RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A


Thanks for looking out brother- I got my question answered that my previous build has too many cores for ZP. I will have more questions when building the custom, but decided to experiment further with regular titles and can circle back when building it.



What are you running these days and how’s your experience going?

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Ascension Chamber (too early to know)

Mind’s Eye (It’s easier for me to visualize.)

Overall, I give it a :+1:


I was looking for a compilation of useful threads for newcomers but couldn’t find any one… Do you know of any such thread?

Or if there is none… maybe I should make one… :thinking:

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I know of a couple.

This link would require a lot of reading though. Search button helps.

Unofficial FAQ

Support Ticket Questions & Answers

Foundational Subs

A useful thread due to timing of ZP customs being out now.

Updated Descriptions of Similar Sounding Custom Modules


Abbreviations for Newcomers could also be useful.


@hyperbeam @Seeker Yeah that’s the kind of stuff I had in mind :slight_smile:


Glad to be of assistance.


@RVconsultant @DarkPhilosopher can one of you please follow up with the team? My express (1 day guarantee) custom order from last Saturday has still not arrived, and I am beginning to become concerned that it was lost.

I have submitted a ticket and messaged Saint, but am sure they are inundated with support requests at the moment.

Order # 2023133

Did you type out the modules?

There is the Unofficial FAQ archive thread

If you want to start something else, please do.

And what @hyperbeam and @Seeker said above.

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Hi @Ice.

I can understand your urgency.

I have notified staff.

In the interim, please check your email spam or trash folder. Also perhaps check your account and the order to see its status. Also look to see if there is anything unusual with your account. Also see if there are any emails from SC requesting more information. Make sure everything from your side is in order while waiting for a reply.

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Thank you @RVconsultant ! I greatly appreciate your help with this. I just received it 10 minutes ago :+1:


I can only take credit for notifying staff.



Hey, I just saw you managed to help ice with his express order.

Similar situation, ordered via express on Monday and it’s still Processing.

Checked spam folder etc, there were no mistakes on my side when ordering.

Just wanna make sure it’s not lost.

Order #2023184

Thank you!

I just notified staff.

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I made a post about what to eat to give energy for the subliminals, but Igust got one answer. I read somewhere that saint said that we should eat dense foods. Can you give examples of dense foods?


Honestly the answer in my opinion is anything of nutritional value. Having meals that nutritionally dense such as chicken, steak, turkey, pasta, rice, bread, avocado, lentils, tofu, eggs, oatmeal, broccoli, carrots, etc. You just want to make sure you’re eating properly and not just living off junk foods such a pizza, sweets, chocolate, etc.

Make sure your diet adequate. Not just for the subliminals but for your own health.


I think at one point he also suggested MCT oil.

Here is a thread:

Please remember, this isn’t an excuse to eat a lot of sweets or empty calories.


Thanks @RVconsultant, I think Gatorade because of electrolytes. Will tray.