SubliminalUser - Taking Massive Action

This hurts internally. I feel pain. @lion @RVconsultant @PurpleRT73

Please stop running the subliminals for a few days. The recon will clear soon.

Could you tell me what subliminals you are currently running?

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Hi @Lion, stack 1 has featured:

  • EB
  • EF ST4
  • Khan ST3
  • Libertine (Weekly run)

I last ran subs on Saturday, which featured the following playlist. Since then, I have been on a washout that’s expected to go until this coming Saturday (so 6 days of no subs).

At this very moment I am listening to 888Hz | Abundant Aura, Remove All Negative Energy Blocks | Angelic Healing Music | NĀDA : DAY 23 - YouTube. I wonder if these kind of audios help at all—anyways it’s been fun listening to all of the NADA tracks as the month has progressed.

What is behind this pain that was irritating me throughout the day? It has to do with the stuff that I talked about in my last entry.. I had a long chat with my good friend Adam about this and I do feel better about it, but here are the key points that were upsetting me:

  • The event has an odd mix of girls who are in relationships => It’s not all bad for this first event, and I’m going to talk to my roommate about event planning for the future and making it clear that meeting more single women is a distinct objective to achieve through the events in addition to having fun and enjoying the game nights for what they are.
    • Additionally, I already know one person I intend to invite to for only this event. Sam who’s coming from the city is attending but she’s in a relationship and isn’t even bringing any of her friends. This latter part irks me more than the former. Yea, it’s great she’s willing to drive down all the way from the city by herself to hang out with me but I’m looking to expand my social circle. Unless I wanted to become “Mr. Steal Your Girl” (I don’t) I kinda wonder, what am I doing here? (…padding the numbers of course)
    • I think there can be utility in some contexts, like if I were close enough to these (in-a-relationship) people to ask them if they know any single women I should meet :joy:. That’s not a case that crossed my mind until my convo with Adam, who marked on one such case for himself!
  • I want more people who actually understand me (or make me feel understood), who have my back during my tougher times. I did not like how the first day of these feelings went, because not only did I not feel like talking to anyone but nobody reached out to me. Feels like i have to do everything myself. Takeaways are below.
    • Invest more in those friendships with people I want to be closer to. Do more trips with said people, and have more experiences.
    • Try turning more acquaintances into closer friends. Be very careful of those who are in it for the goodies. For example, as part of my social media thing I started getting more free stuff, and some have tagged along to enjoy it—such as Sam. I did notice a change in Sam at that event, however I didn’t consider that maybe she’s liking hanging out with me for the free stuff more than anything else and not anything else (I mean look, she’s in a relationship, is going to drive down all the way from the city and currently hasn’t invited a +1—though I may try to change the last part). There might be a fair amount of people like this in the future especially as I get more success in my endeavors.
      • I want to be liked for who I am. I want to be understood, to feel supported.
    • Additionally, this current episode is revealing to me the limits of my connection to my roommate who I’d say I’m pretty close to. A “best friend” I’d say, though I am not happy to say that right now. He and I are on slightly different focuses currently so I am seeing that there are some pretty big limitations to the way he gets me. Completely floundering on recognizing my rut or responding to it accordingly…I’m not going to forget that. There’s only two people that weekend who helped a little bit, and he wasn’t among them. I want more close friends. Not every close friend will understand every part of me.
      • This makes me want to very aggressively develop more deeper connections and also do trips with other people. Honestly, I’m thinking of seeing whether I can get a girl to join me on my next trip that’s coming up :joy: .

That a girl I was trying to meet up with (met her at an event last month) had to cancel plans just feels like a footnote in the face of all this I struggle with internally.

You are running 4 main store titles plus a YouTube audio. Even if you are running Libertine only once a week, it is still going to be part of your stack.

Now we don’t know what factors are leading you to the pain so I recommend you to stop listening to the YouTube video and also to stop Libertine for the time being.

Stick to EB, Khan and EF4 going forward and see how that goes for you.

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Thanks, @Lion !

Okay @SubliminalUser first and foremost you’ve been here awhile. Now what have we said about listening to those YT programs?

EB is probably going to make you introverted. Then you’re running something to make yourself more attractive (Libertine). And you’re wanting a girlfriend, or dates, or whatever you might want…

If you are wanting a woman in your life, EB is probably not the program to be running.

I would first encourage you to make a decision.

For example, do you want to postpone finding a girlfriend (or dates, etc.) and run EB for 60 to 90 days?

