Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

I’m curious how the chapter of ecclesiastes that talks about “There is time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens” gonna be written and how it’ll be executed. I’ve drawn lots of insights from there and I still do. Yet I’ve never full understood it. It has a deep meaning and I’ve always wanted to fully understand it.
" so I saw that there is nothing better for a person than to enjoy their work, because that is their lot. For who can bring them to see what will happen after them?"


Yo, I swear I responded to you @AlexSQ George lamsa’s bible version and the Jerusalem bible (Salvador Dali edition) are good ones.

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Playing with cel shading:



Today, I’ll be catching up on all PMs and other business. All is well, I’ve just been quiet because I’m a bit exhausted, lol. It’s a cycle that I need to break – working relentlessly until I just crash for a few weeks. May be a bit quiet for a few more days while I recover.


We love you


This is why I’m at a crossroads with this title. There’s so much depth to that particular book that my interpretation of it is merely one of many. I might’ve mentioned before that the Sage Immortal scripting base is less about any one person’s interpretation and more about helping the user discover the depths of a particular topic themselves. I believe that’s the route I’m going to take – enhancing your ability to perceive, understand and act upon the inner meanings of the wisdom texts (which also includes Psalms and Proverbs).


Couple of people have reached out to check on me for my quietness – no issues here. In fact, it’s all good news. It’s official, we’ve created a subsidiary within our parent company that’s focused on digital experiences and media. That includes both gamedev and app development. The new version of the Subliminal Club Life app is slated for our first release.

I’m still drooling over our new development machines – maxed out RoG Strix desktops. :wink:


I know you have been listening to 3 mins and I am just wondering if you have been making your way up to 5 mins, 7 mins etc. Or have you just been sticking with 3 mins and don’t feel the need/desire to go higher?

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Actually, I’ve been experimenting with microloops — just 30 seconds.

I’m not going to say much yet, but if there is an explorer among us, give it a try. The results are interesting.


Well “interesting” could be anything :smiley:

I thought you can run 1 minute to just get the uplifting part without much actual content scripting to counter recon? Am I mistaken?


SC’s interest is better results, but 30 secs🤨

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Here’s my theory.

If it’s the first time you’ve run a title, 30 seconds will not work. However, once you have listened to a title for a sufficient amount of time, the subconscious remembers the entire script. Listening to 30 seconds “reignites” the memory of that script as if the entire thing had been played, and thus you get similar results (not the same) as if you listened to the entire thing.

Think of it as the same phenomenon that occurs when you look at a clip of your favorite movie on YouTube. If you’ve seen that movie enough, you will be able to remember exactly where that clip falls in the movie, what happened before and after that scene, etc.

You no longer need to watch the entire thing to remember what it was about and its underlying theme.

Vader reveals to Luke that he is his father. You remember Luke’s reaction, and how that revelation changed the rest of the overarching story. You remember how you felt, and what you gleaned personally from the story.

Every now and again, however, you enjoy watching the entire thing as a reup.

‘Tis the theory.


So do results fade quicker with micro loops?

This sounds like it would be good at reducing recon if you need a little bump to get out of negative thinking habits

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I am not sure yet. So far, I have not experienced a reduction in results. I have experienced a bit more tiredness, but I always get that effect from a healing sub like LBfH and my personal Chosen Wisdom sub.

Mind’s Eye micro loops on the other hand have exalted my programming / game dev skills to new heights. I’m solving problems and gaining insight at a speed like never before.


With all these said, can we state that more exposure(not to the point of stonewall/overexposure)means DEEPER results but tough recon and processing?
PS: 3 min a week is perfect for me now :joy:

Gotcha! It’s like an old song. The song starts and you remember all the lyrics at the tip of your tongue.

In the same way, the subconscious knows the script after it has been run for a while. Then you run the microloop and the subconscious remembers the rest of the subliminal. That’s genius.


Do you think it would be possible to have refreshers additional to your stack without overload?

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Naw, lol. This is one of the reasons I was reluctant to talk about the microloops idea. It is not grounds for overexposure in any kind. You’re still adding more things to be processed by the mind, thus it can cause overload.


I’m not quite sure yet. I’m not going to say that the 30 seconds are leading to deeper results. It’s… different. I can’t quite vocalize it. The results are more obvious, but they can feel a little “shallow.” Maybe?