Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

Thank you, I did not quite ask if 30 secs give deeper results.
Yes I do agree, since others including friday reported deeper results on higher exposures.

Sooo, I micro looped Diamond (30s). I am absolutely shocked at how well it worked and how “deep” it seemed to hit. Pun intended.

EDIT: In fact, the lingering sexual energy is annoying me a bit, because I can’t focus, haha. Not to mention, it’s having an astounding beautifying effect on the lady – it’s like she’s glowing. Keep in mind, I’m also doing LBfH, so that may also be playing into that.


It is interesting ! I started to listen to Stark yesterday but I had to stop quickly because of something I had to do. I stopped after 1 minute but I had the full effects of Stark, as if I had listened to it 15 minutes ! I listen to Stark for years now, so it makes sense that the subconscious has memorized the script and it is triggered even with just 30 seconds or 1 minute


I’m also a bit shocked at how fast the effect ramps up after listening to the micro loop. How long did it take you to notice the “Stark effects” after stopping the loop?



maybe 20 minutes or less !


Yep, same experience with Diamond. I ran the micro loop in preparation for late night, but after about 30 minutes, I couldn’t quite handle waiting anymore. Also, the effect is still lingering.

I usually don’t say this so early, but we’re definitely on to something. Now, I’m wondering if we can take advantage of this effect within the script itself…


I’ve been using CDs as my car radio doesn’t even have an aux jack. If I were to do the micro looping on CD, could hearing the same 30 seconds over and over on loop be bad?

I’m still gonna do it, just giving you the option here if being able to say “I told ya so” if I implode or spontaneously combust.

When I played with doing shorter bits of Khan before, it was 1 minute of ST1, 2 mins of ST2, 4 mins of ST3, 8 mins of ST4. Crazy that it might be possible to go even shorter!


I am still under the Stark effects after 24h !


Probably not. The theory of the micro loop (and the goal) is to lower recon by relying on the subconscious’s alleged ability to perfectly remember whatever it processes.

You listen to 30s of the sub, and the rest is triggered subconsciously, similar to someone humming the first few seconds of your favorite song, and you begin playing the entire thing in your head. Listening to 30s over and over would probably have the same effect as just listening to the full title.


That’s no bueno for me, hahaha. I really don’t want to feel this DIAMOND-Y for days.


I think this may be part of why so many (myself included) get earworms running subs. Something in the script reminds the subconscious of a song. Maybe it’s one word or a few words. Enough to trigger the SubC to think of a song.

Just a theory of course. Memory does seem to be holographic, where one tiny thing can trigger recall of so many things.

Edit: changed “wheeeeeee” to “where”


Hahaha ! Sorry for you :rofl:

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Like a trigger/anchor in hypnosis/NLP ?


verbal/linguistic trigger yeah.

I like big…

most who grew in the 90s automatically think of Sir Mix-a-Lot

And the more unique a phrase is, or the more archaic the word/phrase is, the easier to get a result triggered

Four score…


This makes sense.

If a traumatic experience that happened to us before (before being very ambiguous lol) can trigger us into an inner crisis as if we’re reliving the event then it’s logical that the reverse could be true.


Now I’m curious if this would’ve worked with Q or Ultima lol. Probably would take more than 30 seconds if so. Was just wondering that while driving back home.

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This idea seems ripe for testing 30 second runs of ZPT or ZPT^2 on some titles. I would like to nominate @Palpatine for this. He’s been a tester before and really wants to see what this can do.

It’s so weird to me, considering ZP stays for about 30 days as you said, right?

So wouldn’t it technically be enough to run one loop a month?

Why do we even run more than one loop?

I mean I know it sort of fades after a few days, but I can’t wrap my head around it.

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I guess the question is how do we tell when we’ve fully “learned” the script? It makes sense to me dedicating processing power of the mind to internalizing a script that’s already been learned thoroughly is redundant.

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Maybe micro-loops of ZP programs can be thought of as the new Ultima option.

(To get a quick boost of results and effects that one has experienced in the past.)