SubClub Elites -- Lifetime Discounts! -- Ranks Updated

@Fire and myself are extremely proud of the community we’re building @, and as a thank you for contributing, we’re going to start rewarding you for posting with discounts and a unique rank badge, depending on your post count.

Ranks / Reward Tiers:
Aspirant (75 - 250 Posts) – 3% off all purchases
Initiate (250 - 500 Posts) – 5% off all purchases
Ascended (500 - 750 Posts) – 10% off all purchases
Junior Alchemist (750 - 1000 Posts) – 15% off all purchases
High Alchemist (1000 - 1250 Posts) – 20% off all purchases
Arch Alchemist (1250+ Posts) – 25% off all purchases

It works like this – keep an eye on your post count. When you reach the next rank, send us a support ticket at and we’ll verify. If you’ve met the requirements, I’ll assign you a badge and supply you with a unique coupon code that you can use over and over within 1 - 3 business days.

Do NOT share coupon codes. Each person’s coupon code will be unique to them, and we will be cross-referencing coupons against purchases to maintain the integrity of the program. Trying to cheat the system will result with a complete revocation of your coupon and rank.

Please note that we are looking for QUALITY posts. Doesn’t mean you have to write articles, just don’t try and flood the board with “helo that is good results” thinking you’ll qualify faster. In fact, most of you that are already here are doing a good job. Just keep up the good work, use common sense and there will be no issues.

Many of you have already reached the “Aspirant” and “Initiate” ranks. If you’d like to participate, send us a support ticket and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

Once again, thank you for contributing to the forum!

Please post questions and comments here. To get your rank and coupon code, message us at


Reminder: You have to manually check your post count and message me to receive your reward code and badge. Many of you qualify but haven’t messaged me yet – you’re throwing away money if you purchase without your code!

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I purchased Sanguine last night, and I remembered this discount this morning. Sanguine must be working, for I remembered this funny movie line from years ago: “I want my 2 dollars!” I missed out on 50 cents. I’m laughing imagining fighting for this :smile:


@SaintSovereign - by manually checking post count, do you mean the posts on our own journals or is there a place where it shows how many posts we have written?

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In the Summary section of every user’s profile.

For eg: You have created 772 posts yet.



@Simon - oh! Was looking for it on my profile but couldn’t find it. Thanks, man. Will definitely have to cash this discount for Emperor Fitness bundle. If it aligns with my goals that is.

Time to message SaintSovereign

PS: woah am Junior Alchemist already. 15% discount is cool.


What does that mean? I am confused.


It means that @SaintSovereign would respond within 1-3 business days with the coupon code you can use over and over.


I have had my code for several months now, and it continues to work. It does not expire. I am “Ascended” at this point.


Will the discounts work in the Q store when it opens?


I think saint mentioned somewhere that the discounts weren’t applicable for the Q store but I could be wrong, better to wait for their comment, I think tagging them would help them see it.

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I can understand why they wouldn’t want to apply it to Q, but it makes the posting I do here on the board kind of pointless if the discounts aren’t applicable.

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Guys I am pretty sure Elites discounts work

I think @SaintSovereign was talking about the 30% discount you get when you buy a sub for the first time. It makes sense to disable this for Q but having Elites discounts work


Elites doesn’t work on the Q store, but that doesn’t mean elites isn’t worth it. We’re not abandoning our major titles by any means – we have six titles on our internal roadmap.


Ooooo 6 titles in the pipeline… can’t wait to see what these possibles titles are about. I bet you guys are going to try pushing the boundaries again

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Well, this is a bummer

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I’m going to be honest – I don’t want to hear a lot of complaining.

We’re offering the most affordable custom subliminal solution than any other producer by FAR. Even the scam website that ripped off our site is attempting to charge $1000 for their fake subliminals. Our price before Q was $700. We’ve managed to lower that price to $250.


No complaints here. Very grateful for your fair and generous pricing for the custom subs and the fact you are letting us license the modules which is super generous.

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