Tools beside subliminals

Which tools have you found beside subliminals to help in your journey can be anything, feel free to share.


Journaling, visionboard and visualizing currently. Looking forward to what everyone else have been doing :v:

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Nothing really, lol

I just listen to subs and take action… I don’t even visualize or meditate (don’t believe in em and boring as hell). Even my journaling is lackluster these days

However, I always have goals and clear direction.

Goals/clear direction + subs + take-action = auto win

Other things that help the journey is cutting out bad habits and having good ones, eating right, getting enough sleep, staying active, drinking water, having positive sex.

Also these days I stay away from negativity/drama whether its on social media or in tv/movies


Magick, Meditation, Physical Exercise, Music

Those are the main ones.


Which system do you use

no system.

mostly I use Gallery of Magick resources.

or just good old non-denominational manifestation.

how about you?


I agree with all of the above.

I Like to add fasting to the list, particularly prolonged fasting. Really clears the mind and the soul.

You say “nothing”, but you are also interested in New Thought/Divine Science, right? So I assume you’re taking care of your “garden of thoughts” as well?

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Do they work? Are they belief-based in your opinion or hold real energetic significance?

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Myself, I’m beginning to realize that the most important thing may be the “sense of taking action” rather than the action itself. In other words, feeling that you are out there and going about stuff. Not the action itself.

The readiness and willingness.

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Yeah. ‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎

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Half of the fun is exploring these questions yourself.


I can never find out.
Effects are always ways too subtle for me – from everything.
Medications are too subtle, subliminals are too subtle, sigils are too subtle.
It’s kinda weird.
There’s been times I’ve listened to ZP subs for 12 hours straight. Of course that’s not wise, but it was a rather desparate attempt to “feel something.”
I still don’t, regardless of whether following instructions or not.
This applies to everything, except perhaps alcohol, which is the only thing in my life that has perceptible effects, lol.
Maybe it’s a sign I need to take care more of my “garden of thoughts” instead of seeking an external “taxi.”


I can fully understand your situation. I have the same problems as you when it comes to trying to “feel” something out of subliminals, sigils, energetic healing, meditation, massage, medication, hypnosis, alcohol, caffeine etc.

I don’t get to experience what some people here call the “movie trailer effect”

So well, everyone is different.

As some people here will say, you cannot feel anything, but as long as you get the results from running the subliminals, that’s the most important.


That sounds really annoying and troublesome mate, if even medicine is super subtle.

Unless you meant herbs and nootropics.


What are trying to attain with such a run?

It’s like running 2000km straight once and then hoping it has made you a runner for life

I feel confused why you would go to such extend

From what I rode from the rest of your post you seem too attached to instant results, I don’t know you enough tho…

Appreciate the process, be patient, focus yourself on how it goes rather than '’ when will I feel’’

And maybe, just maybe who knows you’ll start to slowly feel stuff

Like I said earlier I don’t know you enough to give those advice, I hope they still reach you if you sense something within them

Edit : meditation could be a great tool for you too, it’s literally the practice of awerness, and it could definitly help you feel things just don’t try it to feel, just do it and give it the time it deserve, you might find even more than what you asked for with practice

Thanks for your comment. Just what you said – your understanding/relation – is appeciated. Sometimes, just hearing someone else’s experiencing the same is valuable.

I understand.
Subliminals are a bit far-fetched in the first place, so that’s why I seek to feel something from such long runs.
Subliminals just are not as realistic to me as a workout, for example.
But I totally get your point.
I’ve used subliminals since February 2020, so I am not new, but not advanced either. My use has been 70% according to instructions.

Not just me who thinks this way, btw :slight_smile:

And to clarify, I DO believe they work. Just I am a bit slow to get results, than others.