Are microloops enough?

Currently listening to 5 minutes of paragon and 30 seconds of kb st1 im getting results but im just wondering if im getting the full script? Like the full potential of the subliminal not like a weak 10% version of it

Yep. 5 is more than enough.


But what about 30 seconds of khan black?

Saint has said one can start with 30 seconds to judge reaction. So I’d have to assume it’s ok.

Nobody outside the ones who made the newer titles can say how long is needed for the full script.

And with the new releases, I wouldn’t expect them to say too much what with the cooycats watching everything closely.



The entire script, in my opinion, is seven minutes.

In fact, when listening to Khan ST4, I unintentionally listened to ten minutes and experienced mild recon.

For me, five minutes was insufficient to receive the entire script.

Consider this: 15 divided by 2 is 7.5 minutes.
In just 7.5 minutes, you might obtain a 1x loop if the script loops twice.

Zp V2 is incredibly strong :wink:

For best results without recon, I believe one cycle is sufficient at 7.5 minutes.

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This is just speculation. Not saying you’re wrong, just that speculation is overall a dangerous road.


Microloops are not about the script.

They’re about you.

You cut down the time so that you can process it and handle it better.

As your capacity increases, you can add more time.

But if you’re listening beyond your current optimal capacity, then it doesn’t matter if you’re exposed to the entire script.

My Opinion: Don’t think of the script in overly concrete terms. Instead, focus on the changes that you wish to make; on the journey that you wish to take.

Remember. You could have taken this journey WITHOUT EVER USING A SUBLIMINAL.

That means you could have good results with a 0-minutes exposure to a subliminal.

If 0 minutes could have given you a good result, then why can’t 20 seconds give you an even better result?


Dont know if this is still valid but here we go:


I am personally a feind for running a full 15 minute loop (regardless of the titles).

It’s like a meditation practice for me now. A period to quiet my mind as best as I can and just relax.


I believe it’s not valid anymore.

I used 30s of WB & HeO before playing them for 15m and the effects were there.

I don’t understand the logic behind them, but results are results. You can look them up in my journal (there were a lot of recon with WB, but the results from the first day where i played it for 30s are clear)


I agree, I still think we need to get exposed to the full script at least once. I had a recon with my HeO + DRLD stack, and it was solved after i ran them both for 15m each.


Another possibility is that the number of repetitions of the script may vary from one program to another.

We really have no way of knowing.

And also:

:muscle:t5: :muscle:t5: :muscle:t5:

This week I will start playing 7.5 minute loops.

(I was doing 5 minute loops last week, and 2.5 minutes before that.)

Thank you for the inspiration!


It’s not necessarily seven minutes.


So if someone listens to it only for 3 minutes he/she almost never gets a full script (of course, it depends on the sub)?

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Yup :+1: I guess everyone is different 🤷 and the density of the subliminal.

For me 7 minutes works perfectly for Khan ST4 :ok_hand:

Ultimately everyone will eventually find their sweet spot :wink:

Thanks @Malkuth @Palpatine @SaintSovereign for the inputs

I was just sharing my experiences with Khan St4 :+1:

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This is true :+1:

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I focus more of being receptive, when I’m comfortable I can experience results right away.

I usually run full loops or stop it sometime after 10min when it’s overwhelming but I’ve tried 1min and 3min loop of KB1 and 1min wasn’t doing anything for me, 3 min is when I could feel the power of this sub activating.

From the official support page

Please note that in some custom titles, 3 minutes might not expose you to the entire script. But in MOST cases, you should be okay. Generally speaking, if you have more than 2 cores in a custom subliminal, stick with 5 minutes. Many of our forum users have used 3-5 minutes with great results.

As for the major titles, three minutes should be enough for full exposure. If you want to be on the absolute safe side, stick with five minutes.