Main Discussion Thread - Khan

If this is your first subliminal… I’d start with just one stage.


@GoldenTiger what stages are you using of khan and how many loops ?


Stage 1 for about 8-10 loops, stage 2 for 2-4 loops… Approximatly, I try to input the maximum amount of loop I can take before the brain fog starts… when it starts, I just stop the sub and understand that this is my limit for the day :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Today I listened to 1 loop of stage 3 and 1 loop of stage 4 extra, I wasn’t feeling any lethargy or anything so I tried adding loops! Stage 3-4 makes me feel more powerful and horny than stage 1-2 I must say, but I won’t be using them a lot because right now my focus is on clearing limiting belifs!

I am principaly adding a little bit of stage 2/3/4 (3 and 4 being used really sparingly and probably not consistently) because I feel like when you remove bad stuff from your brain, what is replacing them? I don’t know but I feel like your brain needs to have a certain structure to function proprely… for me adding stages of reprogramming were aimed to slowly add good stuff as the bad stuff is being removed!

Edit: It doesn’t mean that I don’t feel the lethargy, yesterday night I was feeling like being alone and thinking about life… then I cried for like one hour thinking about my dog and how I wasn’t there for him in his last moment of life when he was always with me in my tough times! After that I couldn’t sleep so I took a walk outside and then came back home and went to bed at 2AM… I also think a lot about stopping being a child and being responsible for myself… growing to be a man!


I had just bought it. Can’t wait to see the result :heart_eyes:


Saint, if I understand correctly, then:

Khan 1 - healing & clearinig + Khan CORE script
Khan 2 - reprogramming + Khan CORE script
Khan 3 - action taking + manifestation + Khan CORE script
Khan 4 - reprogramming + action taking + EXPANDED Khan CORE script + “best concepts of Limitless”.

Thats correct?


Yes, except stage 1 is more than just healing and clearing – the total breakdown scripting functions a bit differently. I’ve spoken about it on this thread.


Beg my pardon, Saint. I was asking “in real time”, while girl gone to WC :blush:


I have a question for you guys: has anyone tried creating a no-holds barred healing stack with Stage 1? I’m talking Stage 1, Regeneration, Sanguine, Elixir, Rebirth, Limit Destroyer. You know, pure healing.


Interesting…but how fucked up by life do you have to be to need a monster stack like that?


Much like the feeling of real hunger, I doubt anybody has every been so completely healed that they felt it. Everybody has something to heal, the question is how to make the healing as effective as possible, even if the process itself may feel like being run over by a freight train.

I’m just wondering. The description for Khan states that Stage 1 surpasses Regen. I’m thinking they can complement one another. Stack things in the right order and we might be on to something. But what would that order be? Do they work together, or is there no point to it?


I haven’t. I’m using stage 1 solo so I am getting only its message. Me adding extra healing subs, in my experience, is me trying to sabotage the original goal. I’ve done this many times in many ways with healing subliminals. Add I don’t want to do that.

I’m still seeking to clearly see–by experience–what the actual goal is, for me. Meaning the written goals on the sales page seem desirable, but what do they actually mean to me? What do they feel like? I use SC subs since it’s not “programming”, as most subs are known for. From my understanding, they ask me again and again why I’m choosing something. They check my thinking, and that puts the power in my own two hands to continue it, or to begin making new choices.

They make me grow. and Kahn’s full goal I’ve not thought I felt yet due to being on Total Breakdown (Stage 1), which is dismantling a lot of old ways of thinking. It’s been subtle most days, but I don’t think it’s much different from the anger I’ve felt over being disrespected or the constant sexual awareness I have towards women. I just don’t wish to sabotage my actual goals presently by distracting myself.

I’m also leaning toward running Stage 1 at least 2 months, if not the whole 3. Contradicting what I said before, I’ve felt something lately which is worth pursuing more. It seems this stage’s goal is for me to simply get out of my own way. Me not sabotaging success in my life is why I’m actually running it. This is why I’ll run it longer since most subs I’ve used really began getting traction around that time. I began it the weekend it came out.


I do wish the descriptions would be a bit more elaborate so that I know better what the product is supposed to achieve. In science everything needs to be measurable, but how do you know if the subs is successful if you don’t have enough details on what would define “success”?

The idea that a sub takes the form of questions instead of suggestions is quite interesting actually. We know that the subconscious will seek to find the answers to questions, which is why it’s always important not to ask why you can’t do something, but rather how you do it (or did, opinions vary on whether we should communicate as if it has already been achieved). As sub that takes the form of questions would force the subconscious to adapt in order to be congruent with those questions. Very interesting idea.

Hats off if you keep it up for 3 months, resisting the temptation that the latter stages offer.

@SaintSovereign would you kindly tell us if there’s any benefit (or use) to combining other healing products with Khan Stage 1? The product page mentions both Regen and Rebirth. So what if you create a stack of all 3? And in what order/weight should they be run?


Is anyone stacking Khan stage 1 with any other subs ?.


This is what I want to see more then anything can really help with steering us in the right direction so we know what we r doing (other then the dream journal ofc😅)

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You define what success is, then use the tools we provide to help achieve it. We script our subliminals to meet YOUR goals and expectations, not ours. We don’t define “success,” we simply provide avenues and pathways for your deepest dreams to be manifested. Yes, we set a diffused end goal – which are described on the product page, then the script sets about helping you discover how you can achieve how. That’s how @AMASH can run Khan for sex and I can run it for business and it’s both the “right” way to run the subliminal. It’s a tool that can be adapted to your idea of what “Khan” is.

I don’t know. Maybe, maybe not – depends on the person. I do know this: Total Breakdown is much more comprehensive than both Regeneration and Rebirth. But, it’s a different type of tool. Instead of healing, it’s breaking down and rebuilding. If we had a dilapidated building, Regeneration would be someone restoring the building, but keeping the same framework and layout. Rebirth would be using the building a for a new, more positive purpose than before. Total Breakdown would be bulldozing the building down and building a skyscraper there instead.

Similar outcomes, different tools.


I agree. Khan Total Breakdown is a powerful beast. But I am enjoying the process even with the pains and struggles.

By the way, I am not taking days off. And I am absolutely fine with it now. The first 150 hours were rough, but I knew it will be fine. Now I run it almost 24/7, and I don’t feel exhausted at all

I think @Tomcat will be interested in reading that quote above.


I agree, AMASH. Thats make sense for me.


Can u make a guide on how to get the most out of subs, for example u say take action but what action should we take I don’t understand that

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Some like seduction subs approach and spartan exercise it’s understandable but subs like ascension emperor healing subs it’s kinda confusing


No guide is needed for this. Take action means do the things that get you closer to your goal. The reason you don’t know which action to take is maybe because you don’t have clear goals.
If you’re a musician, the action could be to actually write songs and go perform on shows or even on the streets.
If you’re in sales, the action could be to actually make sales calls and try to sell the products.
If you’re looking for sex, the action is to go talk to women and manage to make yourself desirable.
If you’re a basketball player, the action is to go to practice and work on our game.
If you’re running subs but not taking action, you’re probably wasting our time. The song is not going to write itself. Sales are not going to materialize out thin air. Women you’ve never met aren’t going to come knock at your door and jump in your bed. Basketball teams are not going to offer you big money contracts if they’ve never seen you play.

YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING. Whatever thing that takes you a step closer to your goal, that’s what an action is.