Tools beside subliminals

Would you please flag the posts you are concerned about?

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@StateOfBeing Thank you!

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I don’t see the resemblance of these other tools named here, to Sub Club products.

Sub Club don’t produce meditation music.

Are not creators of energetic mandalas or morphic fields…

Subliminals are in a category all of their own, so it comes back to self-help, a broad subject that encompasses a wide range of modalities.

So, if the specifics are about practices, supplements, videos or books, gadgets, etc… that is OK, but not other apps?

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This is for anyone reading this: please do not mention names of other subliminal producers. As for names of other things such as morphic fields, mandalas, and meditation music, I think it would be best for @SaintSovereign and @Fire to decide.

Please do not mix SC products with morphic field items. From what I know, there have been negative results in doing so.

If you want to mention something such as morphic fields, mandalas, and meditation music, please keep in mind it might get edited.


for non subliminal programs isint it counterintuitive? ’ Dont discuss programs that RoM scripting pushes you to find’ lol


Respectfully, all I ask since we are apparently collecting anecdotal data points, that you also consider me who has had extremely beneficial results using both, concurrently. They both expand upon each other, in my experience of a laboratory of One.


Wow, that’s quite the discussion. I didn’t read everything so I may say things which have already been said or miss things.

First, when it comes to morphic fields, bio fields or whatever name the creator in question gives them, do not discuss Youtube creators of them. We’ve had discussions go to heated in the past which is one reason why the genral rule to not talk about such products was created. The more niche a product, the more passionate its supporters often are.

That said, unless Saint or Fire tells me/us otherwise, as long as you do not advertise or post links and preferably keep it confined to this thread, I myself won’t remove the word iAwake. Both RVC and myself have indicated on this very forum that we’ve used their products, although we were talking about the brainwave entrainment ones like PMP and not the charged ones.

As for Eric Thompson and his SES, very few people here have discussed it and it is a bit more niche so may have more passionate supporters. Be careful when discussing it. I think I have one of his mandalas set as background on my PC and phone, because why not? It’s not bothering me. I am however one of those people with an aura like one of those personal shields from Dune. The only thing that gets through is something going very very slow. So I don’t notice much of anything. Therefor I can not testify to the effectiveness of anything apart from the effectiveness of long-term usage of subliminals.

Although Saint and Fire have not seen enough evidence as to the effectiveness of said embedded biofields (I’ll be using the iAwake term for now) we have seen enough people testifying to becoming overstimulated or experiencing adverse effects that we advise AGAINST using them in combination with subliminals. Especially simultaneous use, but also something like listening to one in the morning and the other in the evening.

There are several threads discussing brainwaves on the forum, at least one started by me. I still think Theta might help. But I do know Saint and Fire made a conscious choice here also to not do brainwave entrainment in their tracks. Instead, they use state-shifting, where the subliminals trust the mind to go into its most receptive and productive state for subliminals. This was discussed more during the release of the Ultima products but now exists in all products. As such, one may wonder if brainwave entrainment is beneficial or the opposite.

As for Reiki, it’s so far removed from subliminals that I would say it’s perfectly safe to use. Also, Reiki is something which needs to be willingly invited by the receiver and it should be impossible to have any negative effects, so it should not interfere. Since I have far too little time to use it, I often do it during meditation, which is also a time when I like to listen to subliminals. As stated before, I can not testify if there’s any benefit to it in combination with subliminals. Same can be said for Tai Chi, QiGong and more traditional forms of Yoga which observe all 8 limbs (if you don’t know what the 8 limbs of yoga are, google it sometime).

In the end I think the major benefit to many of these “tools” is that their effects, be it placebo or otherwise, put the receiver in a more calm and receptive state of mind. Whenever you choose to use one, you are setting aside time for your mind, for introspection. And that alone already benefits the processing of subliminals. Do it often enough and it becomes a habit, which does more good than bad. Maybe some of these tools slow some of the subliminals down for some people. Or maybe some tools accelerate some subliminals for some people.

We don’t know. We don’t have a reliable enough test set so we will advise that which we know works for certain. And that is subliminals without anything extra. Every testimony for or against extra tools will generally only serve to confuse our newer members and customers and so we discourage the discussion in the more public parts of the forum. Maybe in the Black section we’ll be more tolerant of such experimentation.

So, consider this my word on this. I won’t stop you, but limit your discussion so as not to confuse others into thinking they need 10 more things next to the subliminals to make them work better. Generally it’s quite the opposite for people just starting out with subs.

Unless Fire and/or Saint post, you have now heard from both me and RVC, who’ve been around these forums long enough we’ve experienced, seen and read enough that we do generally tend to know what we’re talking about.