If so, perhaps stop running Libertine while running EB. Maybe even stop Khan while running EB.

Or perhaps you could run Emperor instead of EB?

You are also going hardcore on the alpha because you are running EB and Khan together. Do you have any subconscious objections to being an alpha of alphas?

As for Libertine, these aura subliminal, I think, can be very draining on energy.

So rather than running titles with potentially contradictory objective, please make some decisions.


Yea, you have a point there. Even though the YT audios aren’t subs (they’re frequencies) they’re still possibly a conflicting modality. So I’m dropping them.

With regards to EB’s place in my stack…it’s been 21+ days since the start of the stack and only during this washout am I now finding these odd internal conflicts (I should note the pain I was referring to earlier is an emotional one, not a physical one). Yet in my journal entries earlier I clearly see it did not detract from the other items in my stack.

Allow me to quote some of the objectives, bolding those I think connect to the rest of my stack.

It’s due to these and the fact that members have successfully been stacking EB with social subs that motivated my decision to have EB during this stack.

In the middle of my run, I considered running it for 2 stacks as opposed to 1 (considering that the official recommendation is having EB be a part of a playlist for 1-2 stacks but not any longer), however I may just shorten that back to 1 again.

I’d like to also note some experiences similar to mine:

Social Result.

So in terms of my audio strategy, here’s what I’m walking away with:

  • YT audios dropped (of course…)
  • EB likely shortened to just 1 stack run (45 days). @SwagKing I am curious, do you think that is long enough?
  • EB placed at the end of the playlist for the day, instead of in the beginning on some days.
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The washout continues. Let’s take a look at today’s events.

Overall my sentiment of today is pretty good, much better than yesterday that’s for sure. Work kept me fairly busy and I managed to be fairly productive. With regards to work, I’m warming up to the understanding that although I am not looking for a promotion anytime soon, I have been given this gift of job stability and I better appreciate that by continuing to do well at my job. It’s why I’m signing myself up for some fairly ambitious stuff over at my job.

  • I still want to get a good rating.
  • I want to work on things that are considered important to the company
  • Most significantly, I want to continue demonstrating that I provide great value to my team and to the org and that I better be kept around.

So although my big goals right now have been around social/romance stuff (and my subs mostly reflect that), I better keep in mind the fact that I can better pursue those things with job (financial) stability. No slacking off. That is so much so the case that I am considering enumerating some work goals for myself, just to remind myself that my job and my work still matter. It never stopped mattering—though my attention has been elsewhere at times since getting the promo.

In addition to all the work stuff, I hit a new milestone on my social media page which got plenty of attention. I’m grateful that one of my friends came in clutch and started asking his friends to start following me so that I can hit that milestone.

It also comes into play later in the day when at my usual sports center I end up talking to the girl next to me. Never talked to her before, though I know she is in some relationship due to a conversation that occurred in the mailing list people in our sporting area are on. That didn’t stop me (actually I didn’t consider it), though. She was receptive to the convo so we chatted during the rest of our time there. Quickly was impressed by my social media stuff so we got connected on there, and also exchanged numbers. Because we’re going to the same multi-day sports event next week (yes…this is another trip) I’m thinking of messaging her so that we (and others) can go on adventures in the area outside of when the main sports stuff happens each day.

After all, with the way the trip is currently planned, it’s another solo trip. This time, it’s with fewer familiars. Though to be honest, I’ve been imagining this scenario where I meet Alice’s best friend at the event I’m hosting at my place this weekend, hit things off really well, and then she joins me on this trip :joy: We shall see what happens…

I approached a girl at the gym today. That’s new, haha.


Oh wow!!! You’re one of the “gym approachers”? :joy:

@ksub haha what does that mean?

I’m breaking a big barrier for myself here since I’ve not done a gym approach before…ever. And of course, knowing the environment I didn’t sexualize or anything like that. After all, because we’re both regulars it’s possible to warm things up over time.

And at the end of the day, I found it valuable that I put in this effort and took the action, more than anything else.

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Rock on!!! I like challenges.

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Glad you appreciate it! This is a reflection of my personal changes occurring. We’re on Day 4 of the washout.

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Thank you for clarifying.

Yes this looks like a good place to start.

Also I’m generally discouraging people from putting EB in a custom simply because I think one of the ideas is that EB is for a more short-term use. Of course, people can do as they like, and they could play a custom with EB a number of times.

As for your emotional pain, did you listen to DR st4?

Do you have Elixir?

As another thought:

Fair enough. Let’s have subs be as unencumbered as they can be.

