything, business, sex, information-exchange, whatever. Imagine that you walked into rooms knowing that you legitimately had treasures in your pocket and in your heart.

Like all evolutionary leaps, it is both a leveling-up and also a kind of a loss. You lose the luxury of being a passive audience member. You lose the special joy of feeling that you ‘lucked out’ and ‘got something for nothing’ You gain the capacity to move in power.


More Value Thoughts On Tonight’s Hike:

(I tend to start downloading insights when I start walking. This one’s an old insight that got updated.)

A monkey (a cartoon monkey, at least) thinks of value in terms of bananas. A squirrel thinks of value in terms of acorns and a nice tree.

If you give a Mercedes-Benz to a monkey, it might think something like: ‘Ah, great! This is a big box that can store a lot of bananas!’

If it figures out how to work the locks, it may feel even luckier: ‘I can keep my bananas safe from others and I can hide from predators in this thing.’

Those statements are definitely true. But, as modern human beings, we’d agree that the primary value of a Mercedes-Benz is not as a refrigerator or as a very small apartment.

But we also can’t blame the monkey or the squirrel for valuing the Mercedes based on what is important in her world.

In the same way, be careful about how you allow others to establish your value.

Did they see and understand your potential, your talents? Did they appreciate all that you have to offer? And let’s not just blame the world or “Society”. Did you see and understand your potential, your talents, and gifts? Did you appreciate what you have to offer?

If anyone has not seen and understood these things–whether it’s someone else or even whether it’s you yourself–you should not accept that person’s valuation of you. Otherwise, you might be allowing the squirrel to appraise the Mercedes-Benz. Obviously, you’re free to do so, if you wish; but I just think it would be something of a shame.


I’m two weeks into Dragon Fire (Dragon Reborn Stage 1), but I can already subtly feel some of the benefits associated with Dragon Flight (DR Stage 3). I can only imagine how this will be when I actually get to that point in Dragon Reborn.

I’m able to see more clearly what happened to guide my life and career in the directions that they took, what internal qualities both defined my purpose and also made it difficult for me to bring that purpose together.

It does not look tragic at all. I can see the naturalness of how things came together. Also, I can see what qualities I would have needed to have in greater strength to have had a smoother journey.

Essentially, I had a combination of qualities that required me to live an Independent Studies kind of life. A Choose-Your-Own-Adventure kind of life. But I did not have the external will, social hardiness, and confidence to create that kind of path for myself.

The issue was that there was no real alternate option. ‘Joining Up’ with something in any simplistic or generic way was always going to be a failing option. Yet that was the only option that I felt strong enough or clear enough to manage. Of course, parents, family, surrounding society and environment were also contributing and perpetuating factors. But I’m comfortable seeing all of these as elements of my basic set-up. I don’t mind seeing it as being about me.


On another note: looks like rest days and periodic washouts are repaying with dividends.

Look for subliminal results and signs of progress in the style of you. Your own mind is going to be what is producing your results.

Sure sometimes your mind will surprise you with some new talent or phenomenon; but much of the time it’s going to get the job done by applying the skills and patterns that it usually applies. If you’re not the kind of person who usually faints into a trance and has visions of Angelic messengers directing you of what to do next, don’t be surprised when that doesn’t happen with subliminals.

Your mind already has excellent ways of integrating experiences and expressing its intentions. Your magickal name for those ways? ‘Life As Usual’.

You may be amazed to find that ‘Life As Usual’ can be pretty damned miraculous and can produce profound transformations in circumstance, given the right resources.


The 11th House

Interpersonal foundation for the development of ideas and life direction. Not a cult, a connection.

Significant blind-spots exist in my way of interfacing and connecting with the world.

Far from being terrible news, this is great news.

It means that the solutions (i.e., the effective strategies to change) may be much more accessible and straightforward, and much less dramatic than I typically imagine them to be.

Your natal chart represents your own personal koan; your own creative challenge to transcend and integrate diverse elements into a unified, dynamically-balanced harmony.

Some charts are simpler to harmonize, others are more challenging. But EVERY chart is legitimate.


By owning your ego, you actually reduce the size and intractability of your problems; because the alternative is to dramatically project them, many times magnified, upon the screen of the external world.

High-sensitivity is probably represented zodiacally most clearly by the 4th House and the 4th zodiacal sign: Cancer the Crab. An equal or a close second, in my view, would be Pisces and the 12th House. Virgo and the 6th are a third.

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Another very helpful and useful contribution from the astrological paradigm:

Review and be aware of the signs and houses that are NOT present or populated in your natal chart.

These can give us vital clues about our blind spots and about places in which we are more likely to make mountains out of molehills since, in those areas, we do not conceptualize possibility and potential very well.

We tend to take for granted the energies that are present in our charts. In the same way, we also tend to take for granted NOT HAVING the energies that are not present, and this is inaccurate.

For example, in my own natal chart, the 7th House (corresponding to harmonious, rich, intimate relationships of equality) is empty. I tend to assume that such interactions will not be present or that they will be very difficult to establish or access. That is a perceptual bias. Due to my lack of acuity and facility in the establishment of such interactions I perceive them as being much more out-of-reach than they actually are.

It needn’t be such a big deal. It’s like the difference between learning football when you have a natural talent for the game and learning football when your talent is average or below average. While it is true that the average or below-average person is unlikely to play at the highest levels of professional football; it is also true that those people are quite capable of learning the game well enough to get fun and enjoyment from it.

They—the average and below-average players—may even be able to more easily access other simpler joys in the sport that are less achievable by the geniuses who are busily pushing the envelopes of what’s possible.


This came back to me and I want to post it again.

This is now the post I wish I could like 10 times!!

Very important mindset shift.

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Impromptu break since last Wednesday. Back on today.

My usual practice is to start the week with a Naissance Terminus meditation.

Today, I just meditated with Naissance Standard Qv2.

Smooth early A.M. meditation.

Just consciousness.

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@Malkuth are you listening to DR along with your customs, or are you taking a break and doing DR by itself?

I’m asking because my recon from my customs has been quite strong lately and today my wife and I started listening to Regeneration together.

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Well, you’re definitely psychic in asking this question, because I was literally thinking on it for the past 3 or 4 days.

I’m still thinking about it. For today, I’m going to listen to all three.

We’ll see what happens with processing and recon.