Main Disc. Thread -- Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods (Q Module available!)

Sounds like presence to me.

It feels more like “dehumanization” but it’s a very unfortunate word to describe this “state”, although, I cannot find any better word. It’s like all the motions of my heart (emotions) were just objects revolving around the eye (Zero Point) and my ability to feel them has dropped a lot. I’m a natural empath and the level of my empathy has never been as low as it is now. It’s even lower than it was when I got emotionally numb when my brother killed himself. The only feeling that persists it the anger I feel when getting recon on my stack. However, it’s really short-lived and under my control. I can kill it at will but I often choose to just let it flow throughout me.


Oh sorry about that man.

I am not sure what it is, but recently I’ve studied how meditation in certain cases can cause issues in people, so perhaps the presence can cause this in cases? Like people feeling a loss of identity or too detached from things. But I am just speculating.

Could also just be recon, it’s been said it’s a heavy title, artisinal after all. I haven’t experienced this so pure speculation on my part.

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Cant wait to try this :rofl: but i fear losing relationship with someone :joy::joy:. It needs guts. I think 5 min run wouldnt make things too much intense ?

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The trance aspect of this title is really something, assuming its coming from RoM. Not just with the coding (I wrote a basic rich text format parser in days starting from knowing nothing about the Rtf format… discovered holes in our dataset by heatmapping different variables against one another… solved the problem of one child object per ScrollView control by rotating between Matplotlib figures in the same scrollview at the press of a button/hotkey, and the list goes on). Apparently the trance aspect is improving my game play when i do play MMOs. Found myself begrudgingly logging out of WoW at 1 in the morning after questing for several hours which seemed like it went in no time at all.

The solutions to the programming problems on reflection have been quite creative… but its the degree of focus almost to the point of obsession with the code and guiding it to a state of completion that impresses me. That is, when I actually take a break because the guiding voice tells me I’m burning it a bit too bright.


Saint recommended earlier in this thread to start out with 3 minute loops; 5 minutes should be fine, you can always course correct if you experience reconciliation. I am almost done with my 2nd cycle. Social life and relationships are intact, if not better.

A lot of people on this sub also are being social on Emperor Black or mixing them with social subs, so I’d worry less about it causing a negative impact on relationships.

You may see yourself caring less about excessive aspects of relationships that take time away from handling business though. It’s a great title.



Thanx for a strong and valid answer. I will start with 5 mins then :fire:

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I wanna ask why the title was named emperor black. I read the sales page twice. Top to bottom and it clearly states that it has very light and small parts of emperor. Its said that its most part is Ragnarok. Why not name it Ragnarok then ? And the results reported by other users doesnt give vibez of emperor either. I am not complaing about the name of the title. I am just curious why it was chosen Emperor Black and not any other name !

I belive we already experienced darker sides of ourselves while running emperor Q. Remeber the rage? It was purely used for achieveing goals? Isnt the desperation and anger considered as dark side ? :thinking:
I will find out myself anyway…


I’ve said the same thing as well.

But as I spend more time away from EB, I do understand the logic more: the productivity levels on both EB and Emperor are similar, and that productivity level is a unique element of Emperor IMO.


@Sub.Zero You keep changing your name and throwing me off when I want to tag you on something. You will always be Voytek to me


CWoN made me really present as well but experiencing the “reality” was the total opposite of how I experienced it when listening to EB:ToG. On CWoN I would be breathing in the “reality” and welcome it with my whole heart being in the awe of it whilst on EB:ToG I would be “dissecting” it, detached from it. It might have been a form of recon, though.




Finally someone that understands that. These labels are just signals. It’s not an illness. Your brain isn’t remotely like your body.


I see That productivity element is what gave birth to the title name - Emperor Black and thats understandable because many people including me knew Emperor for its productivity than any of its aspect!

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Wait @Sub.Zero is voytex. I could never know :rofl::rofl:,thats why i was thinking where is he


There’s Emperor Black, Emperor Fitness, Emperor: The House of Medici and the OG Emperor. What do they all have in common? I feel like the word “Emperor” in these titles represent absolute focus and control over all aspects of that domain. I even remember @Invictus saying that he felt like he was an Emperor at the Gym while running Emperor Fitness. So that may answer your question.

Even if they all lack the OG Emperor scripting, they still have the “spirit” of an Emperor, hence the name. That’s my guess.


Yes ,you are correct. Absolute focus and power is the reason to keep title name emperor!


That and also the fact that the infusion of RAGNAROK with some parts of Emperor made it usable. Basically if there was no Emperor parts, RAGNAROK would be useless.

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Was it stated that Ragnarok is unusable without emperor?

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In a way yes, please read the early parts of description.


It was more like we couldn’t get the balance right, so we went back and started over, using the very balanced Emperor script as a base. Then, eating cafe together.