Expand beyond measure

Don’t underestimate the level of anticipation and excitement to play your subs after a rest days . This awesome :fire::fire: . Like oh I am going to have my gift tonight. A dopamine enhancer . I was going to sabotage my diet and eat heavy meal after eleven pm . But I reminded myself . I will listen to alchemist Tonight . This thought alone uplifted my mode . And declined the sabotage . So the rest days may help fight addiction in a good way .


Finally, dopamine, like all neurochemicals, amplifies memory.5 This, too, is automatic. A quick shorthand for how learning works in the brain: the more neurochemicals that show up during an experience, the more likely that experience will move from short-term holding into long-term storage. Memory enhancement is another key role played by neurochemicals: they tag experiences as “Important, save for later.”
By stacking motivations, that is, layering curiosity atop curiosity atop curiosity, we’re increasing drive but not effort. This is what happens when our own internal biology does the heavy lifting for us. You’ll work harder, but you won’t notice the work. Also, because dopamine provides a host of additional cognitive benefits—amplified focus, better learning, faster pattern recognition—you’ll also work smarter. These are two more reasons why stalking the impossible might be a little easier than you suspected…

From the book the art of impossible Steven kotler.


This day events reminded me of Vadim Zealand words …

“Whenever you feel the slightest sense of awe for the world of your dream, drive the feeling out of your mind. Outer and inner importance are obstacles on the path to unity of heart and mind. This is your world and there is nothing in it that is unavailable to you. The world of your dream should be joyful and at the same time commonplace. When something is yours it seems unremarkable and has an everyday quality to it, so in order to attune yourself to a life line that corresponds to your dream you have to feel as if you already had it. You are consciously playing a game not just kidding yourself.”

  • Today I closed a business deal that will increase my income 10 folds or more This year .
  • a partner personality that I admire and love to working with.
  • will transform the type of people I work with from white-collar mostly to mega business men and national politaions .
  • this deal is a complete makeup for my life . Transforming to a new life line.

_ back story in the past 3 months I was preparing to initiate a company that works in the same industry as this one but in a scale much smaller than this one . But the partner I was going to have declined at the last minute . And again I used the amalgam '“everything is going well for me and my world knows better than me” I was in confusion what to do what’s my next steps . Then this opportunity beautifully manifested for me.

_ I was doing slide technique where I imagine the end result for my true goal (which is having a beautiful big Library in my home and a family )

I was in awe for a moment just moment then I remembered my amalgam "what’s new , my world cares for me as it always does " and "what’s new , subs already work " I always use those two amalgam for trival situations huge situations doesn’t matter . Amalgam is not affrmation to achieve smth it’s a confirmation for what’s already happening/manifested/in the process of manifesting . Amalgam is a core technique in transurfuing.

_ this opportunity and how it manifested is in solely from R.I.C.H

Ultima sweet spots are 2 loops
Alchemist and R.I.C.H are my main subliminal messages . This to the end of the year . I continue resist to play Mogul or ascended Mogul as alchemist results are the most important for me.

thanks subclub I am deeply grateful for your work :pray::innocent:


Today I have a meeting with a Lithuanian national politaions part of working in my new business .

The meeting goes well . I was receive gracefully . And my presentation was on target.

Still using alchemist and R.I.C.H


If what vi feel is right . And the grudges and hate for that person Is slowly disappearing and replaced by compassion and tenderness toward him. It means a leap and huge step for me . I will keep an eye on that .


A constant themes while using Paragon ultima

  • that sense of hope about my health . feeling of optimism and trust in my healthy future and self image.
  • with it I have memories from my distant past where everything is good and beautiful. Where my state of being is relaxed and vital .I don’t need to sleep a lot with paragon 4 hours of sleep is too much and I wakeup refreshed and energized. But first 4 loops I slept too much above 12 hours . I listen to it usually 6 hours before bedtime.
    This is my 13 loop of paragon in 30 days.
  • paragon enhance and refine everything related to health ( sleep, sports ,that urge to train , eating habits)
  • again the most important part of using Paragon is mood upliftment and the positive attitude toward life . I think this happened because it eased my fears regarding my health situation.
  • excitement is what I felt for using Paragon first time and the reason is so simple the goals of paragon is what I want for my life. And sure the script is speaks directly to what I want regarding my healthy body. I felt the same on emperor. Soon I will use Spartan and legacy to enhance and build,heal my physical capabilities.
  • I have my first chriopractor session while using Paragon.
  • paragon helped in easing muscle soreness from gym session.
  • I didn’t get into detail of my health situation and what is about . But mainly energetic blockages or CHI blockages. And everything is going very well thankfully :pray:
    I love that title :heart_eyes:

