Offline journaling - How do you journal?

I did not find a place where people here would share their method of journaling.
Kind of everyone here says it is important. So how do you do your offline journal? Instead of “just write” can you go into the specifics? Such as:

  • Do you write or record yourself?
  • What is the process? Do you write in the morning? Everyday? Do you go back to what you wrote?
  • Do you burn jour journal when it is full or do you keep it?
  • Do you write your thoughts or your goals?
  • Do you use it to record something or do you talk to your journal?
  • Is it a loa thing? Such as writing only positive things you want to achieve or write fantasies?
  • Do you have different journal maybe one for loa one for your toughts?

For myself I did journal (before subliminal), but I am not sure how it was helpful.


I’m kind of a geek. I actually set up docker and discourse (the software used here) for my own “offline” journal at times. Usually I just do stuff here though.


Journaling is fun and beneficial , enjoy :wink:


I always journaled even before subs…but the main thing for me in my journal is to note and appreciate positive signs of my goals being fulfilled. It helps my subconscious notice what I am grateful and helps it bring more of that to me…I also spend time just listing stuff I’m grateful for. gratitude is magical… once I started subs I started noting positive signs of the subs objectives as well as any different thoughts/feelings I notice in myself and others. However, the journal is the spot to test my assumptions as well; I analyze new ideas and advice in the journal because its easier to think through writing then in my head… I write everyday at least once a day usually multiple times a day…I keep it and never burn or delete an entry