Keep in mind I’m referring to subconscious tools here, which I believe you’re calling passive tools. Things like EFT or Tapping are conscious tools which are as far as I am aware free to talk about.


Been reading a few more posts (since there are some flags) and I would like to impress the official standpoint is to not combine subliminals with everything. You know that.

The reasoning behind it is that we have seen enough evidence, both on the forum as well as during private testing, that there is an above average probability for adverse effects on newer users. The keyword being “newer” here. Once our brains acclimatize to something, be this subliminals, biofields, hypnosis, exercise and so on, they can often handle more stimulation.

However, we have to consider everybody here, especially those new to subliminals and the (psuedo-)scientific fields of study all these tools including subliminals belong to.

Like many things, too much of a good thing is still too much. And generally somebody comes to us because they want rapid or even immediate change. If they read a thread which tells them that if they combine subliminals with biofields and the one-punch man daily workout they will achieve such immediate and unbelievable results, they will happily do it and end up with a fuse so short they verbally explode at everybody, lacto-acidosis and worse. And they will go on the Internet because their hands are the only limb they can still use and proclaim their “informed” opinion about subliminals. And so turn away many people who could benefit greatly from subliminals.

Now, if you’ve been around for a while and these things help you, good for you. But unfortunately we have to consider what somebody sees when they come onto this forum for the first time, with their first search term being how to make subs work faster and better.

Fact is, from everything we’ve seen these things very seldom work for people new to these tools. It takes a bit of time.

And so, that’s where the company line comes from.

We have actually promoted experimentation a lot in the past. Less so more recently with ZP claiming more and more brainpower to process at its best. But we’re still open to ideas to allow for discussing such things, like private sections of the forum and the likes. If you have ideas, feel free to share them. I personally like reading what’s out there, I’m curious like that.

Anyways, there is good reasoning behind the recommendations. We didn’t just pull it out of our collective backsides because we don’t like competition. This was thought through.


Makes sense, i just wanted to create a thread to allow and have a channel for manifestation of RoM to help me find extra tools that will work for me.

Thinking of a similar thread but focused on healing specifically when i enter DR ST2 , maybe i should add in first post a note ‘extra tools are not needed and some can be detrimental with subliminals’

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I think DR gives you access to the Black section. You could post it there.

Anyways, I’m not stopping you and I’m always open to reading about people’s experiences with such things. But as staff we have to remain vigilant that things don’t get out of hand.

If you are going to try out these things, introduce them gradually/slowly. Get used to something before adding something new. This will also allow you to sense the effect better.

And keep in mind that if you talk about trying all these things and then apply for a refund stating the sub doesn’t work, we may have questions.


By the way, for DR try doing regular 60-90 minute yin yoga sessions (3 times a week is pretty good). There’s even a hip-opening pose some call the Dragon, called so because of how it feels after about 90 seconds. Not to mention many people start crying and get emotional awakenings after a while. I’d say it’s a good complement which just so happens to be good for your health also. And there’s several really good quality Yin Yoga teachers on YT. I’ve always liked Kassandra myself.


Maybe a private section of the forum for experimentation like Subliminal Club Black. Users who wish to post in this section need a certain number of posts to access it and those who wish to post there need to use an Experimental tag.

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I like the idea of a tag or something to recognize them. The biggest issue with this idea is all the manual work involved. It’s easy to get an X number of posts. We’d be looking for people with verifiable experience through journals and the likes. And that is something we can’t automate. But it is a good idea we’ve been mulling over, thank you.


Excellent points! Thanks, Dark!

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For clarification, do you mean we can only discuss so-called active tools, those that require focus, conscious attention, or involvement. Not specifics of passive tools, be it energetic mandalas, other energetic apps, or biofields… even if not subliminals?

Oooo Saint and Fire got some work to do now!

this would just cause “shit posting” to get those numbers up sadly.

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I wanted to wait and see what the effect of allowing this thread to continue will result in.

It’s… not good. As a consequence, we’ve gotten support tickets asking about this topic and reporting negative effects from trying these other modalities because they got curious.

As someone who deeply cares about their customers, I cannot allow this to continue and hence I will be closing and unlisting this topic. You may mention that you are utilizing modalities not recommended by us, but please do not go further than that.

I understand your experience might be different, however our own internal tests and experiments, as well as old reports and now these new tickets from people who have been negatively affected by these other modalities, are proof enough for me to stop this. This is pretty much a final nail in the coffin when taking into account all the research and reports we’ve gotten up till now.

Please limit your discussion to subliminals from now on.