Insights on my journey using subliminalclub

1 - I use the sups here from 3 years ago specific from Ascension lite
2- English is not my native language . But I have a good record regarding results.
3- starting my journey I was fearing I will be dependent on subs my whole life . But this didn’t happen .
4- if I will start all again I will start from healing subs especially the miracle cure ELIXER
5-the goals you will while choosing the subs will change or take different form .
6-the old subliminal question “will the results still be available with me after stopping the sub use?” Will evade as your confidence in your abilities/self grow .
7-the subs are showing and unraveling my authentic self . My self without trauma/fixation. It changed me by clearing/removing all that no longer serve me .
8- my actions/behaviour/attitude on a certain sub change from time to time example: using Mogul 2 years ago is totally different from using Mogul now (with assumption that I will use the same version)
9- thats why it’s always good to revise the subs you used before. Will discover new things / will refine your abilities to notice your reactions to the sub.
10- with the development as a result of using subs I was able to put into action alot that I learned from self-help books.
11- at some point I was able to create my self help procedure for myself
12- every sub showed me a different aspect of myself my abilities and my aspirations . That level of malleability is a great spiritual experience.
13- that belief/realisation of “anything can change” is helpful in manifesting the desired realities.
14- imagining my reaction to situations under different subs . Developed my analytical skills and my zoom in eye :eyes: .
15- results take different shapes ( knowing your self is a result / behaving differently is a result / people reaction to you is a result / thinking and imagining new scenarios is a result /valuing your self is a result
16- don’t confuse anger with power . Healing subs are valuable.
17- beware of talking important decision under subs.
18- I use subs in unconventional way for example (daredevil is a great business sub because my work need this attitude) (alchemist st1 protection is valuable in negotiations and increasing my money ) and so on . You see the pattern.
19- I don’t use emperor if i close a business deal but I choose AM for example. But I will use emperor for an opportunity to manifest.
20- keeping some way to remind your self of your goals is very very important. Because every sub has its own goals and it will guide you stray from your goals if you’re directionless.
21- other unconventional way for using a sub Is that I use the title tell the honeymoon period that excitement and pleasure of the first loops. And I stop it there before recon. Doing this raises my vibration my expectations and my attitude toward life . (Mirror principles from transurfuing teaching) in actuality a lot of teaching tell that life is a mirror for our own attitudes.
22- an old subliminal question “will I need to take action to achieve my results?” Refer to a hate relationship with taking action . A relationship that Mogul beautifully healed it .


What exactly are you wanting to have Paragon help you with?

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Excellent journal, @sid :+1:


Blockages of chi in different parts of the body. This is why I bought Paragon .


Thank you for clarifying. Do you think Paragon is helping?

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It’s helping me for example the blockage in face become tense then warmth flood the part then the releasing of blockages and this releasing looks like a swirling energy .
But the longest part is warmth stage the hardest part is feeling of tense at first.
Other things I noticed regarding the blockage is releasing of tension on the abdomen or third chakra .
I don’t lead the program consciously . All I do is stating " I release all that no longer serves me in the easiest loving way possible"

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Thanks @Lion . I learn a lot from your journey it inspires me a lot :heart: actually I love this community as I love the subs here.

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My relationship with the Facebook :

  • 12 years old account
  • usually using for sharing quotes at first
  • then politics
  • some photos here and there I didn’t change my cover photo from 7 years ago
  • didn’t change my profile picture from 4 years ago and the pic is not a face.
  • sometimes friends tag me in pictures . Rarely I upload mine.
  • the Facebook best value was connecting me to people with different opinions and perspectives. Now I know where to find them.
    And this was satisfying me intellectually.
  • I shared my opinions a lot about world stage politics and economics .
  • and deep thought articles I love to share.
  • I deactivated my account before for over 10 months.this was from 5 years ago.
  • nevertheless Facebook is addictive . Not a right choice on my life path today.
  • I have the urge to delete the account from June this year while playing alchameist and I thought about it and deleted the account today after thinking carefully about the step.and sure after downloading all my data .
  • deleting LinkedIn was not a big deal for me as I am a business person. And forging relationship with others has a different path ways suited me better than LinkedIn.
  • there will not be urges on this month to open the account .as I already transformed my ads to an account dedicated only with ads for my business pages.
  • Facebook was beautiful at its first days . Addictive and disfynctional now days.
  • this deletion of Facebook will open space in my life to invest more on meditation/writing/business and the healthy man I carve.

I have to remember this quote and come to again and again ::: from Vadim Zealand transurfuing. This how I deal with despair sadness and confusion

“The paradox is that no-one can ever know how events should develop in order to realise their order. If a person nonetheless insists that they do know, nothing will work out. Your dreams seem difficult to achieve because you are held in the grip of certain standards and simply will not let these dreams be realised. Your door is locked shut with stereotype locks.
Create the desired image – goal in your mind and then just place one foot in front of the other in the direction of your goal. Everything that happens to you is all for the sake of reaching the goal. Adopt the intention of the Maker: everything is going as it should because that is what I have decided. I manage my world in the way I see fit. I am no longer at the mercy of circumstance but neither do I try and control everything. By playing the target slide in my mind’s eye it is not the circumstances I am shaping but an ultimate picture of the world I intend to live in. Attempts to influence events are the work of the mind’s inner intention which tries to push for its own scenario. The mind has no way of knowing what awaits it on the path to the goal. Circumstances are created by outer intention and the alternatives flow. My task is to determine the vector of the flow, but what channel it takes does not concern me.
Imagine that you are woken up from your mirror daydream because something is happening. The events and scenery are all as they should be but you are seeing things differently as if you had escaped the flow of events and come to your senses in the middle of a huge spherical mirror. A gigantic kaleidoscope spins around you sparkling with the many facets of reality. You are a part of this reality and at the same time you exist separately and independently of it. It is the same kind of realisation of one’s “separateness” that a person experiences when they wake up in a dream and understand that the dream now depends on them and not the other way around. In the mirror daydream everything is just the same, the only minor difference being that reality reacts more slowly. Once you get used to its slower gear you discover something quite wonderful. Reality is quite pliable and changes adapting to the image in your thoughts. What does this mean? Where are you?
You are now outside of this world. You have exited the mirror.”"


I am in love with Elixer ultima . It’s easing brings clarity sense of calmness engulfs me . I know I am safe . How beautifully elixer works with nearly every subliminal … I love to play elixer after the sub by two hours so my mind already taken a good rest working on processing the main sub .then elixer come work on the surfacing issues while relaxing the body. With Elixer is not always a bright moments . But usually the brightness will shine back a again. If I have elixer ultima 9 or 10 years ago . I would saved myself a lot of troubles. I am grateful :two_hearts:


A subtle reconciliation strategy , happens like this …

( I need to know what in the script , to apply it )

For me this thought is an excuse for not wanting to align with the script .

Alchemist was urging me to delete Facebook since june2021 just followed the urge 3 days ago …

Right Now Facebook is in mess what message is this all about I choose to know …

Realising that a person in work his circumstances is the the same as me // although our circumstances seems different for the untrained eye . For me those are identical circumstances with different makeup. I am aware of the concept that certain individuals are mirrors for us . I didn’t give attention to this before . But now I am starting to analyse my relationship with others in a more detailed way … This reminding me of an interesting books that I didn’t used properly … I don’t remember the name well (the language of the universe) I will find the real name and post it here .


The most valuable book that I learned journaling from is (journal to self 22 paths to personal growth) by Kathleen Adams

Things I usually track in my offline journal while using subs:

  • new aspirations
  • new behaviour
  • thoughts
  • sleep quality
  • training consistency
  • new feeling
  • memories surfacing
  • imaging new scenarios
  • little acts
  • people reacts to me (new words / new gestures / new offers / attachment/non attachment behaviour
  • how you think of your situations
  • new strategies
  • revisiting strategies
  • my relationship with machines ( computers/cellphone / cars
  • body changes inner (warmth/ coldness/ shivers ) outer (bone alignment/muscle gain or loss )
  • my appetite
  • animals and me
  • old reaction surfacing .
  • dissatisfaction / satisfaction monitor
  • flow state / time passing .
  • meeting new/old (people/situation
  • what’s my thoughts about those topics I usually include details oriented topics regarding my sub stack for example business I will write my thoughts on (recruiting new people / promoting some one / marketing / sales ) the goals is to engage the conscious with the sub…
  • asking what I never related to and now starting to consider even if In subtle ways ?! For example while running wanted I started taking care of my clothes and how I present myself to the world … In emperor I journaled alot about power and rarely in my life gave attention to the concept of power . After that I now trained myself to look through/analysis situation according to what power is how I know someone is powerful … gone to imitate powerful people I admire their way. While discovering mine .
  • new gestures from my world
  • what I found hard and what I found easy .
  • how I procrastinate
  • dreams
  • relationship history in points with (others/things/teaching /sites/products/etc/receiving- giving "money,care,time,appreciation and so on (this history May be years months or weeks ) I learned this way from the Above mentioned book.