The Great Gatsby

Y’all need to create or come up with the best version of yourselves instead of fictional characters or even someone like Di Caprio … you won’t lose hope quickly if you focus on becoming your own best version as supposed to a character. Remember live is not a movie and movies aren’t based on real life.


Certainly. :blush:

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I appreciate the vote of confidence and that statement as a general truism is very apt
but not sure how relevant it is here.

If this is something you’ve recently realized yourself and want to advise or warn us on, thanks

I can’t speak for others but that is not an issue for me and
and I doubt it is for @Simon or @Hermit either.

Not looking to become anyone other than me
and admiring and modelling is a thing though
especially in a spirit of fun

People don’t run Stark to become Tony Stark, the run it to emulate the traits they admire in that character, to have those traits be part of THEIR VERSION of THEIR best self.


Speak for yourself. I want Pepper :wink:


I stand corrected!

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I agree about the modeling aspect of it. I do want some of what Stark had. The scene at the end of Iron Man 3 when he found the stubby screwdriver and picked it up, was a symbol of “Starting Over.”

I think that scene sorta embodies the “Blatant Resourcefulness” I wrote about over on my journal.

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Maybe it would be a great idea for someone to start a thread on how to model their favourite fictional (or non-fictional) characters with custom subliminals since there are so many modules available now that I cannot track.

E,g, I can say I want to model myself after Bill Gates… and then seek advice on which modules I should use to create my custom ultima and main subliminal audio.

Or I perhaps I will start that thread. It will be fun.


This is a great idea in my opinion, I think it could be an interesting and great thread. Also stops SubClub from this:

It means that a user can create their own and add their own flavours on top without it necessarily having the copyrighted issue, hopefully that makes sense?

Basically a Bruce Wayne but say with a Brandon flair. Not just a ‘Bruce Wayne’.

Please do start the thread. Hopefully people join in, it would be fun to see people’s takes on what modules would fit the character’s listed.

Maybe you can add a few Superheroes/Fictional/Non-Fictional characters to start?


4-Cores, yet somehow it feels about equal in denseness compared to Emperor. What do you think @Azriel?

Do I need Mosaïc in this one or not? My Custom is very business and success-oriented, hence why I’m not so keen on adding Sex & Seduction, however, it would ramp up my social and communicative qualities as well as my charm and gentleness with people.


Man that would be awesome! Awesome actor

seems like it would be something like EOG + ascension + HOM + PPC

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I think a 4 core for a year, especially with PCC and Inner circle-two relatively smaller cores will work well.
The 4 cores are interesting-it’s harder to discern what’s what in them and they become a completely unique new beast-with all the elements you chose of course… Kind of ‘Emperosque’ in this way. I think the build looks good. I’m leaning towards DIA of the undecided ones. For one on one communication it is fantastic. The question is whats your sticking point

  1. People’s interest- Aura of craving may be of value-but they may value your presence over your ideas
  2. People getting your reality and being sucked into it-Tyrant
  3. That final act of really registering (there taking committed action with skin in the game) someone into what you are up to or your projects- DIA

Did some adjustments, perhaps this one resonates better. The end goal would be to persuade anyone and everyone into my reality, develop unique charismatic communication skills, being mesmerizing and enchanting and especially sensual and seductive which is a big part of persuasion.

Should I drop Emperor’s Voice? I believe it’s an important factor of communication, however, it may reduce the sensuality and intimacy generated in my voice from Sex & Seduction?

By the way @Azriel, I appreciate your help – I have literally no experience with these programs.

Here you have the updated build, I’ll be adding a Mind’s Eye Custom alongside it for the imagination, visualization, and essentially manifestation aspects; Tyrant and Direct Influencing Aura do seem to fit in there as well, what’s your opinion on that? Same for Fortunes Favorite and Yggdrasil, which sounds promising as it would allow me to add Eye of the Storm and perhaps Potentiator to Atlas, I’m probably going to name-change to Gatsby or Di Capri Q though haha.

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Happy to help where I can. I wish I had more expertise, but just going by my experience and sense.

Emperor’s voice seemed so concise a choice I figured you wanted it, but yes, definitely drop that in favor of something else. The voice is something one can easily work with consciously and even do exercises to develop .

Tyrant and DIA could fit in a manifestation sub but they would also go really well in this custom. If you find preferred things in this custom to them switch them out, otherwise I would leave them.

Fortunes favorite and Yggdrasil would go great in a manifestation sub

having Eye of the Storm in your mind sub driver would be wise

haha, fair enough.

I used to run a photo production studio and met him on one of the shoots, very cool guy but didn’t want to engage anybody or if so minimally. Other celebs, even superstars were much more social.

@Hermit - it looks like a great custom. If I were you, I would replace PCC with Manipulus. That way I get some of the benefits of PCC without the custom being too heavy with 4 cores

Sure, I’d say Yggdrasil actually fits my Inner Circle iterations of this Custom more profoundly as it will open up the pathways and the most incredible coincidences in regards to business and personal opportunities with Inner Circle.

Emperors Voice is basically a must in the Inner Circle iteration because I know for a fact that your voice is the most important benefactor when verbally communicating. I went and looked over the module description once again and it does mention an increase in tonality, pronunciation, and the emotions you carry through your voice which are all highly noted details when communicating.

I have never considered this as an option, it does seem to fit Atlas much better from my vantage point, but I’m certainly open to other perspectives – why do you say so?

It is more his energy as an example for a certain set of character traits that I’m after, especially the Archetypes he plays in various movies. I’m not into any Hollywood characters for that matter, most of them are fake and have nefarious practices that I do not encourage in any way, shape, or form.

I do not really get manipulated often, I have a great inner-compass and can easily read people and their energies due to the fact that I’m an empath. That said, I’m looking to gain the benefits of charisma and persuasion through Power Can Corrupt. I’d rather drop Sex & Seduction or Inner Circle.

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Ah! Perfect choice then. When I ran PCC with Emperor, it made me more extroverted and charismatic adding very well with Emperor’s more introverted and quiet power


But I’m kinda missing the Sex & Seductive aspect in my Custom, presenting another huge dilemma – kinda want to add all four Cores, I mean it can’t be that bad, can it? Any of the Major Programs together would be denser than what I have going on.

Sex & Seduction with Power Can Corrupt would make for the most persuasive stack available.


I know that PCC is a comparitively lighter title and possibly a lighter core. But the issue is that we will always wonder whether 4 cores will work when we put it into a custom. If I were you, i would remove PCC from this custom and stack the subclub store PCC with ths custom

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How about Power Can Corrupt, Sex & Seduction with Ascended Mogul? Sounds rock-solid, right?

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Yup! That’s some solid cores for your custom :ok_hand: