HELP ME ON THIS: vicious circles and chronic negative mindsets

I have this question to ask about subliminals:

Is it possible to remain with the use of a sub, in an infinite vicious circle caused by recon, where one continues to be in a negative mindset indefinitely, without ever finding a solution to one’s problem? Or sooner or later by dint of listening the sub and your subconscious will find a solution to get out of this negative spiral and start thinking in more positive and healthy ways?


I absolutely believe that it is possible. Subliminals are just one of many tools to lead one to action.

Sanguine bro


I’m glad you mentioned this, as this is a common demotivator for anyone attempting to heal from emotional wounds and beliefs.

Which sub are you referring to? I’ve found a similar experience on Regeneration in recent versions since it’s very confrontational with past traumas; it seems to go straight in. I found it worse using CFW, and I moved to DR this past week.

I chose DR since I find it much gentler than Regen or CFW. And I too never find solutions while in recon. I’m just wishing to get out of the internal hell. I’ve not found that on DR yet.

I’m doing 1 loop with 2 rest days. The rest days are when much of my beliefs and actions are challenged by the sub executing.

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in this case I was speaking in general terms. I personally am using Emperor and have had recon today, as well as other times in the past with other subs, so I asked myself the question of the title and was curious if a sub by dint of listening to it can help you find a way out of a negative spiral.

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I can say from experience. Do not wait for your subconscious to find a solution. Don’t hold out in hopes the sub “breaks through”. This is dangerous thinking. If the sub alone hasn’t been working do something different. Get outside help if you have to.


Oh, Emperor. Yes, it can kick you in the teeth if you’re not ready for its direction.

Emperor was the first sub I bought at SC, and it was v.1. Instant anger soared in me. I had just introduced myself on the forum, some guys politely replied to my questions, and listening to Emperor I wanted to tell one guy to f off! I was really angry. (I only listened for 20 minutes of an hour-long sub)

So I took their advice and bought Ascension, which was much, much milder. I stayed on it for many months. Recon wasn’t a major issue in Ascension’s early builds. I’ve not used the Q or ZP builds enough to compare them.

But Emperor is no light-duty sub. It never has been. Rebirth had always been in it, and using Rebirth ZP a month back I realized this sub alone was why I struggled with Emperor. Rebirth (in Emperor) takes all one’s normal solid ground in life and says “really? Let’s do MORE!!!” It’ll shake your core.

This is just my opinion, but it still may be shaking up your normal comfort zone, which is what recon really is.

I’ll ask, have you considered Ascension or AM? One can always return to stronger subs. I did a loop here and there of Emperor while using Ascension since I love the positive self-talk in its script.

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I agree with this completely. In fact, the passive strategy of waiting is completely opposite to Emperor’s normal assertiveness. Which may explain the recon you’re experiencing. Sounds like recon is screaming “DO something!”

I say this since when I spot it, I got it. My habit of avoidance along with facing Emperor’s assertiveness directly collide with each other. And its recon is not light-duty either.

Have you noticed what you’re being prompted to do or change yet?


Impossible to get rid of problems ( you could call them challenges) which is what generally alter mood negatively…some challenges are what make you grow…the appropiate mindset is to choose the right “problems”, those that are inherent obstacles of the path you want to walk…and not create unnecessary trouble or get trapped in problems imposed by other people, hurdles that make you waste time and don’t advance you in wisdom or status…
Another way of tolerating the everchanging idiosincrasy of life is practicing ancient mind technologies like Zen or Buddhism…

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Imma post this again just to make sure it was read… Run sanguine :eyes:

Except if you only want to theorise and think about that problem. Then the reflection can go on.


Yes, but in the end I chose Emperor because it seemed better for a 360 ° development.


I agree since it’s really a full package sub.

Maybe listen to it once a week along with a regular Ascension or AM. Just possibilities for lessening recon.

Emperor has much more PUSH in it, by design. It’s something that many have to build up to.

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I will go on for a few more days to see how it evolves and if i see too much obstruction i think i will switch to something lighter like Ascension.


I definitely agree with this suggestion it would be a good program to include, it should add some balance and offset recon or at least help with you finding solutions so you can work through things in a positive mindset.


Quoting @subliminalguy and @Fractal_Explorer , since I mentioned to the idea of “Groundhog Day” moments.


This post from username SaintSovereign, while focused on healing, may have some bearing on your question.