The Great Gatsby


I’d like to request a program based on Gatsby from the Great Gatsby movie. I love that character and everything about him – jovial, incredible at any kind of storytelling and communication, mesmerizing and charming without ends, wealthy, relaxed mastery in everything he does, and complete conviction and control over his reality.

Here’s a short clip –

Just a recommendation, @SaintSovereign & @Fire, of course, prioritize however you’d like but I do believe this one is worthy of a Title.

As for anyone else reading this topic; which Title would you think comes closest to Gatsby’s personality?


Khan + PCC + a stripped-down version of Stark (more playboy, less genius)


@friday Sound like the making of a good custom but who know,

@Hermit if there was such a program then it might have to get brand new scripting exclusive to the chracter himself


I think Stark+Sanguine for sure, but adding Regeneration might help


Between this and the Wolf
I’m pretty sure at this point @Hermit, its DiCaprio qualities your might be after.

And for someone who is the most Love based and Spiritual consciousness person around here
you sure pick some characters to emulate with some serious dark sides :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

In the right context-there is power there :slight_smile:


I forget to meaningful contribute outside of an attempt at humor.

IMO Gatsby would be Stark/Ascension/ EOG or Ascended Mogul/ Daredevil/ PCC or HOM

or EOG/HOM or PCC/ Stark.

He masterfully plays the game of life
social and industry wise
He is about mystery and celebrity
He is charming and innocuous while being incredible calculating underneath
and he does it all in service of his love/ romantic obsession.

So Venu’s Chosen , Temptation, Secret Source, Sultan, Lion 4, Tyrant, Mastermind would all be modules I’d include.


I guess that’s just a Scorpio thing, I and Di Caprio are similar in many ways. Dark sides or not, I believe what I have going for my next Custom will be as close to Di Caprio as you can get.

Gatsby – Ascended Mogul, Sex & Seduction, Power Can Corrupt, with added modules to give it a little bit more form.

But on top of that, you’d want Mind’s Eye, Virtue of Hope for sure, and Chosen of Venus as you mentioned. Gatsby has an infinite pool of Hope and an imagination that kept him afloat and moving closer and closer to his vision.

Now that I think of it, my Custom really meets the qualities of Gatsby, no coincidence I happened to have finished the movie just a few minutes ago. However, I’m probably going for Inner Circle instead of Sex & Seduction as it is not advised to have four Cores unless someone can change my mind about it – if anyone is feeling challenged?

If I’m not including Sex & Seduction it is probably wise for me to include Charming and Flirting Automatic Mentor, just a thought.

@Azriel which Aura from the Q-store would you relate to Gatsby; Direct Influencing Aura or Aura of Craving?


Yes love the idea of that combo-Mind’s Eye and Virtue: Hope for unrelenting movement towards a grander vision

I don’t know if PCC is weapon X, but it definitely helps with persuasion and reading social situations and acting on them masterfully and more and more effectively, I would say for the stated purposes of Atlas Q PCC would cover what Sex and Seduction may as well.

Temptation would be an important aura for Gatsby because it’s about mystery.

Between the two you mentioned for Gatsby-Aura of Craving-it’s part of his character

But for business, networking purposes-DIA

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I mean, Gatsby was also a criminal whose blind love for someone who clearly didn’t love him back directly caused his death. No one attended his funeral and he was quickly forgotten (except by Nick, who I believe was in love with him).

Soooooo… I dunno about that one, haha.


I’m really intrigued by the idea of Aura of Craving as well, imagine doing business meetings and the other people crave you so much they want to keep on knowing more about you, get them into their business endeavors and so on.

Atlas Q already contains Lion IV and Temptation, but I’m considering swapping Direct Influencing Aura for Aura of Craving or adding Sex & Seduction on top of Inner Circle, I’m not quite sure at this point.

And yes, exactly! But it is also an Aura module and then I’ll have too many Aura modules, unfortunately.

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Lmao, forget about that part, I mean the parties, the fun, the persuasion, the charm, and enchanting words. Let’s skip the funeral part hahahahaha … you just brought up the most saddening parts about the whole movie…

I thought Gatsby would be a good overview of a character who’s charming, whitty, enchanting and mesmerizing – something I’ve always inspired to be and am naturally, but I’d like to enhance it further.


@Azriel, okay what am I missing to become an online digital entrepreneur, with the charms of The Great Gatsby. Is it Automatic Flirting & Charisma Improver?

I’ll be doing a lot of Sales, and communication of all sorts — both verbal, written, and not to forget a lot of body language and persuasion. Is there anything I have not yet accounted for? And the decision between Direct Influencing Aura, Tyrant, or Aura of Craving is going to be the dilemma of all ages for me, lol. Please share some of your insights on those modules and why I’d include or exclude them, perhaps you have some valid points that broaden my horizon.

By the way, the focus of my Custom is Personal and Business Development, with a huge focus on Networking and Social/Communication Skills in all areas of life. I want to be so mesmerizing, charming, and enchanting that I can turn anyone’s opinion around at any given moment in time, my frame shall become their frame no matter what.

The problem is the module limit, haha, I want Ultimate Writer and Eye of the Storm badly but I cannot fit them in anywhere and I feel I’m lacking on the sexual/romance and flirting department of things, hence why I’m looking at Automatic Flirting Improver/Enhancer. Somehow, I have a feeling it’ll be a substitute for Sex & Seduction so I can leave that one out.


I will look over and see what else might be missed or amended based on your above intentions.

lmao this crack me up, just sad when you put it this way, am starting to see his life in a different light now lol
oh your most likely right about nick but i never figured that

What about Wayne Q?

We’re now experiencing increased attention from various individuals. Not sure if we want to go the route of making too many titles modeled around copyrighted characters. I think StarkQ + Emperor would get the results you’re looking for from a “WayneQ.”


Thanks for the reply!

I’ve been running Stark Q and E: HoM.

Which archetype does that bring out on theory?

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Naah. It’s just you. :smile:

Thinking about it, there is not one character of Leo that I would truly want to be – Catch Me, Wolf, Django, Titanic, Gatsby, Aviator, Inception. They all have such stupid dark sides. :rofl:

My choice of a movie character to be IRL, including his dark side …

that’d be Pierce Brosnan’s Thomas Crown.


Self-made Billionaire +
Gentleman Thief :wink: +
Luxurious Life & Social Standing +
Sovereign Wealth Structure & PT* +
Shrewd Negotiator & Strategist (but no one can sense the extent of it)

Hmm … I guess it’s my Scorpio Sagittarius Taurus mix effect. :hugs:


Wayne (in Wayne Tower Financial Department) :joy:

I thought the general consensus was not to mix those?

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Don’t forget

Charming Seducer with subtly masterful verbal innuendo and sexual sub communication

note: “Can I play you with anyting else–coffee, cheese?” lmao