Reflections of Apollo

I’m reflecting on Azriel’s question. What would I change… I would like to change my past. But I’m not satisfied with that, that’s like beauty pageant answer… everybody wants to change something in their past.

What is within my grasp right now…? To make life worth living?

Hmm. I need to clear my mind. It was dark night of the soul and I even messed that up. It’s almost as if my mind is racing and yet the thoughts are not very useful.

I’m not feeling apathy, I’m actually feeling extreme empathy, and yet somehow there’s this numbness inside.

This DR once it hits is no joke. I knew I need a lot of healing but I am being surprised right now. And it’s my rest day.

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I sympathize. I’ve dropped my loops down overall to adjust.

I would actually encourage you to think about 2 loops of DR or 1 loop of DR. It’s working well for me with just 2 loops.

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Thanks buddy. 2 loops. I guess you’re right, maybe I should streamline it a bit more.

I’m sticking with DR for the long haul but I might be replacing EQ with AM for the meantime, hopefully it makes things lighter. I’m also dealing with some personal stuff and maybe the added intensity I’m getting from EQ is not optimal right now.

Still not sure, a part of me is saying don’t let go of EQ just yet.

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You could reduce the number of loops or listen 3 times a week. Or AM is an options. You have some things to think about.



Hey there mate, deleted my response on the other thread so I don’t leave my clutter there :grinning:

Yeah saint’s stack is awesome, that’s exactly the archetype I want. That’s months down the road for me cause I still need to finish DR. I need to free a spot.

Right now I’m making my stack lighter while staying with 3 majors.

DR is semi permanent. Healing. I think this is the most important right now.

AM in place of EQ for inner masculine strength, confidence and sense of direction. Lighter sub but I’m hoping it’s the source of EQ’s solid feeling.

Stark in place of PS. For social skills, intelligence, and ideas how to get out of this rut.

Still drawn to EQ, specially with quantum limitless lite. Hopefully it becomes easier to manage once I’m acclimated with AM and once DR has healed insecurities and emotional damage.

Stark also has daredevil, and PS Iron throne. Hopefully it retained Sanguine from that so that’s a win win.

Hopefully in a week or two I’d have an idea what a sub or stack is doing for my mindset. Christmas is also coming so I’d really like to lighten my mood and get rid of the dark clouds.

Btw best of luck in your search. You’ll knock it out of the park :fist_right:

Here’s something for you that Saint posted by the way. Looks like Emperor and Stark can be ran together.

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Yeah been reading that fascinating thread.

I once entertained the idea of combining both EQ and Stark while I’m running DR, so… I don’t know it might make my head pop. :exploding_head:

Good lookin out amigo


I have been reading your post about EQ and that it makes you cold and anti social and slightly aggressive.
Why dont you use the aggression dor momentum rather than attacking people…i commented on this in my journal.

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Haha… no I’m not attacking people… hahaha :rofl:

holy shit bro… I’m old now, can’t be doing that… There was a time that was cute and fun I guess, now I’d probably get my butt handed to me 9/10 times!

But yeah I know what you mean. Use it, transmute that power into something else. I just find myself being too serious with EQ, too intense, and I retreat back into my head rather than having fun, joking around, even intimacy took a backseat.

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Use EQ to shift up your life fast as possible with no distractions. After long on EQ you may have different goals. There is nothing wrong with coming of as serious but as long as your life goals are serious to you the rest doesnt matter. Emperor keeps you in the drivers seat of your life. Women and sex come because of your dominance and achievements. :blush:

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Thanks my friend, you’re giving me something to think about. I’m still torn cause I really dig EQ, I’m just not sure it’s the best time for my mind to be pairing it with another heavy weight which is DR. Totally agree with you though, that’s Khan right there.

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Personally i would go with EQ alone for like 3 months… and later add DR.
Whatever you decide im supporting you!

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I actually saw the post but I was just about to sleep so I only remember little bits of it, something about Limitless/QL lite being in Stark, one of them is in it. One is in Emperor and one is in Stark. Can’t remember which.

Saint has offered me stacks in the past and I thought of something else at the time, I regret that. Trust me, use it in the future for sure! It’ll give you exactly what you want, he knows best and I trust his expertise.

Good job man, I wish I could make mine lighter but I’m impatient haha.

DR is definitely important for sure. I feel like I’m nearly ready to move onto Stage 2.

AM sounds good for what you want for sure, I feel like it’ll help a lot and of course Stark will be great for you too.

I’m happy for you brother. It’s gonna be a great journey for you.

I feel like you’ll always be drawn to EQ, I’m drawn to it for sure. In the future I’ll use EmperorQ and StarkQ now that I know I can use both, but right now I need to focus on wealth more along with my recognition goals.

Sanguine is in Stark, or part of DD/PSIT? I didn’t know.

I hope it goes well for you my brother! Kill it man.

Thanks man. I think I’m nearly done in my research for my custom. I’m just making sure I’ve got everything I want, need and more without overloading.

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I like to stalk threads and take the incredible advice people give and use for my own experimentation.

It means I can actually use E:HoM and Stark and stack them well. I think I’ll add Mosaic to my custom to stack better.

I think it would hit deeper and may cause recon but I think it would work well. E:HoM/EoG and StarkQ are okay for me so far. Nothing to report as of yet, I’ve been too focused on making my Stark Custom but when that’s done I’ll get back to proper journaling.

I got you man.


Sending you healing vibes. Get well, brother!


You too brother, thank you

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My ascended iron dragon stack 2x starts today with sanguineU 1x.


What’s the Stack
Ascended Mogul and DR?


DR ST1, Stark and AM

Was thinking of calling it Richie rich ascended dragon Stark but this had a nicer ring to it. :grin:


First play. Not sure if it has anything to do with the stack or the much needed rest day.

I feel more balanced today, with my thoughts a little bit more fluid.

Also had the urge to workout out. Not too much though, and mostly upper body cause I’m still not 100 percent. That said, it has been a while since I had the motivation. I used to love lifting, and then depression contributed to my dwindling interest, and with that, my gains as well.

After shower I chose percival as my cologne for the day, with all my search, I feel like I’ve been looking for the holy grail of stacks for my mind. When I saw percival in my collection, it made me smirk, and choosing it was some sort an inside joke but with myself.