Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

Knowing what I know now about trauma, it’s very upsetting to see people stuck in these cycles. Bad situations compound already pre-existing trauma and the stick and carrot promises that this financial system has depended on to keep people plugged in aren’t there anymore. People have literally just become punching bags for big corporations.

I’m all for internal power, but it’s hard to stand up when you’ve got a group of individuals holding you down. The running theme in this country has been independence, strength, and not making excuses. I’m starting to think that was just some elaborately placed gaslighting to draw attention from what really causes these challenges for people.


Well said. Bottom line is you have to take self accountability and realize absolutely no one is coming to save you. This is why im a believer in taking full control over everything in your life from your health to finances etc…

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I feel this detachment very strongly. I had to eat alone yesterday in a public place. Normally I dont like that, I eat as fast as possible. But yesterday I really did not care, just enjoyed and totally detached from the other people and at the same time connected with them. Very nice feeling with a lot of ladies looking at me, I just smile and salute them :grin:


Well, when the Media tells you every day that all people are evil, people stop acting kind. So if a person DOES in fact act kind without expecting anything in return, you sense evil intent.

I DO blame the Media for this. When your whole programming all day is negative, how can you have a positive outlook?

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I’m curious now. Can someone heal too much? Create their own identity independent of social construct?

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I think DR, Chosen, CWON, and CFW could help with that.

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Is this really healing “too much?”

I’ve recently been disconnecting from “society,” at least the version that we’re forced to endure. I spend most of my time reading, writing, studying and exercising now. The television is almost always off. Every now and again, I’ll put something mundane on just to break the noise (like Survivor), or I’ll watch self-development YouTube videos and the such.

I still feel a deep connection with everyone, however. I’m more sociable, more enjoyable to be around and my energy feels much cleaner, now that I’m not dealing with constant negativity and the such.

What does it mean to be “free?”

How many of your habits and background chatter are actually coming from your core self, and not the identity you’ve created because of society?

When I was a child, I had a vastly different personality and mindset. I was the archetype of the dreamer. I thought the world was a magnificent masterpiece, full of wonder and goodness, etc. As time went on, however, I became extremely cynical and all the talents I wanted to use for good, I ended up using to get ahead in the corporate world.

Now, I look back at the past with regret. Things I said and did to others. Friends I lost. Family I ignored. All because I changed who I was due to society. I know that at my core, I want to do great things in the world, inspire others, help them break free of the societal chains that bind them, etc. But, how can I achieve any of that, if I have allowed those same chains to hold me down too?

It wasn’t until a few years ago, and very much now on Chosen, that I realize that “society” only lives in my mind. Yes, of course we have rules and laws to help maintain order. What I mean is, if I ask everyone of you to “define society,” you’d all have a different answer. That’s because, at its core, society is just those rules and laws to maintain order and civility. Culture, as defined by Webster, is the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group. In other words, limits. Limits to maintain civility. Civility is good. We couldn’t have nice things without it.

But, it does make you wonder… who are you exactly?


I know this is really generalizing things when it comes to personality type. But this sounds very much like INFP core traits.

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I dont think so as life is crazy and their is always something else coming up that may need to be addressed. But at the same time i dont think its beneficial for anyone to be being stuck in a healing loop constantly either. I think its important to heal to build a strong foundation and then build your health, wealth, mindset and so on rather then just healing indefinitely and never advancing in other aspects or areas of your life. One thing that dragon is currently teaching me is developing a mindset where no matter what BS comes up in my life im going to knock it down and im always thinking about the best outcomes even in a shitty situation. Your going to love your dragon journey, its already changed my mindset and im only on stage 2


Ever since running ZP, this question is driving me on a daily basis.

More and more layers are shed.

Slowly, but surely removed to get to the true self.

I REALLY also don’t see how this is a bad thing. Unless @James means sitting on a mountain meditating and thus not being a member of society.
I mean, for some, this works perfectly. Look at @bujin who is super well NOT being with society too much.

And I think the reason is because “society” / “current general thinking” is TOO far from human nature currently that anyone who goes deep into himself rather avoids general pop culture.


Does CWON instill in you the desire to leave the digital world behind? Reduce screen time etc


This is truly a beautiful and worthy aspiration :sparkles:

Let your wish be granted! :pray:

Humanity is not what it USED to be… we are remembering.

Thank God :pray::pray::pray:

From your Fav movie —


There’s no scripting for that, but it does seem to be a natural occurrence for this title. I have noticed it myself.


@SaintSovereign That is the question I wonder about more since I started using subs.


@Houdini I feel that this is true. We, including myself are always thinking about the high price of things aiming towards the poor house. We have to learn how to ride the wave, think positive and realize things are changing all the time. We must all help and work towards a better balance where we all can live financially in peace.


First day running a full 15 minutes of CWON. I started with 3 minutes, worked up to 5, then 8 and now 15. I may announce this as a new recon reduction listening pattern, or a pattern for beginners.

It not only reduced my recon significantly, but also helped me understand exactly what CWON is doing.

It seems that CWON is acting as a results booster, or “results uncoverer,” for lack of a better term. By this, I mean that I’m starting to express the scripting of titles I ran awhile back but saw little results from, like Love Bomb and even EmpFit Stage 3.

Now, I’m starting to see all of those come into play, especially Love Bomb. I’ve also been extremely careful with my diet for the past few days — my fiancée has too. We’ve cooked everything at home, and the meals have been extremely healthy. I’m still dealing with the body urging me to eat unhealthy, but I’ve been able to suppress them.

The calm confidence and sense of hope that comes from this is incredible. This is outperforming the Hope modules I put in my old custom (Qv2, not Zero Point).

The effect on the people around me is incredible too. Everyone is nicer, wanting to chat with me, do favors for me, etc.


Daaaaamn you’re tempting me with this. heh.


I would imagine CWON and Love Bomb would have incredible synergy


So would each listening day slightly increase evenly? Or do you listen to 3 minutes until you feel reduced recon, then listen to 5 until you feel reduced recon, then 8, then 15?


I’ve started noticing this recently as well. It’s only minor stuff e.g. $15-$20 value items, but I’ve received a number of unexpected freebies.

Also, when I make the effort to connect to people they respond instantly. It’s almost like flicking a switch, you can see them suddenly opening up and smiling like they’re happy just to know me.