The fourth day of washout.

As mentioned earlier, at the gym I actually approached a girl. Never done this before. The result was alright. Didn’t get her contact info (there just didn’t seem to be a right opening for it)…but I do think I’m going to run into her in the future. The gym game is more prolonged because of the odds of encountering again. I will note that she excused herself by saying she needed to get her workout done soon and be back at her apartment for something—could’ve been lack of interest, but I didn’t mind that too much. More important was the fact I took this step for myself.

Today was a day of working from home. I was worried that I’d get distracted by some personal nonsense during the day, but thankfully I pulled through and got work done. I will say, however, that there were some lulls in the middle of the day, so I gave myself the proper breaks through walks and stuff of that nature. No weird actions like consuming a bunch of sugar or watching too many YouTube videos.

The evening was more interesting, yet featured some exciting conclusions. I met up with a person who I think can become a great friend. We got dinner together. I was satiated; the meal was just fine. The conversation, on the other hand, was more interesting. I wanted to get my friend’s take on my situation, the same one I discussed with Adam earlier. He said quite a few things, including:

  • Seeing if there’s anyone else who’s trying to do the same thing I am
  • If the current rate of results feels slow…start putting in more hours, and more effort per unit of time!

The latter advice makes me want EB to kick in more; I want to take massive action. Yes, the amount I’ve done so far is a significant delta from the previous year, but I may have to ramp it up still. Just go crazy at it relative to the average person.

The latter part of our conversation was great, too. I actually brought up Alice and how I was conflicted about what to do about her. I gave a bit of my backstory about that situation and then he offered some really awesome advice that spoke to not only the logical side of myself but also the emotional side of myself. This makes me feel like I can be at peace being just good friends with her (as opposed to a romantic entanglement) and having her help me expand my social circle. The thing that really got to me is: I do not want to hurt myself or disappoint myself. Dredging up the past and trying to bring those ideas from the past into the future does not end well.

I felt my emotions change after his advice and throughout the rest of the conversation, up until now.

I do not feel like doing anything.

I’m back. I went through a lot of nonsense mentally early last week due to pretty bad overthinking, but the recent trip I came back from helped me clear up my mind.

What I want to do during stack 2, which starts on Feb 14, is the following:

  • MFO v2
  • AsCh v2

Thoughts before I go to the gym:

I think it’s nice I can run libertine weekly, but I need more opportunities and should be meeting more people and especially women in the first place. Therefore I’m considering going back to weekly runs of AsCh instead of doing weekly runs of Libertine. That along with MFO should help me bring in those opportunities.

Let’s go over what’s happened over the past several days. It’s been 13 days since my last proper entry, so there’s quite a lot to summarize.

The washout last discussed ended on January 28, when I ran Libertine and Khan ST3. Proper timing, since there was an event at my place where we invited quite a few girls including Alice and her friend Brianna. Both of them liked me, I can say that much. In fact, they were giggling quite a bit from the moment they met me, through the rest of the event. Even my roommate noticed they giggled quite a bit. Also, Alice dressed in a pretty interesting way, such that my roommate made some funny comments about it after the event. He, later on, remarked that the way those two dressed was likely a sign of them being attracted to me. Those same two wished they could have stayed longer—including Brianna who made sure to tell Alice to pass the word to me (before I later connected with Brianna over social…) that she wish she could have stayed longer but the unique circumstances of that day meant they both had to head out early. A good sign, right?

Unfortunately, the following day, I ran into some severe overthinking regarding a joke Brianna had made that night. It’s a joke that, when I overthought it, cast some doubt upon my approach to expanding my social network, and what my efforts as an emerging leader of my social circle were for. It took most of that day to get over it, and I needed the advice of a good friend who is the leader of his social circle to calm down and realize it’s not so serious (though I am still modifying my approach a little bit). On that same day, though, I did have a great moment with my parents when I gave them a surprise visit in the evening. Visiting them at their house just one day after it’s been six months since I moved out (not that I haven’t visited them in the middle multiple times…) and acknowledging this fact in front of them led to a powerful moment that they created through their words that makes me love my parents more.

Essentially, they acknowledged that I needed to make the step I did to truly grow up as a man.

Anyway, the following few days still saw quite a bit of overthinking and unusually strong emotions about the situation. Now it wasn’t about Brianna’s joke but rather about Alice herself and what to do about her. There were a lot of different things in my mind regarding her. The stuff she went through in the years we had no contact, the hurt she hides, the seeming attraction she has towards me…and that I did have a crush on her in the past, even near the end before the no-contact years. My mind got jumbled up too much.

Thankfully, there was something that helped me process this better. I went on a vacation that I just back from two days ago. This vacation was already planned, and in fact, it’s connected to one of my favorite hobbies which were awesome. However, I did notice in the early part of the trip I’d still get distracted regarding Alice, during my idle moments. This consequently motivated a phone call I had with a close friend, who gave me a great angle into my situation. The fact that he was familiar with this type of situation and his bluntness regarding what was going on really helped me clear my mind. I ultimately got to see “it’s not that deep bro” and it’s really something that could have been resolved in days, not concerned about over weeks. I decided I’ll have minimal contact with Alice for a little while, at least until her birthday which is later in the month.

Anyway, after that conversation, my mind really started to clear up. The things I imagined changed. The way I approached my key objective of the trip transformed into something so amazing.

I learned a lot about why I enjoy that particular hobby so much. I got to hang with others who are also part of the same hobby (in fact, I knew a fair number of these people from back home—there’s a center we all go to). I got to have great food, an interesting experience doing a solo trip, and also some introspection. My mind got refreshed big time. I am so grateful I had that trip at the right time.

The Present Time


  • EB (3 min)
  • EF ST4 (7 min)

Today marks two days since I’ve come back. Today also marked my first day back in the office since that trip. I am so glad I went to the office, for I learned once again why I enjoy work so much. The focus it provides away from my personal life, the amenities I get, the fact that I take on a role that I highly appreciate even with its challenges…it’s all there to remind me of the power of my attention and shifting states, as well as the fact that even though I am not seeking a promotion, I still aspire to be great at what I do. I thought my career progress would flatline, and stay still as I shift my attention toward social and romance stuff. Now I realize that’s wrong.

I’m going to keep pushing forward. And I’ll be happy about that. My mood changed so much for the better by stepping into the office and it’s continued throughout the rest of the day, even after getting back home. I want to maintain a Faith Unyielding in things coming to fruition. :wink:

Looking Forward

Stack 1 is expected to finish this Thursday. That’s when I’ll run Khan and EB. After that follows a four-day washout into Stack 2, which will begin on February 14 (what a day). Here’s what Stack 2 is planned to have:

  • Man Finds Others v2, aka MFO v2 (it’s back!)
    • Funny enough, I realized I never talked about what makes v2 different from v1 of this sub. Besides it being in ZPv2, it features “The Spotlight” module instead of another one.
  • Khan ST3 v2
  • EF ST4 v2 (Updates for titles should be finished soon)
  • AsCh v2 (hopefully in 3-min form)!

To align with Valentine’s day I’m going to run MFO v2 + AsCh v2 then :wink:. I find it interesting that the beginning of stack 2, valentine’s day, and the halfway point of the month all are lining up like that (In previous years I thought little of the fact that valentine’s day and the halfway point are the same days).

So what motivates this stack design?

  • EB was always a temporary thing. The product copy suggests a 1 to 2-stack run every once in a while. Well, I’m making it just one. I can tell EB intensely worked on my mind and drove me towards action and moving the needle forward. That’s great. However, it may have gotten a little too intense for my mind at times…I wondered if the overthinking and worry were in part due to EB.
  • MFO v2 is the cornerstone subliminal that defines the social/romance track, in a similar way that CHOSEN was the cornerstone subliminal for the career track during my promo run last year (I ran it for half a year—check out The Adventures of SubliminalUser). So I was always going to get back to it.

Why AsCh instead of Libertine?

  • Setting aside the fact that Libertine wasn’t constructed as a weekly-run sub…
  • I feel that the bigger issue right now is that I need more doors to open in the first place when it comes to expanding my social network and meeting more romantic interests. The hangouts I’ve done, the little movement on dating apps so far, and the analyses of who I’m able to invite to the events I host at my place highlight these things. I want to meet more women. I want to meet more friends of friends. The stream should be more consistent, or at the very least there should be more people to get closer to. (For example, right now I know just one person who I’d actually want to run Libertine for with the intention of getting into some kind of relationship). So, AsCh v2 to supercharge manifestations to find those people is the natural answer.
  • I want to develop an unyielding faith regarding success in the focuses of Inner Circle and Heartsong (the two core subs that define MFO). I want to have faith as strong as the one I’ve had regarding my career and other stuff that has worked out well for me. I don’t like all these doubts that keep popping up even as I take action and see signs, occurrences, and some movement. All is in mind, and I intend to have a rock-solid foundation.